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Posts posted by Reddish

  1. I dont believe the guy knew where are u from. 
    "Monkey" is just a basic insult here, and should be considered as a local idiocy, not more.
    And what I do not tolerate, when ppl are being pussies "dont call me that, dont call me this, this is unacceptable, blahalbabla". U aint a woman (altho they can do the same), u can silently beat the sh1t outta mf here. My suggestion is to leave la2 as it is, cruel and real, unlike the sterilized workspace in big corporations (i guess this is where it all comes).
    Also this kind of behaviour it is good to see who is who, it unveils the real sh1t behind the nickname and u know for sure - this guy deserves to wiped;)
    Manners, honor, able to be polite, dignity in the end - is really rare stuff not only ingame:\

    Just dont follow such ppl. Be better.

  2. 2 hours ago, MoDoy said:

    that moment when back in the time all people thought how insane gustavs is (same goes for like danieldefo, dvp and other famous nicks from past)

    now when you actually check their content, you realize the gameplay is beyond bad, most of them are just overgeared CP pots spammers which dont do anything special with their below average gameplay :D 

    At some point u're right, but the main thing they had rly bad opponents, not better than just bots (or maybe opponents were driven from l2walker), cuz its not explainable otherwise.
    Also we should keep in mind the fact that game those days wasn't that explored as now, many thing was unknown for most of players, for example the time Gustavs was making his videos nobody knew the function and needs of nxt target, just imagine how u play w/o it vs daggers?:) Simple that. My first knowlage about game mechanics were based on l2blah, which was kinda c2-c4 info.
    It's like searching for a black cat in the dark room back then and trying to compare with same searchings now, at total light...
    If we would talk about greatly skilled daggers - I would point at Satyricon, who made a first vids of oly made supergood, gotta admit tho mpvp vids was kinda decent. But yet again, this was made much later.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Splashit said:

    always constructive opinions are welcomed right? :D

    Ofc, that is why i placed this video here, to know what ppl think, where to improve, what to change. I see now this bsoe thingy isnt good to show  - if I will make nxt movie, I will exclude this stuff outta there;)

  4. 18 hours ago, Splashit said:

    are we supose to be proud of ur 1v1 killing half afk players and bsoe after?

    War is war, u wanna get some chivalry? Sad thing, need to choose other game then :|
    But I agree, content is not the best, thx for opinion

  5. 7 hours ago, Torres said:

    Watched the whole video. I was quite entertained by the bsoeing thing lol.

    That 69 hp left though!!! I'm sure you had lot of fun doing that lol.


    Actually w/o any sarcasm these are the best moments, when u get away on the edge, well that bsoe thing is also a must - it's not c4 anymore, u will be 100% stunned/feared or both at the same time, u can't just run away and re-gank in 99% of situations..
    Anyway, we have to adapt to gameplay we have right now:)

  6. 1 hour ago, MoDoy said:

    get rid of those solo pvps that you kill 1 person and bsoe, those are kinda embarrassing i would say unless you really want to prove some point with it, also just tip in case there will be another video, you want to put most interesting fight at the start of video, so you catch attention of person, like this many ppl will close after first 3 solo ganks

    my 2cents

    Thx, will improve this thing

  7. Hello all, opponents and allies. I did my 1st movie clip, there is shown not only TH gameplay, but loads of my mistakes;)

    I placed it on google drive, cuz u know, youtube blocks for using "licensed" music. And I want to use it, to give a little more of old times feelings.

    Yes, it's done like it is 2006y outside, but I'm not that young aswell, hope u will enjoy watching it, cya ingame

    • Like 6

  8. 2 hours ago, MoDoy said:

    whats wrong with our cp? why he should be part of it when we have 1 sk already?


    1 minute ago, Destabilomaterializacja said:

    If someone dont have good argument to share he will always add a bullshit.

    Cuz FW=Forum Warriors, that is what u are good in, keep on fighting. Thought this allusion is clear as a day, but seems like ur high IQ which Zp mentioned before is lil bit overestimated

  9. 21 hours ago, iAxZp said:

    bottomline i know u need these ppl to have chance hold baium. i know these ppl need time to train them and u have neither the knowledge nor patience to do it, i know these ppl cannot fight against ANY of my 3 cps 9v9. so if i can harash them they will be unhappy and u have to babysit them. so do me a favor and dont pretend u do anything special, u just pussy out the protecting procedure.

    Does Kamikaze cp count?
    Cuz if yes, then we wiped them lately at GC in eu prime when they were trying to farm. And after that, they gathered back in 40 (omg, these regrouping are rly smth I cannot understand) minutes, with some part of Rizos CP, so yes, we PRed.
    We cant stand 1 hero vs 5 (Modoy,Masha,Draca,Hellismth,PoleDance), so yes, we are weak(

    Oh, wait..Imma talking to biggest hipocryte of our server;D

  10. On 11/17/2019 at 5:11 AM, SemenArsonist said:

    the game is designed for people to be assholes

    And this is what freaks me out. 
    I bet if I would be able to force the ppl who are surrounding me irl to play la2,I would found out many of them are so bastards without any dignity.

  11. Totally agree with all told above, right now we are having some new players who are so confident in launching shittons of boxes from 4 PCs or smth like that, I hope i'm wrong and just beieng paranoid about it, and they are rly skillful box drivers, not illegal sowftware users, but atm there is NO way we can possibly check it. So visual defferentation PA/no PA would be rly useful for all of us.

    Pls dont let this topic perish, it's actually rly important to do smth about it now.

  12. 2 hours ago, LandrarK said:

    There we got 70k xp in party full, now in party full where do we go? SV get 5 ~ 10k exp in full party? Forsaken Plains? TOI dominated by big ally? This update came for what reason then? Make life even easier for oldplayers. It's easier for beginners to level 75**, but what about after that?

    I dont see any tragedy.

    ToI is empty now btw, cuz CPs are farmin' GC, which is more profitable, but requires hell of a concentration not to be killed (it's like DI mobs, but much worse).
    DI pt zones also can be farmed with lower CPs, also it will have scaleable profit with GC. I wish you form players into well working maschine to gather exp and gear.
    And after u get 77-78 and having a PT u will go GC, which has atm plenty of space of free farm. But u have to work for that, nothing comes easy

  13. 2 minutes ago, iAxZp said:

    you lost the point here, its not i expected more from a deviate member. So let me explain u the point. ofc you will gank ur enemies at farm/exp/chilling. but u cant rly categorize this kind of pvp as Europian PvP content.this is more disturbing mechanism than pvp.

    Tell me more about EU pvp, teach me like u’ve thought  Devs how to farm epics, and etc bs we all are hearing from you. 

  14. 51 minutes ago, iAxZp said:

    so ganking farm pt of chinese 1-2 hrs before eu prime is what make u feel strong and comfident. good to know, thank god ppl like u are on the other side

    It so much lul, i cant stop luling. U do remember many timez u were gakning our PT while farming, or is it sounds better when u come 3x pt vs 1pt? Doooont even start. Go back to ur cave.

    Good to know, I have a legal chance to stab the sh1t out your lying hypocrite face.

  15. On 10/22/2019 at 11:19 AM, bsklakis2 said:

     I am waiting for the PvP videos of yours. But i doubt you will PvP more than once or two during every week because of timezone. 

     Chn is always on during early EU prime, u dont even have to search them. At least 2 CPs play EU.
    Dont tell u didnt knew that, cuz they are always easily found on well know locations.
