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Everything posted by zorgzor

  1. 2 month ago you say the same. You guys 65lvl for 3-4 month like i hear.... nice exp. Or maby enemy to strong, and you make 1% in 2 days ?
  2. And we come from hell. ​You're coming from Village of bsoe Yes master ! We from Big Shit Of Elven Village
  3. Cose archer one skill master and make 6k dmg . Also stun resist buf dont work, so we get stun almost 100 % from 65 lvls
  4. I dont say its ok to nerv one person. But its not ok what someone have one skill to kill enemy. Cose 80 % of server will play this person, also its not ok what glad with no grade or top b male almost the same dmg. Its like based on pover skill but not buff or p atack weapon. Also there no bonus from enchating weapon like ot must be. I was disappointed +12 weapon who make just little more dmg than normal +0, also debuffs have the same land rate with +0 or +12 weapon. So its not just abaut your skill.
  5. I never say in no one post what GK is better, so why i must go there ? And btw who are you ? How much person with 7 post can say ? Show you real nick in game and than we can speak who have more experient in game and who make more in game.
  6. ​Whatever, I'll let people see how orfen is working and we will have their opinions. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GBA3ud6X9JI
  7. Why ? Cose you play on server with 500 population /2 day and night prime its 250ppl . If we delete one side from server you will have 150 ppl in day prime and 150 in night prime. 80% of ppl which you see on low location its tvinks. Not main persons. From this 20% just 5 % make 60+ lvl and you will see tham on abg maby. We play there from start we know politic of server. And there are just one pt from 10, who enter 60+ location. More ppl leave than come.
  8. Nobody take chance from other ppl to farm it and make 3 lvl. Or buy like someone do.
  9. So for you info its not only this skill. How you dont get.... admins remove all not needed bufs cakes or buffs. Still items who give deffs bonus from castle are not added. So chars like you cant make so big dmg cose we dont have items for def. Ru off have lots customized. The same enchants in shop. So its balanced for this skill cose ppl can buy and enchant items and make more def than we can on this server. So it will be unbalanced if skill have bog pover but players dont have all shits from ruoff for def or buff.
  10. 3 pages withoud my post, hmmmm somethink new. :))))
  11. Your class is not just one skill master like you wana make it. You have stun double booble shot.... so on same lvl you dont need this skill you can kill mag with stun and dauble shot. But you spam now just abaut one skill when like you say enemy is 10+ lvl more, so its normal what ypu have less attack on tham. Also necro have the same p def like ol with no soul guard. Cose you hit me 3200 with no cryt and over get 6100 crit. So dmg say that p def alsmost the same. Like i say go make cryt on mag who is 65 and post there screen. Where you are with 100 hp on buffs. And mag also on buffs. And no. Hard and pink its not taduliz cp. Thay are pve masters :D :D
  12. How you wana make balance pp v glad for example guys ? Lineage never will be balanced cose its team play game not sollo. And in some situation glad is better for 1 v1 in other wl is better cose glad cant come to close of enemy, but wl can stun i range and than glad will rush. When admins chance one of this chars all system for team pvp is broken.For ppl who say delete orfen, i can say delete l2 and think what you say. Clans fight for it one year and you say delete it. Or maby you wana play on server with 100 online ?
  13. but Sano, Admins say that you dont have cap lvl now, and untill mobs give exp we can exp, why you change now ?
  14. zorgzor

    THX Green

  15. ​like they changed your fatal counter... ​tho they changed it on duelist from custom like to off like, because it was working different on off, so they changed it, so your point here is invalid ​ok, wow, rizos made once 6k to your OL in one special scenario whatsoever (where we dont know what buffs u had on that OL, pretty sure it was crit on FC, ...), u know the truth about skill which is far away from that dmg ​if he will not all time pr maby he will do more dmg, but we see just pr from tham.
  16. rizos if there will be off, like you wana more pover for skill, there will be also lvl pover system and one party 75 will kill 3 partys 70+ cose you will have all time miss on persons 3-4+ lvls. So be happy what you have 6k cryt cose mags 76 have 5-6k with the most pover skill and gloom on target. And you make 6k on person with no hex
  17. Also if wl is pk all his aoe skill dont work. Cose enemy is not flaged when attack me. Just range stun work but how kill enemy with one skill
  18. ​ahaha, lets make poll about nerfing necros, nerfing WLs, nerfing duelists, nerfind DAs surprisingly, everybody will vote for nerfing them unless they have one of those classes in party or they play it themselves, really smart move Also change dex and you skills will be fastest and crit chance will be bigger. ​wait, werent u the one who was crying week ago that dex doesnt change anything on skill casting and warriors/archers dont lose anything by lowering it? so now u wanna increase it on them, nice Yes. Man. Cose i like troll like i say. And ppl say for me that dex work normal, so now i say if work for tham lets change it for better atack speed of skills.
  19. Make test on self lvl enemy than post dmg. Cose you post 3k when you hit me for 3k and taduliz overlord with full buff for 6100 crit.
  20. So make 75 lvl and than fight v other 75. Now you cry what 75 lvl kill you and you cant kill tham with one shot, its stupid..... i am necro too. So i dont need to ask pink. I know how much ypu hit me and hpw much i. 3100 i have get from you when with no song i have 3200 hp
  21. ​Well, anytime FC does a big hit it's a very rare critical, in a very rare situation. Our only point is that the rarity and luck of this skill makes it obsolete here. Call it "Lucky Shot" here; or maybe "Fuvk it, here goes nothing!" shot. Also, the casting time of FC vs. CDL is an argument itself. You'll land 3 CDLs before 1 FC hits. This thread just needs to be closed until if something were to happen to the original topic. Are you fuking idiot ? 3k dmg ???? I have make 5-6k dmg with 100 hp on self lvl mags and its one hit to kill enemy. Like you say 3k with no cryt, than look hp of mags its 3500-4000 on full buf. So with crit, you will make one shot to kill. Also change dex and you skills will be fastest and crit chance will be bigger.
  22. Rizos i dont know you lvl but you hit taduliz on full buff for 6k+ i dont know what you wana more ? Kill tank on ud with one shot ? And what next ? Full cp of thiss class ??? Cmon.... mag on cdl with 100 hp make less dmg, you make pr 2pt v us one pt, cose no skill, and you cry abaut more pover of skill. Maby start fight not only run and you will see what you skill make more dmg than you think. Reaver cp was top bow cp who kill mags and melle dd, and thay dont need more pover of skill. Also my 59 FR make crit on fannax with song 4200 who is 75. So cmon guys...
  23. zorgzor


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