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Everything posted by KnTrviL

  1. As tittle says sell : _"Seal of Silence amulet" Added _"Anchor spellbook"
  2. KnTrviL

    Abrir 2 cuentas

    Si, comprando premium account, podes usar 2 cuentan en 1 pc, cuesta 30 Coin of Luck por una semana o 100 por un mes.
  3. KnTrviL

    Offensive name

    ​Seems you're the one carrying hate here mate. ​Wrong attitude. It's very easy to lay back call people haters when they're just reporting things that are inappropriate or disturbing. Most of the "offensive" names are not as explicit as ihatejews or kukkluxklan. For this particular instance, ihatejews (IGN) and kukkluxklan (clan name) shouldn't be allowed. It's disturbing and fugly. ¿​Why is my attitude is wrong ?, I'm forward to this report, cause I also think those two names are offensive but I've just maked him calling ignorant to the people who were replying his post just cause they think he's an hypocrate for buy the mats from the offensive-name player.
  4. The Dions npc from the Atramental Barracks clan hall are on the root of the hall.
  5. KnTrviL

    Offensive name

    ​Seems you're the one carrying hate here mate.
  6. KnTrviL

    Offensive name

    ​I've reported a craft-bot wile I was crafting bssd by him
  7. KnTrviL

    Bot Report

    Yes that's the way the report in bot section works, but sometimes the botter is offline or the moderator can't really tell if the botter was using external tool cause he was in the pc at the time. Theres alot of those answer in bot report topics. ​
  8. This should be the background song at cruma tower elevator.
  9. KnTrviL

    Bot Report

    I have a suggestion about how to report a bot. Now you post about a certain player, the post have to wait for aprove to be available all to see it. After the moderator see it, the post may be available for all the players (the presunt boter included ) to be checked. Well I suggest to make a forum comand so we can write text and only moderators/forum gm can see it, that way the presunt boter could not see his name at forum, making him confident about use external tools in the game. I saw this in another game when people need to report a bug or xploit by forum, you had a command to do it, cant remember but something like [Only_gm] text [/gm]. That way you can post something only the game staff can see it. Just now after I report a user, saw the assistant bot log out, 1 minute after the report was made, don't know how they know you were checking them. Well just an idea don't know if its gonna be available or useful just my two cents.
  10. KnTrviL

    Premium account.

    Sometimes it happends when you relog the second account, you get disconnect
  11. ​Prostitute? ​see, this is not prostitute II/l2-npc-gatekeeper.jpg goddess of destruction killed all pure gatekeepers, now prostitutes standing as teleporters ¿whats wrong whit change job to a better one?, ¡go prostitutes!
  12. Hello I've bought time ago COL and get made my account premium for 30 days, well I dont remeber when was it, and the accesory item that should tell me the time left isn't telling me anymore. I've tried to look on website by loging my account but found nothing, if someone could enlighten me
  13. ​Actually it's kinda easy to explain, the % of karma you get ride every time you kill a mob it's a % of the xp you gain, so if you kill a mob whit high xp amount and is your first pk, well you get ride off karma pretty fast.
  14. Podria ser un micro corte de internet, el l2 es muy sensible a la perdida de conexion, no asi el TS.
  15. KnTrviL


    ​That sounds really offensive, regardles from where people is from, if they can speak english enough to comunicate should be enough.
  16. KnTrviL

    WTB> Karmian Set

    Looking for the set, accept whit offers of Boots too Wisp KNTRVIL in game
  17. Primeiro foi um continente ​It remains a continent... You can't understand cause you dont speak americanish!!! hahaha
  18. Lineage II OST - Shepherd's Flute [HQ] [Extended] > thats the name of the Dion song.
  19. WTS> Ring of magic - Dgrade 18mdef Earing of magic - Dgrade 27mdef *2 Gloves of knowledge wisp Kntrvil in game or pm me here at forum.
  20. Podes buscar las quest en cualquier pagina por ejemplo Y para saber si estan activadas en la actual cronica basta con que abras el mapa dentro del juego, presionas "world info" en la pestaña de "quest" tienes todas las quest disponibles. La buscas por nombre o por level. Es lo mas "practico" que puedo ofrecerte.