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Everything posted by nobleshawn

  1. lvl 65 sph looking for CP- message me here on forums! English speaking preferred. 15+ hour a day playtime!
  2. I have +11 sov +5 black ore jewel SET +6 AVADON ROBE SET Offer here.
  3. give me price in coin of luck and adena
  4. how much u want on aden clan hall?
  5. that is like.. not even cool.. to post my old char.. that's like fucked up.
  6. if your active EE PM me ''chevignon
  7. nobleshawn

    LF Cp

    pm chevignon please
  8. ​and once again.. never fails. im mentioned in every forum topic
  9. haha, the best part about this whole thread. is this new guy is probably like WTF. hahahaha
  10. Amazing. I didn't say one word on this thread. and im talked about by someone.. hey guess what Shibb. for your information, I paid for my own cocaine addiction. Thanks. Two, Ive been sober over year and a half. Three. you have no idea who I am or what I'm about. look check this out pussy. you wanna handle this like a real man? come see me in real life.. Then trash talk me like a badass. I'd love to see it, you claim your in New York. I'll give you my address and ill pay you way. you man enough to meet me in person? or you only wear daddy pants behind a screen? Let me know. the offers open.. Oh, and Heres a pic of me by the way. I think I look pretty fresh to be a coke fiene eh?
  11. when the castle is taken by another clan, the guards/castle our respawned, not all, but some. its not a bug.
  12. ​yes you are.,idiot who got money for cols. ​but if nNyxi .....the number one fan of Mizuno HAHAHAHAHA ​YOUR ALL FANS TO ME!
  13. all buffs are implemented into clan halls just like on castle. why not on this server?
  14. I think clan halls should support all the buffs the castle does, just like official server. this would make it easier for people without buffers, or people who simply don't have two pc or someones PC who cannot support two clients to exp easier and pvp aswell.