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Reddish last won the day on September 23 2021

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About Reddish

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  1. Well, here is a little story for you, mister: Our CP once played with Sjeks as an AL for half a year. Then ally was disbanded and we never had a talk. A year later (!) he found me in discord and sent our CP "adena" for that period while we were in the ally. Once more. A year passed. We never asked anything and never contributed much for an ally. Although he is ain't no saint, there were bad things and there were good ones, but I won't believe in scam. With best wishes, nRolla
  2. Видел этих ребят на фарме - рекомендую;)
  3. it wasn't about Greece, it was to compare difference in gear:D
  4. With respect to enemies and allies Daily pvp of summer 21’ by tGrds and DF ally Comments, flame and blame are welcome;)
  5. Reddish

    Why daggers?

    I’ll take that as a compliment 😄 All daggers are good, but some of us like it hard 😈 If I wouldn't knew you are russian speaking I wouldn't understand the quite depth of your nice troll, hehe)
  6. Reddish

    Why daggers?

    With respect to the enemies and allies Daily hunt. This is oldschool dagger gameplay. And this is why I still play dagger and never get bored of it : Any comments and flame are welcome, rip it!
  7. This seems to be bether idea than mine and keeping in mind what Bellion told about taking infinite SEs. But at least do it THAT way, so RBs will appear again and there will be a reason to hunt for newbies still.
  8. It is not an issue: 30 sec with 2 min cd (1,45 with songs) . Either farmer kill rb on 30 sec or he dies after due to reflect. Also test server is up and i will try to do test whether it works
  9. Last time we were at CS we had 6 CPs total. And this was not about comparing which side is bigger, it was a message: you do bad moves, you should expect bad outcomes. So here it is, say hello to it and adopt. But it is not right to tell that ppl afraid to loose any items during pvp so they bsoe/pr.
  10. You better not go with this wave, man. Should I remind you who started an ally vs chn recruiting everyone in any primes to show his own ego 1yr ago and nobody but TGRDS and Aen told this is a bs and RS are making huge mistake. Now you get the outcome and qq there is no pvp. Ofc there is none, only thing you see is PRs and BSOES from few ppl who plays in EU vs RS ally. Whole point of this post is - dropping items has NOTHING to do with that. This is called consequences of bad decisions made. There is absolutely no point for any1 to fight fully stacked at its poosble maximum party who has only 7-8 heroes. At this moment RS ally has EU ppl, Chn ppl and BR ppl. So who is gathering what? Mb don't bring this kind of hypocricy here? Not enought yet of proving? Take a look here, there is a channel with some vids made across past year. Do you see any other war tags than RS? This is what, also coinsedence? I will not say Zp is dumb (He is the one who started this fiesta), he is smart in his way, but there are lots of other ppl who use their heads only to put hats on. No need to feed them with this empty, fake and totally disrespecful propaganda. As for the rest - changes are good, fixing drop rate to 50% seems also fine.
  11. Lots of random who farm lvl 70 RBs will disagree on that;) But idea is fun
  12. @Bellion I am not started this topicto claim that this way or another is easier. It is part of a gameplay content which farmers leave other players without. Even I myself having decent gear, cannot win farmers on the long run with all my PK chars and struggling. What or how they, newcommers or just less boxed ppl should compete with 78++++ ppl full of 16+++ items? It's just not doable. Anyways. I don't have anything vs farmers, they are good for economy and I even use them from time to time. But farming RBs by them wipes out all other ppl from this part of the game.
  13. The idea is to give resists at higher lvl RBs, when active and live healers would be playing their buttoms off to handle reflect and still orcs will do most dmg as it is intended.
  14. Not rly, as i've already mentioned i tryed that myself on different RBs, and it is possible with random groups also