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Is this server vacant or..

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Hello sweetie ;) You dont stay lo​ng in low level areas - you can get 30+ in one day. So you are right, its becouse you are in low level areas. Server population is OK. Anyway.. After the patch even the low lvl territories will be swarming with new players

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Okay cool - beginning to feel like I'm playing a single player rpg over here heh. Also, did I make a mistake by not creating a dwarf character first? I feel like the drop rate is pretty rough, and I'm having trouble facing mobs my level with starter gear and no buffs.

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Well i am not good with mages but i would go do solo aoe in abandoned camp/fortress of resistance. Also would try to find raid parties whenever i can(now most of people are in work so probably hard to find one), when you will be around 35 go to cruma and hunt snipes. Also you could donate few euros and get a good d gr staff, for goat staff it would be 2 euros in col. 

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And dont pay attention to zorik, hes about to stop playing here because he is too weak or too dumb  :))

​He was weak. xD

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Now it is easy compared to what it was in 1.0 version. Then every death was -10%, less exp, less adena, less drop, less farm Archers farming in cruma with no shots, half buffs. God i miss those times :D Now it is easy compared to what it was. This server is not for those who want to advance without effort. Some days you just loose things - you can even drop your gear when you die from mobs. All this hardcore stuff is reason why i play this game, not some stupid click and gain games. If you are looking for easy play, this serv is not for you. I can help you with some buffs and advice, but it will not keep you playing if you dont like the hardcore feeling of l2. About the population - just wait for the update. It will be grand growth of server with update, believe me

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Most of ppl are dig inside exp zones like Cruma, Dragon Valley, Enchanted Valley, and ofc LoA.

Population is quite high and I wouldn't worry about it on your place ;)

Keep AoEing, killing bosses and forget about exping dwarf ;)

Have fun, cya in game ;)

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Yesterday i went Partisan, i was actually suprised by all the drama going on there. Many pvp/pk for AOE spots :P So Dion is the place to go for activity around level 20. 

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if u don't know russian language there's no point to play here. only 1 big int clan that recruits (but only CP's) and rest of the players are vodka vodka cyka blyat or some crazy brazileiros. and yes, population is kinda low even at 50+ areas

​Dont listen to this moron.
Poor kid, u dont know how to play this game and spread sht on forum. Just stop playing and dont give ppl cancer.

I'm definetly not rus player or even rus fan, but the problem is that rus can play, and non rus like u can only QQ on forums bcoz u and ur friend necro can't find CP, well im not wondering if u propably QQ on party chat instead of farming, noone want to play with u. Just stop.

Overall game starts at 40+ and just then u start earn normal money.
If u can't pass till then, Classic is not for u, u need to find H5 server

And ofc its hard to play alone. I'm playin on this server solo i mean as a player, and all u have to is to find good group.

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if u don't know russian language there's no point to play here. only 1 big int clan that recruits (but only CP's) and rest of the players are vodka vodka cyka blyat or some crazy brazileiros. and yes, population is kinda low even at 50+ areas

​ there is lots polish, lithuanian clans too, not just russian like you say, 

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if u don't know russian language there's no point to play here. only 1 big int clan that recruits (but only CP's) and rest of the players are vodka vodka cyka blyat or some crazy brazileiros. and yes, population is kinda low even at 50+ areas

​Dont listen to this moron.
Poor kid, u dont know how to play this game and spread sht on forum. Just stop playing and dont give ppl cancer.

I'm definetly not rus player or even rus fan, but the problem is that rus can play, and non rus like u can only QQ on forums bcoz u and ur friend necro can't find CP, well im not wondering if u propably QQ on party chat instead of farming, noone want to play with u. Just stop.

Overall game starts at 40+ and just then u start earn normal money.
If u can't pass till then, Classic is not for u, u need to find H5 server

And ofc its hard to play alone. I'm playin on this server solo i mean as a player, and all u have to is to find good group.

​i don't know how to play? :D i'm the one who created perkunas before went to failed Skelth

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if u don't know russian language there's no point to play here. only 1 big int clan that recruits (but only CP's) and rest of the players are vodka vodka cyka blyat or some crazy brazileiros. and yes, population is kinda low even at 50+ areas

​That's so inaccurate with russian language ~ Even Perkunas is an international clan.

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