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Giran market thought

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So I we all know that there are A LOT of shops in the harbor. The problem begins when one is trying to find what he is looking for, and the root of the problem as I see it is that there is no "common language" for shop titles. You can find the same item under too many names, some more common, some less (lets take for expample a 1 handed blunt weapon. I have seen it appear  as: blunt / weapon / weap / wep / D,C,B stuff / D,C,B, grade / yaksa / top / and more. People keep inventing names which makes it hard to find the needed item and actually slows the economy (the server is not new and working great so I will limit this diagnosis to some extent.. :) ).

This is just a thought. I think a common language would make it easier.

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So I we all know that there are A LOT of shops in the harbor. The problem begins when one is trying to find what he is looking for, and the root of the problem as I see it is that there is no "common language" for shop titles. You can find the same item under too many names, some more common, some less (lets take for expample a 1 handed blunt weapon. I have seen it appear  as: blunt / weapon / weap / wep / D,C,B stuff / D,C,B, grade / yaksa / top / and more. People keep inventing names which makes it hard to find the needed item and actually slows the economy (the server is not new and working great so I will limit this diagnosis to some extent.. :) ).

This is just a thought. I think a common language would make it easier.

​I think it'd be more difficult to have everyone agree on--and instill--a common language for hundreds of item types, than just using the search function and trying a few searches of the same idea. I don't think the player market should feel so "automatic" and easy; however, for something like the Auction House, structure makes sense. Also, the market is something to explore. Some people will find things others will not--it's kind of a first come, first serve, as it should be in my opinion. Having every specific item labeled A, B, C, or D for example, takes away the experience and dynamic of the market.

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Lead the charge and make a easy item name list to put on shops, Throw it on market subforum & ask the gm's to sticky.Problem arises when people have to get creative and list multiple items in shop title.


So I we all know that there are A LOT of shops in the harbor. The problem begins when one is trying to find what he is looking for, and the root of the problem as I see it is that there is no "common language" for shop titles. You can find the same item under too many names, some more common, some less (lets take for expample a 1 handed blunt weapon. I have seen it appear  as: blunt / weapon / weap / wep / D,C,B stuff / D,C,B, grade / yaksa / top / and more. People keep inventing names which makes it hard to find the needed item and actually slows the economy (the server is not new and working great so I will limit this diagnosis to some extent.. :) ).

This is just a thought. I think a common language would make it easier.

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So I we all know that there are A LOT of shops in the harbor. The problem begins when one is trying to find what he is looking for, and the root of the problem as I see it is that there is no "common language" for shop titles. You can find the same item under too many names, some more common, some less (lets take for expample a 1 handed blunt weapon. I have seen it appear  as: blunt / weapon / weap / wep / D,C,B stuff / D,C,B, grade / yaksa / top / and more. People keep inventing names which makes it hard to find the needed item and actually slows the economy (the server is not new and working great so I will limit this diagnosis to some extent.. :) ).

This is just a thought. I think a common language would make it easier.

​I think it'd be more difficult to have everyone agree on--and instill--a common language for hundreds of item types, than just using the search function and trying a few searches of the same idea. I don't think the player market should feel so "automatic" and easy; however, for something like the Auction House, structure makes sense. Also, the market is something to explore. Some people will find things others will not--it's kind of a first come, first serve, as it should be in my opinion. Having every specific item labeled A, B, C, or D for example, takes away the experience and dynamic of the market.

​Actually you are wrong from the economical point of view (real economy, not only in game. and it works with this in-game economy since it's "effective", aka proper, because there are many players in the market). The only reason you can't make arbitrages in the real world, and the reason for proper markets are the proper labeling and the availability for information for everyone at the push of a button (internet). Even though this is a bit too deep into the real world, it would work here too because of the high number of players as stated.

P.S. but wtf do I know... I am a simple player.

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So I we all know that there are A LOT of shops in the harbor. The problem begins when one is trying to find what he is looking for, and the root of the problem as I see it is that there is no "common language" for shop titles. You can find the same item under too many names, some more common, some less (lets take for expample a 1 handed blunt weapon. I have seen it appear  as: blunt / weapon / weap / wep / D,C,B stuff / D,C,B, grade / yaksa / top / and more. People keep inventing names which makes it hard to find the needed item and actually slows the economy (the server is not new and working great so I will limit this diagnosis to some extent.. :) ).

This is just a thought. I think a common language would make it easier.

​gl with making ppl do that :)

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The only solution to what you wrote is to add the Auction Market that later expansions have but that will be not exactly classic so just search better or search with different terms. its not so bad

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Just put a NPC like in asterios. When u want buy something u go sell>weapons> and find ur weapon in giran harbor. But i guess for 1 k online its not worth to work on such a npc for 1 month.

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