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shikomizue last won the day on June 12 2016

shikomizue had the most liked content!

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5 Neutral

About shikomizue

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  1. where can i get the runes?, i don't know. edit. RBs? xD
  2. shikomizue


    im sorry LF beatiful clan with human and elf, no orc
  3. free offline sellers on giran, not giran harbor a lot of new people say "the server is empy" on giran because they don't know this.
  4. shikomizue

    BH como main

    buena opcion el pala, vas a ser requerido para aoe y rb siempre. Hay demanda de tanques porque hay pocos. De solear olvidate, sin buff no le pegas ni al piso. Salvo que no haya party, ahi si mandate, lento pero seguro. Wc es buena opcion tambien si no vas a usar mochi. Lveas muy bien con warcry y selfbuff.
  5. auction for 1 euro each and sell COLs.
  6. Hello, I want to question where can i level up my hawkeye after 40?. I looking for places with mobs arrow weak. I have PP 40, basic buffs low lvl Thanks!
  7. LF EMI OVERENCHANT My offer: Homu +12
  8. ​i sell +12 homu, same M.Atk. check auction in 2 or 3 days if you are interested
  9. shikomizue

    have lags

    what? it fixed now? :O
  10. shikomizue

    have lags

    i miss the previous europe proxy help koll
  11. shikomizue

    Proxy Lag

    from argentina can't play, 1-2 sec delay with all proxys please fix
  12. +1 hay que esperar al miercoles a ver si se soluciona