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Castle defence

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I know its a bit late about it and dont start saying we have castle etc, we have castle more than 6 sieges, im just wondering. Why defence of castles are so low? Every siege I pay 10-12kk for defence, is not that bad but one single dwarf can go inside castle easily, maybe you should add some archers in walls and balconies like 5-6 of them? Depends of the defence level you choose. Whats your opinion? (I wanna hear opinion of san0 - koll when you got time guys) Thanks

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well, to start with if one dorf gets inside the castle easy you not putting up much of a defence, are you? xD

i dunno, its like, ppl are not supposed to "abandon" their castle when they are defending it, if they do they should get punished for it. 

i know its allways a lot more interesting to go around and mess with the ppl on other sieges, take the fight to them if they dont take it to you right? but again to do this you cant leave your castle completely unattended. and if you choose to do it, then its normal you gonna get punished for it.

thats why its called a castle DEFENCE you are meant to defend it. its not like a dorf or 2 dorfs or 3 dorfs can do much if you leave 4 or 5 ppl behind at least for scouting duty.

just my opinion.


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Yep I agree but, I still believe it should be more defence on castle, not like old chronicles you could put 6648 guards plus the defenders. There is option lvl 1 low defence right? How low if lvl 3 are just few guards at first wooden doors and balcony? Ofc I leave some people to protect castle when we leave it but still. Maaan.. in 7' 1 dwarf can take a castle. 10 hits the outside wall, 3 hits the inside wooden door and 2' the pray, 0 guards will hit him, how is that suppose to be castle defence? Im talking without defenders. Im not talking about adding 30 guards each walls, just 5 so one person cant steal a castle in the end of the sieges.

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the dorf still needs long time to summon the gollem and during that time he is totaly helpless if he is alone.

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