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Thank you Kiam!

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I wanna see how many people with reroll to dagger after 2.0 when they will have shadow step. Biggest unfair of class change service ever , having warlords and gladis in same tier as daggers...............

dagger with bow doesnt xp that much slower than archer (solo xp wise, under 60lvl teste on shamans, so i guess result wouldnt be that much different on doom knights), also rb pt for daggers are avaible until ~65

now dont take me wrong, i know glad and wl xp faster, just want to say daggers are able to make some xp as well

​yes i understand , the thing is you can say the same about warlord and mage.  Warlord is able to make some decent xp as well , why cant mages reroll to warlord? 

If the reason is that mages can xp faster than fighter classes, why are fighter classes in same tier as daggers and archers?

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funny fact. people write not to make fun of kiam losing items, wich was the target of this guy, but make fun of him, that he is a so called medium level newbie who begs for attention.

nobody will care about u man, you will be always the guy who everybody laughs at.

still cant understand why u have aq 3 lvl, its so wrong. it gives cancer to my eyes((((

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funny fact. people write not to make fun of kiam losing items, wich was the target of this guy, but make fun of him, that he is a so called medium level newbie who begs for attention.

nobody will care about u man, you will be always the guy who everybody laughs at.

still cant understand why u have aq 3 lvl, its so wrong. it gives cancer to my eyes((((

​|hu3hu3hu3 go farm it :)

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I wanna see how many people with reroll to dagger after 2.0 when they will have shadow step. Biggest unfair of class change service ever , having warlords and gladis in same tier as daggers...............

​yes, +1, xp dagger is harder than xp warlord, tyrant, archer, tank ...

they should stay in diferent group, 1 more group to class change between the 2nd and 3rd with all the daggers there.

Like it is now is NOT fair.

​i agree with that. in 2.0 all gonna reroll to Dagger.... cause there come the good stuff :D and im waiting till 1.0. 
for those noobs who start play in 1.5.  you dont know how Hard was the life of dagger on 1.0.... in 1.3 we have hide , and that make more stable the char. but in 1.0... in every pvp -10.  and its a little hard to lvl up.... no AOE... only soloing skills...  so ... if dont got cp... you must go solo xp. like i do. i got cp but... still lvling they classes. so still lvl on solo mode. with my QA3 and i use orfen lvl 3 for xp.   i agree to be in a diferent group of gladis and WL.  Dagger not easy.. and in 2.0 will change a lot the character. i play since the 3rd day of opening. (ye im 69... AND ?) i solo a lot. and i have hard times to go uphead.  so.. in 2.0  Gladis and WL 74 reroll to Dagger . and beat me (or thelord or Artiemes) the Hero... i think not fair.
of course.. i can reroll to Gladi and xp... but im not a pu ssy. i love my char. thats why im dagger till 1.0. big balls.  time and time and time and time.

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funny fact. people write not to make fun of kiam losing items, wich was the target of this guy, but make fun of him, that he is a so called medium level newbie who begs for attention.

nobody will care about u man, you will be always the guy who everybody laughs at.

still cant understand why u have aq 3 lvl, its so wrong. it gives cancer to my eyes((((

​|hu3hu3hu3 go farm it :)

​:| my work here is done, i tried my best

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I wanna see how many people with reroll to dagger after 2.0 when they will have shadow step. Biggest unfair of class change service ever , having warlords and gladis in same tier as daggers...............

​yes, +1, xp dagger is harder than xp warlord, tyrant, archer, tank ...

they should stay in diferent group, 1 more group to class change between the 2nd and 3rd with all the daggers there.

Like it is now is NOT fair.

​i agree with that. in 2.0 all gonna reroll to Dagger.... cause there come the good stuff :D and im waiting till 1.0. 
for those noobs who start play in 1.5.  you dont know how Hard was the life of dagger on 1.0.... in 1.3 we have hide , and that make more stable the char. but in 1.0... in every pvp -10.  and its a little hard to lvl up.... no AOE... only soloing skills...  so ... if dont got cp... you must go solo xp. like i do. i got cp but... still lvling they classes. so still lvl on solo mode. with my QA3 and i use orfen lvl 3 for xp.   i agree to be in a diferent group of gladis and WL.  Dagger not easy.. and in 2.0 will change a lot the character. i play since the 3rd day of opening. (ye im 69... AND ?) i solo a lot. and i have hard times to go uphead.  so.. in 2.0  Gladis and WL 74 reroll to Dagger . and beat me (or thelord or Artiemes) the Hero... i think not fair.
of course.. i can reroll to Gladi and xp... but im not a pu ssy. i love my char. thats why im dagger till 1.0. big balls.  time and time and time and time.

​if some noob wl/glad rerolls to dagger at 70+ lvl and takes hero from you just because he has 3 lvls advantage over you, u dont deserve to be hero dagger, coz simply the guy cannot get dagger timing perfectly after 1 week playing

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so... i got to reroll to Gladi to lvl in aoe till 75 and then reroll to dagger ? i think not fair...  its easy lvl up for warrior.. cmon.

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so... i got to reroll to Gladi to lvl in aoe till 75 and then reroll to dagger ? i think not fair...  its easy lvl up for warrior.. cmon.

​what for u need 75 lvl? or u think if u are 72 lvl and someone is 75, he has to instantly win?

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noo!. im ataling about easy lvl up for warriors than Daggers.... i think its not fair. a WL or gladi Reroll to Dagger. cause daggers its harder to lvl than those classes. thats its my point.

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noo!. im ataling about easy lvl up for warriors than Daggers.... i think its not fair. a WL or gladi Reroll to Dagger. cause daggers its harder to lvl than those classes. thats its my point. u can go vote there i guess so your wish can come true

yes, maybe its not fair, but life is not fair, leave alone some game, ppl will always find some things which are unfair, but if u are going to satisfy everyone, then it will become one big mess

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Karma is a b**ch.. that's what those high levels get for coming into AB to mess with ppl without tags / clans / wars trying to level and play the game...

they don't just come and pk the war tags on your party. they don't care. they pk the whole party and tell you "u either join us or u wont level here"...  well, keep telling yourself that.. GG

and im glad to see justice being served in this case, regardless of what side of the server does the justice.. "what goes around comes around"


Top leaders got burned  not once by the   " we are neutral " kind of approach. If you think you will compete for 60+ spots w/o an Alliance, you are wrong. If you believe that dropping some items hurts us, you are wrong again. 

All sides will harass you until you submit because there is no more trust in this   " we get to 70 and join you". 


​Wrong... i'm almost 70 leveling only in only AB and guess who is the only side that comes and PK the whole party just cuz one of the players is war tag? wickedsick alliance... the other ones actually communicate and say " *player name* is war tag, don't party with them"... there are something in this game that is called "politics and player relations". if u want loyal clan members u wont make it by "harassing them and pking them ". sure u can get ppl to join ur clan / ally by just bullying them, but guest what? once they get to a comfortable level they will leave ur clan / ally hanging dry and join ur enemies. Unless most players in this game are masochists and prefer to be oppressed by a few higher levels.

and don't be so butthurt... the dude pked a whole party of ppl without tags / wars with him and decided to be a bad ass.. he paid the price.. be it a SOE or a lvl 3 epic jewel.

as for the last sentence of your post, i've have joined a clan that did not harass me with " "join us or u wont level" crap.... GG

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Karma is a b**ch.. that's what those high levels get for coming into AB to mess with ppl without tags / clans / wars trying to level and play the game...

they don't just come and pk the war tags on your party. they don't care. they pk the whole party and tell you "u either join us or u wont level here"...  well, keep telling yourself that.. GG

and im glad to see justice being served in this case, regardless of what side of the server does the justice.. "what goes around comes around"


Top leaders got burned  not once by the   " we are neutral " kind of approach. If you think you will compete for 60+ spots w/o an Alliance, you are wrong. If you believe that dropping some items hurts us, you are wrong again. 

All sides will harass you until you submit because there is no more trust in this   " we get to 70 and join you". 


​Wrong... i'm almost 70 leveling only in only AB and guess who is the only side that comes and PK the whole party just cuz one of the players is war tag? wickedsick alliance... the other ones actually communicate and say " *player name* is war tag, don't party with them"... there are something in this game that is called "politics and player relations". if u want loyal clan members u wont make it by "harassing them and pking them ". sure u can get ppl to join ur clan / ally by just bullying them, but guest what? once they get to a comfortable level they will leave ur clan / ally hanging dry and join ur enemies. Unless most players in this game are masochists and prefer to be oppressed by a few higher levels.

and don't be so butthurt... the dude pked a whole party of ppl without tags / wars with him and decided to be a bad ass.. he paid the price.. be it a SOE or a lvl 3 epic jewel.

as for the last sentence of your post, i've have joined a clan that did not harass me with " "join us or u wont level" crap.... GG

​dont get offended but the story is about CPs who say they dont join till 70, nobody at this levels cares about a solo player 70-74 lvl(this player can equally join one or another side, it depends where his future cp will be, and btw if he finds a cp its not him who will deside wich tag to chose). look at statistic there is a tyrant 76 lvl who nobody often see ingame and nobody cares, because he doesnt make the difference, but when we say about a CP at least 64 lvl its another story.

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