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best mage with shielen elder

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Why do u dont want play sorc? :|

Solo/Duo farm:

On farm to 40lvl is all same, 40-50 sph/sps/sorcerer, 50+ sph/necro with CDL.

Party exp:



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its really ahrd to say what is the best mage, it depends on your playstyle.

are you gonna duo all the time? do you plan on doing aoe, pvp? theres alot of factors.

imo necro are the stronger one at higher lvls but untill u get cdl its a pain to lvl in a non aoe grp, sph and sps are better at soloing pre cdl (if not better cheaper then) but they are allso more of a glasscannot where the necro got his/her pets and dmg transfere.

for some reason u dont see as many sph as you do the other 2, if you want a cdl toon then why not a necro that has a billions tools to use or if u want a stright up nuker then sps seems like the better choice, but in the end its all about your own play style.


as Stiba said, sorc are allso really strong maybe not as much in a duo but in a grp they are a must have imo

Edited by valkynic

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If you're playing just duo (aka no CP), I'd probably go for necro. The thing is, even with a recharger you'll often find yourself OOM,  so it's good to have that summon for some basic "waiting for mana" farming.



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i was thinking of sps, sph. Yeah idk im not such a tryhard we will play really few hours a day but I want best experience, maybe pvp pks in low zones. Im thinking of sps sorceror though I dont even know for sure.

+Question: Does m atk affect heal/ mana rate here? For example my girlfriend will play SE can she use no grade weapon to heal recharge forever?

Edited by greenlampion

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sph is really nice, u have BtM, very high m atk, decent AoE, vampiric claw which can save u out of sticky situations

if u wanna go more pvp oriented, i guess necro would be better choice, however sph is better pve oriented and in pvp is still very good, tho more as DD and not as crowd controler

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I would say go for necro all the way. Until like 47 lvl its cat will help with recharge + btm + best aoe nuke ingame since 46 lvl + gazillion of cc skills + better tankiness than actual tanks + CDL from lvl 50... i dont even know why other mages still exist :D  

And it doesnt even have to be "expensive" nuker cos till lvl 50 you can easily use just 35lvl nuke... and then the CDL valhalla open its doors for you....the rest is history :P  

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7 hours ago, Stiba007 said:

Why do u dont want play sorc? :|

Solo/Duo farm:

On farm to 40lvl is all same, 40-50 sph/sps/sorcerer, 50+ sph/necro with CDL.

Party exp:



actually not true since dark wizard dont have a pet that recharges his mana :)

Edited by chevignon

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