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Gladiator skills

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1) Sonic buster from l2 wiki:  Hurls a powerful burst of energy at enemies in front with 394 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword, sword or blunt weapon. Increases Power upon consumption of up to 3 Momentum levels. Consumes 2 Momentum Stones. Over-hit and Critical are possible.

Sonic buster from our server: Hurls a powerful burst of energy at enemies in front with 394 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword, sword or blunt weapon. Increases Power upon consumption of up to 2 Momentum levels. Consumes 3 Momentum Stones. Over-hit and Critical are possible.

So we waste 1 stone each aoe every time. However that's important, "Increases power upon consumption of up to 2 momentum levels" No need 2 momentum levels to use it. It takes 2 momentum levels everytime you use it here, also it should make more damage cause 2 momentum levels on it are wrong, the correct are 3. With 3 momentum levels you make more damage than 0,1 or 2.

2) Sonic storm from l2 wiki: 
Attacks near the enemy with 394 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, spear, fist weapon, or dualsword. Increases Power upon consumption of up to 2 Momentum levels. Over-hit. Critical hit.

"Increases Power upon consumption of up to 2 Momentum levels." Here it's the same damage with 0 momentum level and 2 momentum levels." Is not right to be the same 0 vs 2 levels damage should be increased depends on the momentum level you got. 


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theres a queue to consume stones, 1st u waste stones then skill is calculated. so if You have 5 momentum, and skill consumes 3, dmg is calculated with 2 momentum.

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theres a queue to consume stones, 1st u waste stones then skill is calculated. so if You have 5 momentum, and skill consumes 3, dmg is calculated with 2 momentum.

​Clueless boi

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theres a queue to consume stones, 1st u waste stones then skill is calculated. so if You have 5 momentum, and skill consumes 3, dmg is calculated with 2 momentum.

​Yes, but if you got 2 momentum and 0 momentum you're doing the same damage. That's the problem. 

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Sonic Blaster - Problm in here is with description translation, the skill does not need forces to be used. what they failed on the translation part is, it increases power when using charges and this power increased by consumption is limited to 2 charges. 

to sum up:

  • doesnt need charges to be used.
  • it increases the dmg with every extra charge it uses.
  • maximum of 2 charges are consumed to increase the power.

Sonic Storm - You are correct its not increasing power upon charge consumption but its also not consuming the charges.


Sonic Buster - It is increasing power when it consumes charges.

about the rest is also translation errors on l2 wiki that we have fixed on our server, it shouls consume 3 stones and power up on 2 charges not the other way around. we dont have it wrong, l2 wiki has it with wrong text.


so the only real problm here is the Sonic Storm function of consume charge to increase power not working.

Edited by San0
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