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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/16 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Hello guys, I really like server, it's just like old school Lineage II but I cant help myself so I have problem here with tattoes/dyes. +12 Tattoes make game really unbalanced in my opinion. Mages with +12WIT lost just few MP and Gladiators/Warlords with +12 STR lost only DEX which is usless for them if they use skills. Gladiators are able kill mages in one hit and Mages are able kill other class earlier then they get close to them, PvP are so fast that I cant enjoy them. In nutshell some class have bigger benefit then others, soo I want have here max +5tattoes. What do you think? Or bring some update bigger balance betwen classes?
  2. 2 points
    i think you are a newb that cant do anything, so just leave this server. bye bye
  3. 1 point
    diz boi want all to be ez as list of paper. I have archer (fucking archer) party top level, we dont exp already for a month... we didn't exp 12 or 16 hours per day. And you want make this more easier so after LOA open and 2 weeks pass there will be mages 74 lvl on the server?
  4. 1 point
    Тут вторые окна платные. Или можно играть с 2 компов. По 1 на каждом. Играть в онлайн игру с окнами - это маразм. Находите кп, клан, заводите знакомства и играйте в своё удовольствие. Отличается Классик от ИЛа тем, что нет СА, можно поставить тату на +12 к любой характеристике, нет нубо бафера, нет катакомб, шмот и пухи только до Б грейда, есть дроп шмота и пухи при смерти от мобов(дроп от другого игрока есть, только если ты ПК(красный ник) или счётчик ПК больше четырёх), скилы учатся в окне скилов, в город не надо бегать. Это основные отличия. Вот остальное описание, почитай, если интересно: Патч 1.0 - https://4gameforum.com/threads/484846/ Патч 1.3(стоит сейчас) - http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/topic/8333-l2classicclub-13-version-patch-notes/
  5. 1 point
    Dear friends! You still don't understand that if you will make 16 accounts from 1 PC and vote for one option - it will not count? We already found 2 persons who vote from 27 different accounts for one option. Checking if there more.
  6. 1 point
    its no proof .. because its not true.... so good luck with your stupidity :)))
  7. 1 point
    +1 about the drop im just wondering when is sin eater quest comming? wasnt the quest to be implemented with 1.3?
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    ​Vote was closed after 16 hours. We announced about vote in game, so every player can see it. If your proposal will be supported by 100+ players - we will be ready to discuss it. ( Right now I'm talking about only discuss ). ​16HS ? WOW not even a DAY. this admins ..... with the different times zones around the globe most people of the server can have been sleeping.... you only get 240+ votes.. re open a vote and wait 5 days! be SMART!
  10. 1 point
    ​and there goes the classic thought kill yourself. bots will get to 30 no matter what. u think they give a fuck about 200k? LOL if anything noobie weapons should be perma Lets pretend i am a noobie. I get to level 20 my first day, i cant play for the next week tho cus i got shit to do. My weapon dissapears. oh my weapon died, cant play anymore quit if you cant understand that this is a private server desperately needing new players, maybe you should shut the fuck up