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Everything posted by KnTrviL

  1. I've just head about Scott death so I'm gonna drop here this.
  2. Si no me equiboco tenes dos sesiones de windows abiertas al mismo tiempo (al ver la imagen), cerra esa sesion.
  3. ..I'm still hearing you whining, quit it, go to you room and thing about what you've been done.
  4. ​Dont like it, log out, uninstal and quit complaining, and screaming like a spoiled kid who didn't get what he want for christmass.
  5. It's a good server, great staff, I've seen more hard-work from them than 6 years I've played at NC-Soft server, but still the community seems kinda lack of fights, maybe because the chronicle whose still haven't sieges and clan-wars have some bugs or maybe I'm expecting alot from this server., nostalgia can be a cruel feeling.
  6. The bug is that the nickname stats dont refresh properly, so that player actually was pk, kill few mobs and went white, but you were on range enough to not see it change.
  7. Actually dont know if this its allowed, probably not. Players stores whit difference price between the tittle and the item itself. Shot00073.bmp Shot00064.bmp Shot00065.bmp
  8. KnTrviL

    Server is DCing

    ​for me it's deadly, not that I care much to die, but if I drop from a mob in a DC im gonna throw my monitor through a window.
  9. KnTrviL

    Server is DCing

    3 disconnects in 15 minutes, not only me, all clanies getting DC server seems to have issues.
  10. ​Aceptame la war asesino de cereal.
  11. Si, "arrow of vengeance" yo hacia 30-40k por dia con esa quest, aunque dejo de rendirme cuando empece a ver los mob celestes.
  12. Otra forma es abrir el Mapa, ahi te salen en "world info" las quest activadas en la version actual, y con el nombre la podes googlear hay decenas de paginas con las quest del L2, hasta el momento sin miedo a equibocarme no hay ninguna quest propia del L2Classic. Tambien fijate el reward cuando la pedis, muchas veces el reward fue cambiando a medida que avanzaron las cronicas, de momento la unica quest que me parecio que "rendia" es la de gorgon, "arrow de noseque"
  13. I've cooked something that tasted like food.
  14. ​Indeed, but it's in classic chronicle.
  15. Este server segun yo, ya que no puedo evidenciarlo con nada, sufre de "lag spikes" o sea lagasos esporadicos cada "tanto" personalmente cuando sufro varios seguidos deslogeo, porque se como va a acabar eso. Con respecto a dropear, si te mata un mob la chance de dropear algo del inventario o del equipo es alta, puede ser cero, pero a veces dropeas mas de 1 item.