
titan or TH?

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Is fun to play, very based on your own skill (switch/trick/hide at the right time, fast re-positioning and mp management) which makes the real difference (and ping) between a good dagger and a bad one. Im happy with mine. They will get a boost in 2.0.

But the primarly disadvantage is leveling one. You dont have any AoE skill. 

Destroyer in the other hand, is much easier to lvl up. Its the most tankier of warriors here. They will get Rush in 2.0 (dont know in which level yet) and other skills. There arent many videos of destroyers tho. There has been a discussion recently about reworking some of their skills or adding new ones. For more information about skills, check

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Fake! Only Tyrants gets rush, i hope than GM will be continue and they r still ignore posts from  MID/HR crying kids without brain in topic about patch 2.0.

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i have one TH  lvl 46 and destro 40 im returning to play the server now so i will keep my TH thanks :DDD


​Dunno, you can even reroll. If u have support high level to make character 40 is like 5-7 days playing 4 h per day i think. Destro is not bad as everyone cryes, and I dont know why, people say TH is decent here. We have guy who changed WL>Gladi>Dagger and after few days of pvp he made this dagger>Gladi. And we are not talking about leveling... Im not saying that dagger is bad, but I guess gladi is way better. 

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TH (or generally dagger) is insane fun if u know what u are doing, and they will get great boost on 2.0 (shadows step, reset for shadow step and hide, focus death/power) but u will have hard time to lvl it up, BUT if u really like it, thats not a problem imo

on the other hand destro will be esier to lvl up, but its a bit weaker in pvp, thats why admins agreed to give him rush in 2.0 as well (eventho i pvped with destro recently which was lower lvl than my archer, and only thing i can say is i was lucky he couldnt land stun on me coz of lvl, other way the pvp would end in like 10 seconds for him winning it)

so i would consider that rush adding to destro, and if so, i would definitely put big cooldown on it, not the 5 seconds one or 20 seconds, maybe like 1 minute or so

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