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About skumbre

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  1. Modoy doing almost 9k damage now thats something you wont see everyday
  2. My advice- stop being poor. But seriously if you cant or dont want to pay its up to you but be prepared to face difficulties
  3. Why is it so hard to pay 10 euros? Ppl can afford internet i guess they should be able to afford 10 euro to make their life easier in game
  4. Exping is much easier now and yet ppl still want some bonus and shit. Go try 1.0
  5. skumbre


    Wts bellion+9=470kk
  6. So shakalaka got banned by mistake?
  7. skumbre


    China: hold my sake
  8. skumbre

    login down

    Login down again
  9. skumbre

    login down

    are you kidding me? same problen today
  10. skumbre

    login down

    someone looking at this login problem?
  11. skumbre

    April fools

    @San0 wtf go to work