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Everything posted by Kastylx

  1. Im pretty sure it would require different ids to drop them separately
  2. Kastylx


    wtb downvote button
  3. id go with spoil+se, ai ewc farm ez money
  4. He has a point tho... he may have spent real money on PA, which is a service provided by the devs for actual money, not "donation". Long hours of PA was wasted in the last few days. Nobody likes wasted money. IF he spent real money.
  5. id never lick an ass for upvote, i do it slowly with sarcasm/hate posts
  6. 100kk PM here or on discord, kastylx#2518
  7. idk idc but im rdy for x1 rates with these scrolls and rewards oh, also wipe or new x1 srv i'll show myself out
  8. stop this shit alrdy, it was changed for a reason. you can find a shitton of fishing games if you really want that.
  9. Crash is the word you are looking for. Leave crushes for teens
  10. But you guys look at it as %, not as exp. 100-50%=50 25-50%=17,5. Thats BASIC math for you. Ofc if it was raised by lets say 50% then the the bigger loses more experience POINT, not %, everyone lost the same PERCENTAGE.
  11. "Can't Be Stop" that was painful to look at
  12. so you want to exchange adena for $$. wtf
  13. Kastylx

    Colored chat

    Hi! Will the same modified files work with 2.0?
  14. What? Have you ever played any other MMO? This is how it works. New patch/expansion and your class is reworked/nerfed/buffed. Deal with it.
  15. Well, i see a lot of new players anyway. Even myself, i joined a month ago so ppl either have the money/will to pay for dualbox or its just simply possible to play without it.