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Diversity of Olympics vol. 9

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Diversity of Olympics - Necromancer

Month: ~2019
Chronicle: Classic 2.0 Saviors
Name: JerryZ/M/M2M
Class: Necromancer (Necro)
Clan: SoulMates / Anarchy / WuKong
Alliance: -
Length: 12:43

We got 9th (6th from classic) volume of Diversity of Olympics - Necromancer.
Still banned on discord so sending here. Frapses are from ~2019, from all classes i played, this was one of the less enjoyable one, especially with 79 summon and curse of doom (got it at very end when i still played it before someone took over) it felt very strong even against 80 lvl DAs with busted Insane crusher (up to 5 buffs canceled with insane damage every 10s) or other necros/summoners. Since Fortuna sws had purification song, i consider that 3rd hardest match up (after 80 lvl DAs and destros), high m def and impossible to debuff while sws has arrest which can be chained, it has silence which can be chained with aggro to prevent healing back to full, it has hex with decent damage, it has fast movement speed combined with 1 minute slow.

In video you can find following fights against DA/destro/tyrant/PS/ES/Necro 4x/sws/DA/AW/ES/DA/DA/DA/ES



Edited by MoDoy
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