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Posts posted by Reddish


    28 minutes ago, Nevalon said:

    You really have a talent in writing stories!

    did anoyone count how many bsoes he burnt? did he break his record from last video?

    One nice evening run takes smth like 5 bsoes,which is still 6xtimes less than 1 brez;)

    And yeah, sometimes I fail hard, but why u go dagger if u afraid to go outta town w/o a party? Its my opinion, I feel like it’s the best use TH can get, those mini, solo/duo ganks

    • Like 1

  2. My 2nd video, with best wishes;)

    For those who are not able to see video on youtube, here is the link for Google Drive



    Would be glad to see feedback, as it was last time, pros and cons, with arguments, thx!

    • Like 15
    • Thanks 1

  3. 12 hours ago, Poseidon said:

    to kill bishop and to bsoe, to kill random noobie enemie like sws on DI, to show how you kill boxes - its weak content

    Okay, nxt time i will make i bigger gap inside movie (altho i thought these 5 sec and change of music will be  obvious), and write there : now here is smth more like pvp:D

  4. 4 hours ago, vsallL said:

    Evasion dont work in thys server even if i put evasion ultimate on TH every time archer hit me with every shoots thats something wrong fix it better couse some of ppl doing daggers for oly and they max evasion to be hero and here evasion dont working at all you did nice server but fix bugs pls 

    Welcome to the club)
    Every time tyrant is using stun on me while im in UE... But tbh once in a decade u can evade. But u gotta be extremely lucky, same goes to the stunshot.
    Free tip: use evasion talismans, they work better;)

  5. @Koll Oh i got the same question and the same problem, i know the password but dont remember account name or email it was registered to..Char name - Stack its -34-35 lvl , created somwehere like month after server was opened

  6. 12 minutes ago, LuizM said:

    In common game chats (all / !shout / +trade / "PM / %Hero) is forbidden:

    2. Appeals to racism, incitement of ethnic hatred, sexism.

    4. Offensive statements about other users, all kinds of provocation.
    topic is closed ... ppl cant be doing that ... and if someone came to forums to politely ask is because it reached a limit !

    Man, can u even imagine for a second how many times I would "reach a limit" of being a pussy so much?
    Oh my.. Where world is going on...No offence to women, but I smell vagina in such topics 
    Even my allies now were telling rlyrly nasty things to me, and i do undestand it, they were pissed off, it was a desperate, full of anger, yet sencerest thing u would ever hear. 
    Manthefuckup >.<

  7. 2 minutes ago, iAxZp said:

    ppl call me bipolar and braindead monkey and budget-biz and bad leader EVERY1 ABUSSING ME AND HARASHING ME PLS GMS PROTECT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nobody will protect u

    kkkkkk :D

    • Sad 1

  8. 1 minute ago, YipMan said:

    You are wright here, i dont agree with that narration either. But i never saw any South American protesting when there was so many racist attitude towards Asians, NEVER.

    Now You are saing they are biggest racists.... Its joke for me. While every1 know how South Americans love dirty talking, and You are making victims from Yourself...... another joke.... And its not close to 1st april yet.....

    Noh, i'm not accusing any1 of being more or less racist in anyways. Guess u misunderstood my point, which is: there is a lot of spanish ppl who have spanish a a motherlanguage, nomatter are they immigrants or live in Spain, Brasil, Argentina, Cuba or whatever. Thing is, if any1 calls someone a monkey or insults him in anyway - thats just low behaviar, not more. If u wanna get somebody pissed off - there are different elegant ways, not just pleb rudness;)

  9. 2 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    to be fair, with current state how america is, i would call it 3rd world country, but nvm, thats not the point :d i would really like to see you trying to speak spanish with non native speaker in USA and how well it would go, just because they study it in school does not mean they actually speak it :D 

    Maaan, native americans, u know that's already a dark joke to indians?:D 

  10. 6 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    and? unless you go to some specific 3rd world countries which are too busy playing GTA V Real Life, then you probably wont be able to use spanish to any extent (and yes, that goes for chinese as well, it was just joke - learn and speak english for your own sake)

    Dont be so stubborn)
    I wouldnt call US - 3rd world country, and  Spain? Check EU map, its aint small country even if we will bring out Cataloniya (tbh, Cataloniyan isn't far away from Spanish), it's still a huge piece of land populated by spanish ppl.

  11. 7 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    please dont, just because people learn it as 2nd or 3rd language does not mean they are actually speaking it / can understand when someone talks, its like german language forced in high school, painful 4 years of learning for no result whatsoever

    To the facts, check it 1st.
    It's huge piece of population on earth who has it as a mother language
    Us being uneducated and unprepared to face that not only eng and chn are spoken in the world mostly - is just not cool.
    Also eng and spanish languages rly influenced most of other EU languages, altho I myself would be more pleased to be influanced by Greek or Latin languages< but..well, I'm Russian(Greek alphabet was the fundamental btw here), which is kinda Ok also)

  12. Just now, MoDoy said:

    the heck, i hope this wont get approved, because then i wont be able to call any other language as monkey language anymore, because all those greeks, russians, LT, spanish, portugal people will come with same topic :/

    if you dont want your language to get called monkey language, maybe try to speak in languages which are understandable by most of others people - english or chinese :d

    Spanish btw is one of the most wide spread languages over the world, to be accurate. I would put it in the same line with eng and chn.