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Everything posted by Convict

  1. your just a butthurt crybaby who wants to farm in peace with no compition
  2. ALL you people who report bots and complain of bots bot yourself...quit with the hypocritical shit ive seen so many people bot and get away with it while others get banned instantly and even legit people get banned because gms ban people who get reported...this server is whack
  3. the gms do not speak to you when you get banned....they just disconnect when someone reports you" most likley one of their friends you killed" you get banned and then they tell you to buy back your char....they dont understand what dual boxing is they think your a bot because you have to computer screen and can click back and forth...and for the record to all the community who is fuckin BR and retarded...just because people dont speak to you doesnt mean they are botting
  4. back on retail days russians would teal americans credit card accounts and quick charge stuff and then the money would get recalled but they would keep the gear...russians cheat end of discussion...but 1200 dollars for d grade lol...yea hes modified for a fact yesterday he 1 shot me in top d grade gear with 1200 hp no bd or crazy buffs....
  5. hey nicolaas why did u delete my dwarf land bot farming thread? there was no fighting or trash talk...whats wrong?
  6. the fact is this is a 3x server...its not adjusted correctly...lets say u lose 2 karma per mob on a reg classic this is 3x u should lose 6 but u lose like 1 karma a mob 2 if its a mob higher then you...i mean its ridicilous this is complete carebear shit...people can just ks u and ks u and ks u and overhit last hit to steal your quest....the grind isnt what made lineage 2 great it was the pking and pvping which this server discourges in every way now because low rate and xp loss is crazy on top of cant lose karma now unless u die and drop items...and btw first pk should be like 340 karma not 720 its been that way since prelude
  7. u cant work off karma and pvp is what made lineage 2 great and pking...if i cant pk then this server is a done deal already for me gg lol on to the next project
  8. I pked someone like i normally would and for first offense I got 720 karma...I didnt mind cause I figured I would work it off but then i realized I was losing 2 karma a kill on mons similar in lvl white mons...that means I would have to kill 360 +++ cause most mons only dropped karma by 1...In my opinion you just made the biggest care bear mistake by penalizing and discouraging pvp...people wont fight for xp spots cause people wont flag if they cant win the fight and just get pked and can keep comming back and back and turning people perma red even quicker cause u cant work off the after I died i lost the karma but thats ridicilous i killed 200 mons and spent over and hr working it off when a group came and got me but thats just stupid even at a 3x pace i shoulda been dropping karma atleast 5-10 at a time on a 3x classic....js your rates are off
  9. just wondering is all and is sitting afk in a bot group botting?
  10. no this isnt a classic feature..this is a russian wannabe add real lineage 2 classic you dont have half of this either u make it classic or classic like...u change mob speed to be like classic but in actuality its not classic its russians version of classic...go back and play prelude and c1 and follow that server for classic...not just adena rates and xp rates
  11. Convict


    its obviously not a full plan of it I am sure there could be tweaks to make it and with supprt healers and stuff if they in party they get party xp..again it wasnt a full drawn out plan but you obviously get the scenario more or less hopefully
  12. Convict


    thats why they should get rid of party recall and never ever have bsoes ever
  13. Erase this give away...I dont want anyone knowing my level..I would rather them be stupid and get rolled
  14. yea russian in shout is really really annoying...if it continues it will drive others fact im already annoyed with it and have stopped playing the beta because of server everyone speaks english for the most part...i dont mind pm party chat and such but shout english only..start banning these idiots who do it to be annoying
  15. Convict


    Since this server is a mixture of many thing I would like to offer a small twist amongst things on this server...Why not put a xp bonus in for pvp...for example when you die you lose 9% or whatever it is...why not have the person who issues the kill gain like a bonus 1% for the pvp...It would make things interesting of sorts...but only if combat was mutual and such...nothing for like people killing lvl 1 alts...
  16. I talked alot of shit but i can honestly say good job so far...the wait was annoying and the misdirection can piss people off but u guys are doing a good job now that its started...if we had this the 15 im sure there wouldn't be many complaints..keep fixing as we go..
  17. I talked alot of shit more then most and so far i am.impressed with response of errors and bugs...yea its not exactly classic but if they keep working and doing fixes it will be a solid server i think. ..and my lags not super bad they just need some geo data fixes and skills and quest far im playing to find bugs to help for launch...biggest is adena drop complaint it dont seem to be accurate but i dont mind it being harder
  18. ​69 with your mom ​thats nasty you like to eat out old broads....u can have my mom as long as I can have your sister
  19. u dont pwn anything stop dick riding people
  20. all chat other then private messages and party chat should be english...dont shout stupid russian shit...dont all chat stupid russian shit...english mutha phuka do you retards speak it!!
  21. no one gives 2 shits to learn russian cause the language is just a waste
  22. it dont matter whether or not they even have a server im here to chew bubble gum and troll the forums..and right now im all outta bubble gum
  23. uh huh sure sure..keep telling that bullshit story