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Everything posted by zorgzor

  1. i have say what i see in real fight v daggers on this server and how thay kill, if statistic say he must miss backstabe to face but he use it and he kill us so statistick lie.
  2. Good movi, like we see lots skill are miss, also bacstabe than start cast to back but person turn face to face backstabe HAVE MISS.... and what we have there ? Bacstabe work almost face to face there and all skills have maby 20-30 % for miss, on movi we see abaut 50 % skills miss and back miss to, 2.45 min, he use back and miss. Also its stupid when skill have reuse in offline mode. daggers make hide + relog, wait some min than log in and hide one more time.
  3. CAn i get music name from movi ? i need it Respect for movi.
  4. zorgzor

    PvP PvP!

    prepair for repair glad
  5. zorgzor

    PvP PvP!

    boosts from lvl is deleted by admin from 1.5 now all can fight and still 2-3 person 50+ can kill 70+ player, so like you say Soil have boost its not true, all server have problem with him, i hope admin repair "Тройное Звуковое Рассечение" tripple skill who have 5 sec CD but must have 10 sec
  6. zorgzor

    PvP PvP!

    Resist stun dont work like mental some week ago. So with RS. Or with no resist the same land rate. + stun from glad is op. Like we test on 60 lvl glad v 60 other class with buffs stun was 8/10. Also like we see from movi glad have 50% chance for cryt maby bd dance give hem bonus for skills, dont know, other clas like tyr warlord dont have so big dmg 1600 on heavy armor and so offen cryts, also i am intresting why with no grade blunt events 1 p ataka and top b dmg different maby obly 300-400 dmg. Then mag with +12 make 1500 glad with +0 make 2000
  7. zorgzor


    Kto byl liderem twym ? Polo czy anza ?
  8. zorgzor


    Galim paimt i klana, gerai jej rusu suprastum. Padesim su informacija ape serva. Svarbu noras zaist ir ts.
  9. zorgzor


    Tp co wymieniles i te co ja byli w tym samym czasie. Immortal heroes byl najwiekszym polskim klanem. Nick taki sam zorgzor. Dark avenger i top lvl na serwie.
  10. zorgzor


    immortal heroes, potem mercy klan i Benzin,
  11. Ale nawet tu widze bledy koledzy. Max lvl juz terez nie ma. Ani 75 ani 76. Mozesz do 78 expic. Bo tak jak admini zrobili to zanim moby daja expa mozesz levelowac i capa nie ma. A jak autor pytal ile mu zajmie expiac spokojnie do max lvl to powiem wiecznosc. Bo szybciej beda updaty niz kolega wyexpi. Nolify 76 maja za rok expienia. End gamu nie ma, zamki, epiki, itemy na +6 +10 to dluga droga. Czegos jak pay2win nie ma.
  12. https://l2wiki.com/classic/Item_Enchanting
  13. zorgzor

    Fell Swoop

    i have reported it long time ago, this buffs increase just limit mobs with auto attack hit. no work on skills and skill from WL is random, from 7 to 17 targets
  14. ​i dont say abaut reuse time, read what i say. the same cast time of skill with +/- 0 dex and -15 Dex when stun resist, stun chance from glad skill, CD from glad skill will be repaired ? when OL make sleep with 90 % chance all cry there cose it was me, now when Soil stun all with 90 % chance its normal ? for me no.
  15. С определенным шансом переводит 3% от нанесенного противнику урона в MP. l2 central, thay have 2.0 maby it change from 2.0
  16. http://forums.goha.ru/showthread.php?p=154993507 go check my question on ru off. reflect dmg dont change if you use or not use armor, like admin there say it work normal, you get reflect in % from dmg done and that all.
  17. ​lol you stupid dumb... I got TOP C jewerly +6 and mage hit me for 1800 - 3,500 for crit... if he is well set up... +/-2 lvl... so you better dont post man... btw from where you take that glad hit with normal hits to heavy 1700-2500? - dex reduce skill atk speed... are you on drugs or just soo stupid ?! ​take taimer like me, put +/-0 DEX and use skill, than make -15 DEX and check the timer. with bouth wariants my stun have 2 sec.18 mili sec cast. so dex dont change nothink, also we check on glad, tyr, and dest skills, all skills have the same attack speed
  18. ​and who will pay for us to test it on ru off ? nobody from ru off making post like we, cose thay play like server is, cos nobody know how to can be, and we have lotsppl from UQ who play until 2.0 and thay say how must be,and i just post there,also lots stats cheked by my self. cose nobody care abaut how they work.
  19. ​xaxaxaxa 1 orfen not broken he must regen just for magick skill. 2 so you noob if you play so long and dont see CD who is 2 time faste than must be. 3 anchor dont have so big land rate, and mental now +/- work, but stun resists dont work at all. on WL i have 1200 p atak and hit you just 500-700 dmg. admin have screen abaut dmg. i have hit more 600-700 dmg SWS, with song P def and 1 lvl more than you, so you wana say you have more p def than SWS with song ? 4yes you use. lots of your movi ans screen we check and see. also we have tons of chars and chars from ally, all from us change now and use - 15 dex who not efected atak speed, skill speed, just nothink change. so dont lie my friend. who have 1,5 k cast ? maby 1100-1200 max. and we hit you with OL 74 full bufed 600 dmg and with mag 74 full bufed 1200-1700 when you hit the same mag or me, heavy armor 1900-2600dmg. Dmg is secound my question, more intresting is Orfen regen mp, stun chance, and CD for most pover skill who is 5 sec, also abaut skill attack speed with -15 dex ​1. orfen is broken for u and him so where is the problem? 2. LF BUG FIX fast 3. He is glad, His skills avoid shield def, he gets dmg fonus from momentum and his skills have high power + he uses "hex"debuf. How can u compare WL dmg to glad? 4. Dex affect skill cast speed pretty much. When i put -5 dex on archer i could already notice i cast stuns a bit slower. But look who is talking!! Mage party who goes -15 men and loose 200 mp and 1 mana regen? Hahaha and you complain about - dex? he lost 100 atk speed and u 200 mp, wondering what is bigger :D. Bout stin chance lf test but i noticed some debufs like DA fear are not rly resisted by mentalshield, just static 90% chance value or smth, while others like WC fear dont land even w/o mental. Smth is broken with wc fear in my opinion, about DA dunno, need some tests also Rizo go play mario, if not UQ members this server will stay in 90 % of bugs and you still say all work ok, the same like you say abaut OL debufs,2 months all play with bugs and for all was ok, who say for you abaut mage - dex ? we all have melle cp chars, which we leave when reroll to mage, so we can easy test, also we have all other chars which we can test with all dye.
  20. ​dont forget admin words, thay fallow ru off not korea untill 2.0. in ru off just from magic skill mp regen
  21. will be intresting to see beast face when stun resist buf will be repaired, and stun chance from skills will be repaired, and dex will be repaired, and orfen. btw you dont say from where you get it, cose you dont drop from orfen it
  22. i can put there yours 40 min exping video with 100% regen mp and kill all mobs on 1-3 skill. Mags 74 with weapons +12 must use 4-5 skills to kill the same mobs. so no comment
  23. screen from you its 0, when you burn weapon +25 and say joke, also i dont wana looking for yours video or screen where you got -15 dex, also i dont speak there only abaut yours -15dex. if you have much money and you can change everyday dye 5 times its not my biznes, you change and make foto, easy. Abaut magic dmg from orfen its from ru off lots ppl play there and know just magic dmg convert to mp, there you have all 100 % skills chance regen skill and you have full.Also good question where you buy 3 lvl orfen, cose all orfen have perk max 1-2 on from all ally, maby fat have.... maby... and all other UQ have, and when we leave perk all epics are in UQ