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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/15 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hello, We are very excited about new L2Classic chronicle and decided to give it a go. Relatively small community from all over Europe and NA, started playing L2 on early C3 days and have been playing it up til now, with breaks between servers. Besides L2 a number or ppl are also interested in other online games like MOBAs (DoTa2,Smite), CS and others. Since L2C is pretty much a new chronicle, its still up in the air, exactly how many of us will be playing here, until we test it out in Beta, personally I'm looking forward to it. Most likely, will take it slow this time and try to enjoy the game as it stands rushing to the finish line will only leave you burnt out, bored and wanting to quit faster. (L2C is more like a marathon than a sprint ) Last server was L2Citadel (5x HB) played there from start to finish. If this server delivers, we will be staying here long term as well. Oldschool play style - whole Clan is 1 unit, even though its easier to manage multiple CPs, we still prefer the old way. Prime time 18-24 gmt+0 Dedicated TS3 server for Voice Comm. Right now the plan is to roll Melees/Archers + supports only, unless there will be a big influx of Mages, its more viable to have only Physical dmg. (Easier to make parties etc) Recruiting through our forums only. 1st Read the post @ http://hellspawn.forumotion.com/t4-guide-and-application-layout-read-this-before-posting Then make an app, simple. Happy hunting and see you alls in game.
  2. 1 point
    Hello everybody, This is something i always wanted to have in game to give the healer and buffers a new dimension. I got this of lineage.pmfun one time so i dont know if it works for this lineage since it is a custom made. The idear is giving the support player the ability to create potions like the standard health potions and mana potions there are some other things in there in the link provided. It works by collecting herbs and crafting potions out of it. http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/lab/potion-laboratories.html So i was wondering 1) are there any potions for sale in the general store ? 2) is it possible for support players to make these potion from collected herbs I always thaught it would be nice to have something like that in lineage. Alright thanks let me know what you think.
  3. 1 point
    Dear Everybody, Knowing not that this lineage classic has it or not I ask the question if you and your friend, clan or party members who are in party and diong the same quests. Do you get the quest items together or do you have that random luck generator and just 1 person in the party gets the quest item each time a mob drops it or does everybody get it ? Basically scenario A. 7 party members kill a mob 1 gets the item (everybody has the quest) or B. 7 party members kill a mob everybody gets the quest item (everybody has the quest) So which one is it ? Thank you, 4 more days to open beta yeah yeah yeah
  4. 1 point
    Reunião amanhã (07/05) no TS ClanLeibstandarte.ts3gt.com 23:00 ok? Todos estão convidados a participar.
  5. 1 point
    Sou Hansz, adoro Lineage II porém nunca tive tempo para poder desfrutar do Low Rate, e no atual momento estou com esse tempo disponível, e venho aqui da meu salve a todos, e que possam contar comigo, no aguardo de algum líder de CP me contactar para ver a possibilidade de ajudar e da melhor maneira e horário. Rio de Janeiro !
  6. 1 point
    Why not make russian subforum. I mean there could be another threads like Clans and General Discussion only for russian. Though I don't really care if it's mixed, it would be more arranged and people would stop QQing.
  7. 1 point
    I'm speaking Russian , but agree with you . Only English in forum threats .
  8. 1 point
    нас не не любят,нас боятся,а раз боятся значит уважают!
  9. 1 point
    C y k a is all what I know about russian when watching dota 2 = )
  10. 1 point
    ​Очень информативно.... Вот сижу и думаю - то ли он ищет людей онли 15+, то ли у него онлайн 15+? Я хз, короче.
  11. 1 point
    ​Fat post Well , good when you know Russian and English in same time , (also i know Ukrainian , but it's useless unfortunately ) .
  12. 1 point
    ​i know what you meant, but that's something that does not belong in L2C game mechanics. otherwise the mana recharge skill from buffers would have no reason to exist, same with other skills like mana burn for PvP. those potions would have a much greater impact than just PvE, and trust me, i've had enough of my share with QHP and CP pots already. this server needs nothing customized really, it just needs to be as close as retail game mechanics as possible.
  13. 1 point
    Buenas hijo mio conozco todas las cronicas gracias por la re info , saludos. PD: Todo lo demás son excusas, y gente-clanes novatos