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Everything posted by Samus

  1. WTS Demon's Dagger +7. Need mostly Peril Bow +6/7/8, but could take a good offer too.
  2. Got Demon's Dagger +7, though I'm not playing at the moment, cause of army obligations but I'm surely coming back in a few months. Basically I'm interested in items and not adena, in case I'm planning to reroll or something.
  3. Got DD +7 .. offer me here or in pm
  4. Samus

    WTB Demon's Dagger +4++

    WTB Demon's Dagger +4++ .. msg me here!
  5. WTB Demon's Dagger +4++ .. msg me here!
  6. WTB Eminence Bow +10++ WTS Top D NPC Reinforced Longbow +10 (15kk) Pm Me here or in-game or mail me in-game: "Solidus
  7. gotta love this server and your actions people. Good job! Veeery nice move, relaxing our bleeding eyes when we need to shop something, thanks!
  8. One of the topics that make me log with my account. Just make a legit Poll and see the results. IMO Classic = populated towns = markets = people moving If I were a newbie and started today it would be better if I moved to Gludin after X Hours of playing and checking 3 or 4 shops(will be more I'm sure) with items that match my lvl (gludin) then moving to a free giran Harbor market zone full of offline shops where someone (including me) can sell EWC for 3.5kk until they're sold which might take ~2weeks but well who cares Offshop is free! There's no competition in a market with free offline shops which cost nothing! Let's face it the keywords here are: Classic, nostalgia. Dont take those words away. At first AND now, Giran Harbor doesn't bother me at all, but seeing this post made me realize how much I miss L2 towns!
  9. WTT Eminence Bow +8 for Dual Katana +8++ OR BW Heavy set OR Dual SLS ++ or give me offers in adena. thanks! WTS EMI BOW +8 105kk
  10. wtf no interest for emi +8 :'(
  11. WTT Eminence Bow +8 for Dual Katana +8++ OR BW Heavy set OR Dual SLS ++ or give me offers in adena. thanks! Pm me here or mail me ingame "Dracian
  12. WTT Eminence Bow +8 for Dual Katana +8++ OR BW Heavy set OR Dual SLS ++ or give me offers in adena. thanks! Pm me here or mail me ingame "Dracian
  13. WTT Eminence Bow +8 for Dual Katana +8++ OR BW Heavy set OR Dual SLS ++ or give me offers in adena. thanks! Pm me here or mail me ingame "Dracian
  14. ingame "dracian after 3-4pm greek time
  15. WTT Eminence Bow +8 for Dual Katana +8++ OR BW Heavy set OR Dual SLS ++ or give me offers in adena. thanks!
  16. WTT Eminence Bow +8 for Dual Katana +8++ OR BW Heavy set OR Dual SLS ++ or give me offers in adena. thanks! Message me here or mail me ingame "Dracian
  18. Samus

    Mods 1.5

    Well had to select from the game options -> Full window mode and it's working with Morim's old l2.ini Thank you
  19. Samus

    Mods 1.5

    ​Thanks man. Will give it a go tomorrow, will inform if it works! ​Ain't working mate