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Posts posted by Rizos

  1. 10 hours ago, JaneDo said:

    Its just gossip , i personally tryed to encourage people to vote -3 on oly , so we can have more people and faster waves. Server is asian sieges and olympiad must move to 20:00 beijing / 21:00 seoul time. Simple as that. There is no conspiracy , it should just be 2 separate votes.

    so how come time move option lost :O. Who voted against?

    • Haha 1

  2. just a speculation, but i heard GOSSIPS that haogu asked whole clan to vote to keep old oly time because they have BRs in ally and for BR its worse to move time and their enemy ally - RoyalFamily doesnt have BR players. So in the end WK ally get negative impact with activity while RF ally doesnt get negative impact. So 90% of asians on this server will keep playing in eu prime events because of 1-2 BR cps in WK and because of political decision of 1 of ally leaders. Dunno how much truth is in this gossip tho but me and many friends were very surprised option to keep eu time on events "won" on server where 90% of players are from asia. When its hard to find logical explaination for things that happen, conspiracy theories appear ;)

    • Like 1

  3. 4 hours ago, Kse said:

    By the rules you need the party to help you kill the boss YOU get. 
    It is nowhere said that all party should get each a boss from just 1 melon. YOU, not all your party members should open it. And Raid boss, not Raid bosseS will appear.
    Topic explanation is directed to YOU - the person reading it. YOU need to find friends, Jessy will send YOU and your friends to the spot, YOU need to open it. If your friends had to talk to the melon, it would be mentioned as in any other places your friends are mentioned.
    As soon as you are talking to the melon, it shows an animation and summons you a Boss. 1 seed - 1 Boss. You kept talking to it within next few seconds while it was decaying and triggering a bug, that it was allowing to spawn more bosses - it is bug abusing. 
    It never crossed your mind, that getting dozens of Bosses from just 1 melon is not allright? Bosses, which give really good EXP and each of which gives 15 pouches as a reward? Haven't you participated on the events on our server before to understand, that something doesn't match? Did you or any other players doing it with you came to us to clarify? 

    It is really amusing to see people trying to cheat and then trying to fit it into the rules after being caught.

    There is nothing to discuss. 

    Well you in eng can me single or plural :D

    p.s. dunno what was the event and what was the abuse


    4 hours ago, Kse said:

    Haven't you participated on the events on our server before to understand, that something doesn't match?

    Makes sense, you should relise club couldnt produce an event worth to farm, based on previous events. In this case you are right!

  4. On 7/19/2022 at 2:47 PM, San0 said:

    - Destroyers Roar is now affected by char level difference.

    Please fix new skills to be correctly affected by lvl. For example bluf and this bd fear debuf. They work as if they were 77 lvl debufs but you learn them on 80.. 81 lvls already have higher resist vs this debuf :/, checked just these 2 but maybe there are more debufs like this (i would check skills added on recent update)

  5. 5 hours ago, San0 said:

    On next restart:

    - Anakim/Lilith fields will now be droping quest items for daily mission from Strix 75+.

    - Enchant supply box was split into 2 different boxes, Enchant Supply Box(only normal enchants as it used to be) and Improved Enchant Supply Box(normal enchants and improved enchants)

    - Enchant mission will be rewarding Enchant Supply Box

    - New daily hunt missions were added in replacement of the old weekly hunt missions where players will have to hunt certain ammount of mobs for the following rewards:

    • lvl 21 to 40 - 200x coins of knowledge, 5x Sealed Rune, 1x Improved Enchant Supply Box
    • lvl 41 to 50 - 250x coins of knowledge, 10x Sealed Rune, 3x Improved Enchant Supply Box
    • lvl 51 to 60 - 250x coins of knowledge, 10x Sealed Rune, 3x Improved Enchant Supply Box
    • lvl 61 to 70 - 300x coins of knowledge, 20x Sealed Rune, 5x Improved Enchant Supply Box
    • lvl 71 to 75 - 300x coins of knowledge, 20x Sealed Rune, 5x Improved Enchant Supply Box
    • lvl 76+ - 300x coins of knowledge, 20x Sealed Rune, 5x Improved Enchant Supply Box

    - Amount of Coins of Knowledge per pouch has been increased:

    • Newbie Player Pouch 20-39 = 100 coins
    • Advanced Player Pouch 40-51 = 500 coins
    • Expert Player Pouch 52-70 = 4000 coins

    looks nice you addrss problem with adena farm for lowbies/more coins of knowledge, but did you remove 1h 100% scrol daily completely? why :o
    Edit i read wrong, i thought its instead of old daily quest ;d

    • Haha 1

  6. 14 hours ago, Koll said:

    I will review it, but your message exact reason why we don't have much information in most cases and have to rely on our vision of what is best:
    1st sentence - intreduction. 
    2nd sentence - system is bad, no reasoning.
    3rd sentence - because you didn't provide any reasoning why system bad, no reason to change decision of how it's made.
    4th sentence - Runes will be addressed. Why they are selling items they dropped from boss? What they will use adena for? I guess they dropped type of item they can't use and want to buy item they can or use this adena to but consumables or save for later. And how many items you need to drop from bosses and sell to get +10 weapon + rune? Also amount of runes from low level bosses are low% of what high levels get.
    5th sentence - Adena they didn't spent on consumables, on C weapon/armor/jewel then B weapon/armor/jewels. If you want weapon that you can insert rune - you craft it or buy with adena you saved or you farmed POBs at low level locations or you farmed/crafted items/keys/resources. It's better to start with Common B set +3 and B weapon +3 without rune, then without it and I don't think you need +10 weapon with rune untill level 76+ what you prefer weapon +10 without rune for free or +10 with rune for insane price for new player.
    6th sentence - players won't start, no reasoning.
    7th sentence - items persist in other form. Runes/enchant for low levels will be addressed. Old players wasn't affected by this change, unless they was farming this bosses for their own benefit. 
    8th sentence - Runes will be addressed.
    9th sentence - no.
    10th sentence - no.
    11th sentence - It's free coins, free item. Amount of coins drop will be increased and because items can't be dropped or used with karma + old players have lots of high end expensive items, we don't think it will drasticly affect them. As you also can see, amount of places to drop better items ( A grade ) was increased to help old players move forward leaving B grade behind, which will decrease price of it if more items will be on a market.
    12th sentence - no reasoning.

    Most of it are just emotional. From your message I don't see reasoning why this system are bad or why we should change it. I only see concern regarding weapons not having Runes in it. So in case we address it - system will be good?

    SYSTEM IS BAD FOR HIM BECAUSE HE AND SOME ITALIANS farmed this rbs, and most likely rmt adena. You cut their income so they cry

  7. 15 hours ago, LandrarK said:

    Well, I need to leave my opinion regarding this implementation of coins, if it's worth anything. The worst thing that happened in the club was the implementation of these coins, removing the drop from boss 70 and lower was a pretty radical decision. Other actions could be done to break the farmers, like removing only the enchantments, or something like that. The items and runes they dropped also helped new players make adena. You put that and justified that it would be a way for them to hold on to their adenas to spend at a high level, but what adena? No new players will start playing on this server, let alone now. Instead of increasing the contents, they are apparently limiting, it doesn't make any sense. Not to mention, what will happen to the runes? Will they only be obtained in high level bosses? All this after there are already millions of runes dropped, you now limit? Who is the new player who in their right mind will spend 11k coin on a weapon that not even a rune can place? I don't know what a ridiculous idea this was, soon the items will be "Imprinted" like in essence? Please review this.

    funny how  only ppl who cry about removed drop are high lvl, and most of them abused this low rb farm, didnt see any lowbie crying about it.
    Only ppl who never pvp just keep farming and farming keep crying about it
    Only part i can agree with you is that weapons that cant have runes dont make any sense on classic

  8. 14 minutes ago, darksinger said:

    also more buffs on titan not necessarry...


    check tyrant that get nerfs and nerfs and now cant even pve on new areas and still dont get anything with focus on pvp

    Agree about titan op and tyrant shit. Tyrant was nerfed hard cos of PvE power. Now it's shit on PvE and pvp. Destroy was best class on Oly or 2nd best and still getting boosted...


    • Like 1

  9. It was fine up to some extent for last months cos atleast asia prime had pvp. But now when u log in asia, there is nothign going on, 2 parties make plvl in fi/gc, there is fi pvp 3v3 cp on fi beach for 40 min then ppl log off and thats it. Even asia prime online drops. I repeat SERVER DOESNT NEED NEW UPDATE FOR 100PPL. IT NEED SOME ACTION TO BING NEW PLAYERS AKA FRESH START FOR NEW PPL

    I already feel like last retard playing here ppl ask me why i still play on dead server :|

    • Like 3

  10. 1 hour ago, Creative1365 said:

    There is still places to farm as solo or pt and u can make easy 1kkk in week 

    Also the info about RBS before spawn would be easy for ppl because at moment when farmer will bring gate it will be easy to counter for randoms ...isn't hard to kill box gate or hold it in battle.mode..


    Go farm gc or anakim if you need exp. You can have fun playing nonstop, not standing semi afk and waiting for rb. Who cares about rb, system is broken after lastest patch, rbs die as fast as normal mobs - huge absurd. But you have boosted farm zones, as random you dont need RBs at all after 65 lvl... 
    Yesterday farm in Anakim (3h) in 6 ppl party - not some plvl duo, 35% exp scrol owl fish stew tower scrol. Party without epics can make atleast half of it

    Anyway server doesnt have problem with update/features/farm zones/RBs. Current update is very balanced, Op classes are nerfed compared to official version(DA/summoner), weak classes are boosted(elemental mages, some tanks, archers, pp), each type of party has its own farm zone, can chose farmign adena or exp, update is not the problem. You can make update of dreams of every player, you can make every player happy(which is impossible) but it will not bring new ppl here. Make some action about bringing new players or updates will not have any effect.

    Check how other servers do it. Organize kind of fresh start for new players(you decide how you do it not to fk old server)
    Consider Paying streamers/clan leaders to join here like other servers do for 1st weeks of "fresh start"

    • Like 1

  11. 10 hours ago, Poseidon said:

    i guess every dagger here, especially from Asia, is skilled enough to ignore my proposes.

    topic is closed.

    No1 care about dagger, no1 play it except for pulling mobs cos its trash, even My cp started to play mages. Btw check pm on discord

  12. So from making newbie friendly changes we jump into who farm what and how to fk enemy side? This is why i stopped posting topics that affect sides balance/class i play. Ppl search in every change profit for themself not to improve playing experience. I could start topic to update daggers cos its sh1t class and no1 play it but ppl instead going for valuable discussion would jump there to flame me how i want to boost my class or how op it is already. The same for these bosses. I honestly dont care, i farm with my cp in new zone aoe, making 250kk/buff in full pt on 50% scrols, so why to stay semi afk watching boss cams if u can have fun training mobs and make exp of 1 boss in 20-30 min playing actively in full pt. This topic is more about chaning stuff that broke oportunities to pvp or zoned new players away from some part of game, but if you prefer to measure ur e-dicks here instead of discussing the problem then keep going

  13. i think its a lot of work for devs to make such zone around every rb, how many rbs we have, they will faster make new update than this thing for every rb, i think they have to do it for each rb manually puting location range where it silences. Also imagine ull go farm in toi, run with wc to gate and u get silence cos far away there is some lowbie rb

  14. 15 hours ago, Creative1365 said:

    With cc removal the low geared randoms will cry even more about how that server sucks ,they will be not able to make 20k exp per day on daily , they will not Invest time to farm better Eq because it isn't possible with another's randoms in pt .

    I tried to play with randoms and you can't do it ... 

    Even when I came to server there were stupid actions on RBS toi loa where ppl who told us they have 80 -76+ lvl can't understand the games and how paralisys /silence etc work .

    Is only chaos all what you get in that time when you are playing with randoms is losing exp and maybe Eq .

    Cc help a lot for low geared ppl but ..after i put some fists+11 on Tyr i started farm GC alone .

    Than destroy get rush so i lvling m destro and with blunt +10 i can hit for 20-30k only with stigma and cc .

    These buffs are not bad but it give too big advantage for stacked characters .instead of %%increases it should give CRIT pene or same amount of CRIT DMG .


    Daggers on that server are hitting hard but yes without stacked gear u would be able to do less than 1 k DMG on combo . So maybe without these buffs will help for low Eq daggers but than stacked will hit a on one stab .


    I think its improvement for new ppl compared to old players cos new ppl dont have/dont have to exp pp80 plus old farmers dont have so much advantage over  randoms on RBs, although rb farm is totally destroyed by new sk buff

    About daggers i explained above why its nerf

  15. 4 hours ago, Creative1365 said:

    You guys don't understand that's the all character have cons and pros .

    Stop crying about tyrant /destroy about PvE yes they are PvE monsters because they are made to be PvE monsters , 

    In pvp u have better characters to do it but they are sucks in PvE ...

    Average character in PvE will be average in pvp it is how it works.


    The cop cc is made BCS of the extra CRIT DMG stuffs as othels buffs epics if they will put out cc and cop the players without star war gear and epics will die on 0.3 hit .

    Sorry but if someone can't kill supp or robe user as dagger with same gear a that's mean the dagger person is moron.

    With the 2 x hides or 2 x ghost step tricks it is possible to put like one or 2 combos in a row .

    i think you dont understand how daggers/cc/cop works. Daggers would be nerfed by this change cos they have how u say "50% crit pen" and ignore half of cc and cop effect, so in the end they would hit 30% stronger on every stab but lose 100% crit dmg boost from cc

  16. On 2/4/2022 at 1:52 PM, MoDoy said:

    you realize by removing CC and CoP, even if some melee chars get extra DMG from it (only when its triggered), your targets lose the bonus for defense (which is always up)

    also by removing CoP and CC - supports lose some overall defense from it, so ppl will hit them harder on average, but you wont be getting those lucky 1 shot crits (or at least fewer of them), which means good playstyle, keeping HPs/CPs filled will be promoted, instead of getting IK no matter what you do

    so in general - ppl who profited from triggered CC will now profit on average dmg boost, ppl who profited from non-triggered CC will now profit on not getting ridiculous spike lucky damage

    only ppl who could be against removal of CC are PvE ppl, who love to farm bosses with CC triggers (from epics it affects baium and zaken? but at least ppl wont be killing it with 1 destro party right?) or have melee chars (*cough, cough* tyrants *cough*),  which in my opinion (and pretty sure many others have also this opinion) should be nerfed anyway, as its way too strong in PvE compared to any other class

    destro is new meta modoy. Novadyas even bd farm solo better than tyrant


    but i like the CC/cop idea in general

    Mages and archers would be nerfed tho by this change Q_Q