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About Shadept

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  • Birthday 06/27/1987

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  1. Wrong i send with payment request. The other player took item but mail with money wasn't sended back he stayed in sended tab as payment request mail with the amount of adena on it...
  2. How come? Cause i have a payment request mail in sended sided player already payed and i can«t get money.
  3. Is payment Request mail working properly? Cause i feel like it isn't. Any info?
  4. Shadept


    how much do you want for it?
  5. Ok thanks for your time awaiting for the fix. ;-)
  6. Hello everyone i wondered if divine inspiration skill is bugged, i never quite worried with it, but yesterday i wondered if it was working normally it should give 1 more buff to the person or learned it or 2 in case you have lvl 2, but that doesnt quite happend was wondering if the skill is working wrong i use my self buffs normally to Overbuff my self dunno if it has anything to do with it. Thanks for your time. Apreciation Balu.
  7. Shadept


    Hello Dear administrators, I just figured that Warlord have alot of issues, besides skills not working in siege, and VR has no effect in any of my skills what so ever, now i also checked that my final frenzy skill doesn't give me any P.attack when i'm below 30% health. The character is still playable but with all this bugs it get's harder and harder having people play this character i really hope you can solve this bugs, since it starts to be too much of them in same character. thkx for your time. Regards balu
  8. So i'm going to ask this for 2nd time now, and i hope GM can take a look at it this time and give me some kind of response, Feel swoop book it's not droping at all, can´t get it or find it beeing sold, as far as i know i'm farmin fline for it but tell me if i'm wrong and farming the wrong mob cause it's what it says in 1.3 Update. Thkx for your time. Balu.
  9. Well i have been Warlord for a long time now, and GM's told me that agains't non flagged players that's how skills should work. Sadly war is treaten the same way as normal players. Warlord will be OP if you start using skills on white people and you will earn PK points pretty fast believe me. Now War should be a PVP status from the begining so i guess we should be able to use our skills, every healer never flag when i'm close by cause they know i will not hit them. Either way i hope GM's answer's you and will enlight us about this Mather, about VR well you don't really need it so was never a big deal for me, even so i think in should work on skills aswell like lucasi is mentioning. Ass. Balu
  10. Has anyone been able to get the book for this skill or not. Haven't seen any beeing sold yet in town and i was wondering if anyone has seen this book.
  11. If u want to benefit even more high lvl clan's and high lvl people that don't even care about server community sure Castle and CH implementation is the best choice. Now if you want to give the community the oportunity to get higher and get better gear at the same time then everyone else make it by drop in high lvl LoA mobs and by spoil in high LvL DV mobs like pytans for example, that way the comunity can try to farm them at a decent lvl (that majority already have.) and high lvl people will just farm it in deep LoA since they will keep farming Xp there.
  12. Well as old time l2 player, PVP can be done anytime, anywhere no one stops you doing it. Now PK was only for the people that doesnt care about gear, you needed to be proud and fearless to be real PK Player. Now PK scrolls is a offense to those PK players. The quest should be a small punishment for doing PK but in this server no one cares, just let it be a free warzone where the powerfull do whatever they want, and the lower ones leave server, if all u want a server qhere 100 people of 1 ally play, go ahead and keep the Pk scrolls soon server will be out of people.
  13. Shadept


    Mate what can i say, sorry i couldn't say goodbye properly, you are one of the most suportive players i knew. Will miss our chats on what shall we play and how. It's a big loss for everyone not only admin but community aswell you had a gift to put a smile in our face like no other. I wish you the best of lucks, in work and personal life. Make beatiful children, (not ugly like you.) :-P. take care of yours that i am certain they will take care of you. A very big hug mate. And may the road ahead be as sunny as you are. ;-) Respect mate. Balu.
  14. Shadept

    Giran Drops

    ​ What you want to get back? Something, what have nothing to do with yesterday's situation, got removed? Because if you got smth yesterday and it was removed - you lost nothing. It was not stuff you were working / farming hard. And, as i said earlier, it was not just some people saying about stuff deleting, everyone was informed that all dropped stuff will be deleted. And in game announcements and on the forum by administration. If, as you said, you sold your weapon, you can buy it again with the same money. ​I Had a widow maker, sold it and bought a Orcish poleaxe de top C pole ingame, well my only loss was all my adena, and the weapon it's ok if you take everything else. but just asking if i lost my weapon, what happened to my weapon in the other Character that was bought with that same adena? lost everything too adena+weapon??? that's not 1 problem that's 2 problems now. And btw i logged in when everything was happening in the meantime didnt came into forum, so yeah i started to figure it out when 2 ring's B grd where not in my wh so i stoped but everything else was done already.. coulnd't reroll.
  15. Shadept

    Giran Drops

    ​Please submit a Ticket to Support via account manager. But if you bougth the weapon on the money from yesterday, they won't be returned. And you still have to have the money from selling your weapon. We were warning everyone yesterday and in game announcements and on the forum that everything will be deleted, so you had to be aware and not make such deals. I already did that still waiting for some kind of answer cause i can't buy another weapon with money that i don't have... Something has to be done and you can believe in whatever you want. Some People said it would be deleted but i didnt thought it would be like this. Alittle unfair for me but ok. the only got wasted is a lvl 51 nearly 52 WL... ​