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Everything posted by Anytime

  1. dude - did you read my post? i said idk how it is on 3rd class. I only talked about second class.
  2. on second class? how come you think it could be better? no half kill and landrates much lower ...
  3. @Poseidon you mean LIVE or OBT? with now?
  4. You, Me, MsStabby + your unicorn? sry im out! to much for me ...
  5. Anytime


    Emi for what ... PR? ... nahhhhh WTB: +++ Great Sword
  6. Anytime


    sry i was wrong - i have mistaken him with a other very bad tank! This one is very trustable - even as catalan! - in love: anytime
  7. Anytime


    careful - scammer! he owns nothing of the items he wanna sell
  8. We will see how they do in pvp. They are loosing a lot damage with fixed landrates and no half kill. So ye if you compare it to 1.5 - it will suck. Cauz you will have a lot of situations where you try hard on a target and fail lot of blows. But i think they will get back a big part of their potential on 3rd class and especially on lvl 78.
  9. i guess you didnt read my post correct. In my first sentence im saying dagger is fine atm and wont get better in 2.0. I also said earlier in some topic that it will be a "nerf". + I already made enough tests in 2.0 (closed and open beta) - so i definitely know what we or i can expect. So what you expect to read from me?
  10. only my opinion but: if you think dagger is not fine in 1.5 you should really think about a classchange. Cauz it wont get better on 2.0 unitl a decent level on 3rd class. The Damage is fine. The only (small) Problem is that you need full buff, fire dance and VS active to deal propper damage (a lot of other classes do much better w/o BD in my eyes). ... if you have also access to a cat - you often one hit soft targets. If your enemy is a bit lower on level you can deal near to 5k dmg on gladi with lucky crit backstab (not happend only one time). And there is have "Half-Kill" atm. Also we should not forget that if you manage to land a backstab - the damage goes directly to the hp!
  11. admins wanted to fix something in 2.0 i think. But dont worry to much about tyr and gladi - these destros can one shot ppl soon ???
  12. If you wanna proof that dagger damage is to low on our server you need to give admins some proofs. Find a video from 2.0 and try to reenact the situation on testserver.
  13. But wasnt you trying to get infos about PR dyes, bought a bow - sold it some time ago - then tryed to buy dagger again? Thought you classchanged from PR > Dagger. Sry if im wrong!
  14. @Chest are you one of that Phantom Rangers that powerleveld with FC and now after classchange to Dagger realised that its not soooooo cool?
  15. lol if dagger mastery would get removed you can stop using skills on pve
  16. Who say that it was bugged - maybe admin wanted to have it like this - and now they wanna make it like on the official server. But i guess it dosent matter how we will call it
  17. Didnt test the 3rd class now - but what i can say for the 2nd class is that the damage-output is dramatically fallen! High chance on failing blows (often you miss 3 blows in a row). Even Backstab missing a lot of times. Couldnt feel that there is a higher chance for double (crit) Backstab or something. Dmg of the skills isnt that high also. Good thing for PVE is that you can crit more often on auto attack cauz of that othel runes. Overall i would say: hello dagger nerf - but idk how it will be on 3rd class! OR i have to play with dyes a bit to increase landrates and double crits. I never played Dagger on a other classic server before - so i was like: WTF is this ... But its funny to see how dagger is the flavour of the month on live server!
  18. @ProGressive add the option: "its complicated!"
  19. hello everyone, is this the topic where i can start to cry about the new dagger landrates?