Sett 79 Report post Posted October 22, 2015 Like the title says, it might be beneficial for both the players and the devs to keep the test server running when we go live.There still seem to be some issues that will be very hard to test/fix on live server only. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
NicolaasNL 40 Report post Posted October 22, 2015 Dear Grumpy, do you mean to keep the test server till they fix some bugs that were found on the last OBT or keep the test server aside with live? Because if they announce now that the live date will be given at a latter date i can already imagine all those "but you promised us!" posts and "burn the witch" rallies coming up. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
phonkey 5 Report post Posted October 22, 2015 if you keep the test server along with live you are risking to lose some population which will play only on test server for the fun. Quote Share this post Link to post
Sett 79 Report post Posted October 22, 2015 I mean alongside live of course.if you keep the test server along with live you are risking to lose some population which will play only on test server for the fun.I seriously doubt a test server (aka bilionth high rate, high enchant pvp server) will constitute any singnificant hit to low rate Classic server population. Those are simply competely different groups of target players.Besides the test server does not necessarily have to be open to public 24/7. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Narmontas 34 Report post Posted October 22, 2015 Major issues prior live : 1. Land rate of abnormal skills2. Dagger Dmg (STR fckd up modifier)3. Cruma Tower (Geodata)4. Some quests.I think live will be fckd up if will run like now at obts Quote Share this post Link to post
Sett 79 Report post Posted October 22, 2015 I don't think any of those are quite gamebreaking to the point where they would prevent launch - as long as they are fixed in timely manner.Geodata in Cruma will have zero impact until majority of the server becomes capable of farming there (~30). Debuff land rate will not have significant impact until serious pvp for farm spots occur - in Cruma most likely. Dagger damage will make difference when people switch to karmians (until then you just two shot anyone anyway). And the quests simply suck too hard to be bothered by .There are issues that clearly need some attention, but there are much, much vorse servers running and they are quite fine... Quote Share this post Link to post
Narmontas 34 Report post Posted October 22, 2015 Hey Grumpy... tested dags. No chance to 2 hit mages here ^^ unless you are full buffed vs noob leveled noob character with zero understanding of controls ^^ Quote Share this post Link to post
Setzer 172 Report post Posted October 23, 2015 Major issues prior live : 1. Land rate of abnormal skills2. Dagger Dmg (STR fckd up modifier)3. Cruma Tower (Geodata)4. Some quests.I think live will be fckd up if will run like now at obtsAnd you can add glads and tyrants not spending focus charging on any skills. Quote Share this post Link to post
chevignon 153 Report post Posted October 23, 2015 And you can add glads and tyrants not spending focus charging on any skills.i tried it on tyrant and he use forces Quote Share this post Link to post
ezsembler 5 Report post Posted October 23, 2015 Like the title says, it might be beneficial for both the players and the devs to keep the test server running when we go live.There still seem to be some issues that will be very hard to test/fix on live server only.+ easier to recheck bugs and report. A part of ppl will be there for fun, but the rule is: "to get better you have to sacrifice.."and the golden rule is: "New version has fixes and new bugs ( 'features' )" Quote Share this post Link to post
Daemon 1 Report post Posted October 23, 2015 Hey Grumpy... tested dags. No chance to 2 hit mages here ^^ unless you are full buffed vs noob leveled noob character with zero understanding of controls ^^Welcome to Classic 1.0, Daggers sucks.Btw, what tests did you do? With a +16 dagger against people with full +6 Set C? That's not testing, that will never happen on a Classic x3 server. Grab a friend, level to 30 or 40, get top D gear without enchants and test again. Then you can call daggers underpowered, but again, that's Classic 1.0 for you, daggers are not good, low chance to hit, and damage isn't off the hook... there is a reason why it was buffed on later chronicles. Quote Share this post Link to post
Narmontas 34 Report post Posted October 23, 2015 Hey Grumpy... tested dags. No chance to 2 hit mages here ^^ unless you are full buffed vs noob leveled noob character with zero understanding of controls ^^Welcome to Classic 1.0, Daggers sucks.Btw, what tests did you do? With a +16 dagger against people with full +6 Set C? That's not testing, that will never happen on a Classic x3 server. Grab a friend, level to 30 or 40, get top D gear without enchants and test again. Then you can call daggers underpowered, but again, that's Classic 1.0 for you, daggers are not good, low chance to hit, and damage isn't off the hook... there is a reason why it was buffed on later chronicles.Search forum for topic about STR. There you see tests ss video and daggers here bugged thats what we got here. If they work normally they would do 30-40% more dmg than now. Btw if you dont know how daggers work on classic don't teach the others that does. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Daemon 1 Report post Posted October 24, 2015 "Btw if you dont know how daggers work on classic don't teach the others that does"Nope, you don't seem to understand how they work on Classic 1.0, go back to your wrong database and keep thinking that you're right.Classic 1.0 =/= whatever you have played. Quote Share this post Link to post
Narmontas 34 Report post Posted October 24, 2015 Wrong database is korean official classic website......? And innova official as well? Ok... I doubt that gonna play here till they check daggers. No point rushing with class that is bugged here. Cya next week or next month. Fckn disapointed antibot policy is nice thing but game mechanics pvp land rate and no answer from a staff... like its ok. Better to answer to some newbies "bug" that full body armor goes safe on +4 . Than to share view whats going ro happen with str crit dmg modifier here which makes top melee dps class weakest here at pvp and pve. And about land rate. Whats the plan? Will it be checked someday ar no? Did all this testing spent loads of time to find what is wrong to be solved and 0 reaction. Is draqla at least aware of how daggers fckd up here? That's my honest review.p.s. all this staff making a huge job opening such a server + not many ppl can actualy fix bugs out here. Big thanks for that its sure a hard job to make anything from this. I Just see lack of gm information. Will it be checked fixed or anything? Or in forum could be something like dev.Diary. what bugs gonna have priority to be checked and etc. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
BrainDamage 21 Report post Posted October 24, 2015 If i remember corectly STR used to give chance for skills crit, not damage... And thins thing u squared in red, maybe its for only physical attacks. I really dont remember, if ever STR effected dagger or gladi skill damage. Try to find some video from ru classic with pov of dagger and search for dyes. Cheers Quote Share this post Link to post
ezsembler 5 Report post Posted October 24, 2015 If i remember corectly STR used to give chance for skills crit, not damage... GoD passive skill Quote Share this post Link to post
Narmontas 34 Report post Posted October 24, 2015 Physical Critical damage is Critical Damage... you do with physical attack. Not chance lol. And if you know daggers - critical damage boost = more dmg not just from normal strike on critical hit but all blow type skills as well.If you use Vicious stance - you always hit bigger dmg with dagger because it adds critical damage. All dagger classes that have critical damage passive deals more dmg with backstab or blow. (That's why elves deals sh1t dmg with their blows [no passive crit dmg] ) So once str adds critical dmg let's say 0,5% per stat...Humans 40 str = 20%+ crit dmg from blows. Dark Elves 41 str = 20.5% +crit dmg from blows. Elves 36 str=18%+crit dmg from blows.From this basis you + or - your str you blow dmg also effects because it adds or takes out critical dmg boost which at the end adds blow dmg + crit dmg.That's how it works. Can't verify exact % of critical dmg boost bauce havent did actual testing myself by 400+ times hitting people or npc in RU,KR official classic. But I already observed videos , saw daggers myself on innova. And they are not piece of sh1t like here... Mainly was like : Dagger Backstabs Monster (white) - 85-90% monsters hp) uses soulshots = 1 hit monsters. later learns stronger skills at +1-3 levels. Then kills with backstab same monster (light green) 1 shot...Lower level pvp Dagger vs Human Wizard with devotion set ~32-37 lvl pvp. Dagger hits 1.2k to light armor ~ 1k , heavy 700 max. Vicious stance + adds like ~200 dmg.Tried here pvp on same setting. Dagger hits mage 600 dmg , vs light ~500 vs heavy 300+ wtf? I hit glad for such a dmg and he deals with power strike more dmg than I do... Check even Innova pvp with daggers. Vs heavy armor deals 600-900 dmg with buffs. I'm not saying that : do daggers strong here omg. I'm saying that here they are broke. Nobody fears them in pvp in current state. Glad , Destro can laught out from all dagger classes they prove no match to compete agains any other classes. And since I can't even 1 hit kill dark blue monsters with backstab... - wtf? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
fodemhouse 7 Report post Posted October 25, 2015 If i remember corectly STR used to give chance for skills crit, not damage... And thins thing u squared in red, maybe its for only physical attacks. I really dont remember, if ever STR effected dagger or gladi skill damage. Try to find some video from ru classic with pov of dagger and search for dyes. CheersSTR is not related to blow crit chance... Just saying.... Dagger skills are different... Anyway, I believe there is nothing wrong with STR, but I am almost sure there is something wrong with daggers blow formula.... Something is nerfed... Maybe SS modifier, maybe the critical dmg add part, (vicious stance, SA, Passives) I dont know what is wrong because nobody knows the formula, but for sure, there is something nerfed... Quote Share this post Link to post
Narmontas 34 Report post Posted October 25, 2015 There was in video explained daggers dmg formula and tested in ru official. Quote Share this post Link to post
plopy 2 Report post Posted October 29, 2015 so can we have the test server again please ? Quote Share this post Link to post
Narmontas 34 Report post Posted October 30, 2015 There could be test server runing alongside retail one Event GM could ask some people to participate Or type issues what needs to be fixed... And to those people that track any bugs with reference from official servers or websites could earn a reward... hair accesorie and stuff Quote Share this post Link to post
NicolaasNL 40 Report post Posted October 31, 2015 The idea of helping is to assist, to contribute if you will. If you expect to yern some rewards from it i don't think you have help on your mind but tester with benefits. So do you want to play on test server for fun or do you look for profit on anything? Quote Share this post Link to post
beatdeath 29 Report post Posted October 31, 2015 is there any server Classic based with high rates to test skills? To not break the rules it would be nice if u pm me with link. Its just for testing purposes, might be help for the server if i check some stuff not being like ours and back.Coz i see theres a lot changes on Classic compared to real classic chronicle C1-C6 i need to know them. Cant check them on low rate server. Quote Share this post Link to post
Narmontas 34 Report post Posted October 31, 2015 The idea of helping is to assist, to contribute if you will. If you expect to yern some rewards from it i don't think you have help on your mind but tester with benefits. So do you want to play on test server for fun or do you look for profit on anything?1. This is hilarious... how can you say anything like that to people that put so many reports with not asking anything in return just to check reports You hurt peoples feelings ^^2. Hair accesory is a neat thing to have You can't trade them you can't loose them or anyhow effect gameplay just your character might look coolier The ones that doing continous testings and woring alongside staff could have a chance to earn this symbolic gesture as thanks.BTW even if there would be a testers with benefits and they would find crucial errors provide all checkable reference. I would count his help more than useless reports by good willed people. Like report for example : "BUG. FULL BODY ARMOR IS +4 safe!! always while other at +4 burns... - must check" Quote Share this post Link to post
plopy 2 Report post Posted October 31, 2015 The idea of helping is to assist, to contribute if you will. If you expect to yern some rewards from it i don't think you have help on your mind but tester with benefits. So do you want to play on test server for fun or do you look for profit on anything?I already helped to fix things, i have Lv50+ character on RUclassic... Even chated with San0 on Skype, i don't care about profit, i just wanted to test Lv50+ things and do reports if you care.Your choise. Quote Share this post Link to post