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Posts posted by Reddish

  1. 29 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    Jzoo doesnt try to provoke you. He just said your cp lost balls it used to have in previous patch. I agree :(.


    Still can't get me:P

    Life flows, we are always fighting you knowing there will be no win, but we also learned to give a "win" to you. This is the place u have to thank mister @iAxZp (hope im right now) with that policy of no fun to the enemy side, not Sjeks or Fortuna.
    Having balls and having common sense aren't the same things, and pls, leave our boxes alone, mister " we are so mad we cant kill u, we will PK ur EE", hope u arent such a fool believeing it's in the main pt:D

  2. Heh, u are mad cuz u cant get us:)

    Man, we are fighting u when we got time for that, but not when u gate 2x-3x pt to fight only single pt, we better waste ur time and make u mad, than start a fight with 5+ heroes vs 1, 27+ ppl vs 9. The thing I was talking about. We are wiping any pt of ur ally, only Ordinator is good to fight us and you. But thats fine for us, nobody calls rest of RS pussies. 
    I guess next month we will go to some caves cuz we wont have any heroes while u will get all of them, which is good and my early gratz on this also;)

    And dont try to make me aggro, won't work, guess u better call mister @axzp for this show:D

  3. 5 minutes ago, JzOo said:

    dev8 never understand meaning of pvp with equal number

    I will search for that screen when I will be home, when u gated 2nd PT to kill only 2 daggers:D 

    All sides got this argument when we try to play communism and equality. Screw it. Who is strong - is strong. Weaklings get rekt like those 2xdaggers vs 2xpt. 
    There is no place for chivalry in this game, so I consider we stop arguing " U WERE 2 PPL MORE AT THAT CS, BLAHBLAH".

    12 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    and if something, it works even better now, because reflect is working against ALL skills, not just auto attacks, that means when you are trying to kill someone, gl for him to actually get your target because you will detarget even with blows (and actually there is even more sophisticated method how to utilize it so it becomes insane weapon, just sayin :P

    Yep, I love it, said not complaining;) Still dmg is shit:D

  4. 2 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    mirage was never interrupting skill during cast, it was always detargeting AFTER you got dmg @_@  (both including interlude and GF or HF)


    2 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    So i dunno on what frishka x5000 you played, on servers i played, Mirage worked exactly same like here 

    U might be right, just some broken ass server i played, or my memory is retarded (also possible)

  5. 7 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    Mirage worked same, just throwing dagger which is interupting skils while cast was nerfed and ppl run with puri songs

    No, I dont mean classics, was telling bout some older times like IL/GF

  6. 8 minutes ago, Sensei said:

    wait, wha--?

    In previous chronicles Mirage cancelled targets even while enemy was usking skill or autoattack, now it cancels target only AFTER attack or skill is done. So if daggers gets assisted by 3x PRs (Hello mister Ordinator) he gets instakilled  (only if he isnt fast enough to trick/switch two of them, which is nearly impossible).
    Nah, im not complaing about it for real, ppl anyway dont rly use nxt target, so it's easy for me. Dmg still shit.

  7. 19 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    if someone likes mass pvp, good for him, i just dont feel like going next target and spam damage skills without botherin who i actually target as fun

    Lets be honest here: daggers dont actually do much of an impact in mpvp, first they run and then they get assisted and die in one go. TH lives little bit longer, but shitty dmg makes it's just not interesting to assist:D
    9v9 is however much more better, cuz daggers can control situation and make fast and right decisions.

    P.S. Make Mirage great again, not that piece of crap it is now:/

  8. 6 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    ah no, its commiiiiiiiiiiing - now speaking for real, you werent anywhere close to be called "good ally leader", so literally any1 could say "if i had X, i would do Y" :/


  9. 2 hours ago, freakout said:

    they dont even bother to target the hero TH on both pvps...your non hero human couldnt do much i think...

    U are hurting me..Why u do dis? Am I joke to u? Mercy plx!:D
    Tbh u are totally right, any dagger w/o CC can go and just relax cuz they are no use.
    @YomanaDamn, i dunno how i did this :D Miracle it is)


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  10. 1 hour ago, Yomana said:

    they dont even bother to target the hero TH on both pvps...your non hero human couldnt do much i think...

    U are hurting me..Why u do dis? Am I joke to u? Mercy plx!:D
    Tbh u are totally right, any dagger w/o CC can go and just relax cuz they are no use.

  11. 50 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    Yep, tyrant op. I have this pvp from draca pov. Similar dmg while u cant hit from distance, need to hit from behind, cant aoe. And Tyrant has greater shield and no zerk

    ?sad story

    Would be nice to show, just for ppl to compare and make right decision when they start new topic "who do I choose".
    And I also wanna see it in educational porpuses ofc:P

    • Haha 1

  12. On 2/16/2020 at 9:50 PM, Maax said:

    It seems that if deviate not active rs can also afford to pk randoms in silent valey......  


    On 2/17/2020 at 12:32 AM, iOrdinator said:

    I remember asking you nicely going to other raid. If you don’t know to share, not our problem. : )

    Or you want us kill it and let you leach?

    Oh, nies, there is some1 not sharin' bossies, what a cruel woLd. U rly believed that RS will open farm for all participants like 24/7?) They needed help fighting Dev8, now ther's no competition for raids and suddenly randoms start to die, oh what a pitty.
    I understand RS, they did decent job in "media war" but it was so obvious :D
    And I will never understand ppl being so naive, believeing "RS are guut, Dev8 ar baaad". There is no good or bad.

    There is power and strength on other side, and loosing them on another.

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