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BANs doesn't work? or what?

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Some of your players playing, but they are at banlist... WTF?

Player loh still playing and botting very well, to check bot or not just hit mobs, spoiled by him and he don't sweep, by if you not hit his mobs, he will sweep.

And some others.

But i reported them 2 times... no result or bothunters at vacation?




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smthing very messy here. Its one of couple of other characters been banned, but still on server

2nd more sad thing is that bot protection dont work on them to ban them again

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I personally rebanned all 523 accounts that right now in ban by our protection. So from now there can't be any players in game who was banned by our protection, but can play.

Right now we have conference with Manton and we also talking about this problem.

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good job=)

​Manton have enough time to fix problem. So with this restart will be installed fix.

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