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About Dostoevskiy

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  1. ​Takim svetit Talking Island do konca jizni . Kartinka pomojet uspokoitsya
  2. Dostoevskiy

    7 ppl pt

    ​Its not bd/sws problem . Totally agree with you
  3. ​Na zbt bil limit v 7 . Ob etom govorili i pisali .
  4. lf vecherkom mini - party . 20 rogue . nick takoy je . p.s. a est' tut kto s alkara c1 ? :D
  5. Del this . Ty . Compare with Classic Korea or Ru and u will get x20 here .
  6. Its for 3 quests , not 1 .
  7. 250 - 300 k adena for teleports ( 2nd occupation ) . Is it too much for you?
  8. chto za bred voobshe brat' luk do 48 + lvla ? vzial manigaushe i ne znaesh' bed voobshe , poka ne poyavitsia emik ili akat .
  9. /Facepalm . 2 Nageta - U re not "Classic" player .
  10. Dostoevskiy

    SkillОглушающая_Атака_-_Налетчик Stun Attack . Im not sure about 9 secs here .
  11. Dostoevskiy


    Check pls Orcish stun . It was 10 seconds on Classic 1.0 . Thank you .