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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/16 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    BEM VINDOS, AMIGOS! Estou parando com as traduções pois parei de jogar lineage, foi divertido enquanto durou. Estou colocando as ultimas atualizações e os últimos acetos. espero que aproveitem. ATUALIZADO EM 14/02/2016 - Projeto suspenso. Cliente do Jogo (100%) Descrição das Skills (75%) Resto dos Arquivos do jogo (100%) * todos os links ou informações que apontam para lineage2.com ou truly free agora apontam para l2classic.club e/ou skype do suporte * links que abrem o navegador agora abre o navegador em l2classic.club/forum etc. Arquivos da Pasta L2/System (Ver. 22) - (Arquivo para ver os Textos do jogo em Português + Mods (1.91 MB)) - Em andamento Acompanha os Mods: +Level/Agression/MobSkill (não está 100%) +Quant. Crystal por Cristalização +5ª Barra de Atalhos Mods meus: +Msg do chat coloridas de acordo com seu significado; (Referente a Party, Ally (Verdes), Clan (Azul), Trade (Roxo claro), Erros (Vermelhos), Loot (Amarelo) e etc) +Msg de Aviso quando alguém pega um item, (nome do char + item obtido) +Msg de aviso quando o monstro é Espoliado +Msg de aviso quando o mob resiste a magia/debuff +Quantas etapas tem a quest e qual você está Arquivo para pasta L2/SysTexture (Ver. 5) - (Arquivo necessário para ver os Mapas em Português/Inglês + Mods (90.90 MB)) - Finalizado Acompanha os Mods: +Tempo de reuso da skill Arquivo para pasta L2/SysTexture (Ver. 7b) - Mesmo que o de cima: porem o mapa contem os Teleportes (90.90 MB) - Finalizado Acompanha os Mods: +Tempo de reuso da skill Mods meus: +Teleporte para onde vai, qual o nível e quanto custa COMO ESTÁ ATUALMENTE:
  2. 1 point
    ​Son this aint official. ​so,for every bug you reply this is not official? Or this is considered a "feature"
  3. 1 point
    Bcoz its not need. Its working throu site, its enough. Admins got more important things to do.
  4. 1 point
    ​Lol you gotta be kidding me. I dont understand why are you upset about this. You are telling that it will benefit only 10-20 real summoners on server... yeah thats maybe true, but did you ask yourself why only few people? Bcs summoners (with all the respect) sucks now. This is actually something that can make this class not enjoyable, but finally playable. Other thing, why you bring here "disbalance for constant players"? Disbalance from what? You are mad that you have to level new box? Or finding real player? or just you dont want to change party setup? If you are that mad about it then lvl up your summoner too. It will be same situation like now with prophets for example (i know personally only one active PP). Honestly I consider that CP system as a cancer which almost killed this beautiful game. CP players seems to me like slaves of this game, like living alarm clocks. Log in at exact time, log out at exact time, no socializing and making new friends in clan/or just randoms ... I can understand that CPs are usually better if you want be "successfull" (thats why wickedsick rolling out the server - they seems to me they are created onyl from CPs). Please dont get me wrong, i have no problem with you if you want to play in CP, thats your decision. But I really can´t see reason why you don ´t want small boost for classes that need it most (and in this situation are almost completely useless) and argumenting by disbalance for constants (this game was not designed for constants but for everyone). Actually i am very gratefull to admin staff for creating their own way of classic server. I am glad that they dont brainlessly follow the path from Koreans and actually trying to fix things that the original devs really fucked up (castle shop for example, PK scrolls - hope soon will be that Q instead of it as theye promised, hiting your CC in mass pvp etc)... ​Now read above and read all posts of Kure from the moment of 1.5 announce, bcoz this guy is 100% right and i can't make such good responses, he writes all i would like to write. 100% agree. And from me: So u prefer to see 2 summoners instead of these 10-20? Smthing is wrong with u. It's L2 it has 31 classes its nice to see some other instead of just gladiator (biggest sht ever) and WL. Go do ur aoe in constant party and leave ur invalid thoughts. U think that CP is going to be buffing from summoner outside pt? U invite BD every 2min also for dances? Bcoz if im not wrong blessings re 2min also. And again, did u read well patch notes? It's only lvl 2, propably its not giving much anyway, u didnt wait for pts on test server before making ur hurr durr. ​I have 9 people in const party and 6-8 hours of game time a day.... and we have allmost all boxes.... Let's server choce what to do.. I just want that admins follow Korea update, and do not build some java server.... ​LOL. Almost all boxes, so if u take summoner box it makes no difference, u re still sad ppl. "Let's server choce what to do.. I just want that admins follow Korea update, and do not build some java server...." haha, this is funny "let's server chose" but u "want" - well sorry to tell u that, but u re not "server". And guess what, at ur voting server is choosing to introduce new summons. Make ur vote and deal with it. EDIT: another though. Why this got introduced in Korea with 2.0 not earlier? Bcoz Korea is 1x so when they introduced this ppl had 70 lvl. If we introduce this with 2.0 on x3 server everybody gonna be 76+lvl and nobody will see idea of rerolling into summoner if he alrdy have almost max lvl. Even so at Korea 2.0 u can see only 1 summoner on Oly that farmed w.o soulshots all this time. So GG. 2nd. they dont need pet ss if they have +16 weapon from P2W shop
  5. 1 point
    They're just my predictions. I can't really tell because SOS isn't on the PTS yet. /: The reasoning to go -dex instead of -con, is because if you play with the dyes on the PTS, you can easily see that you only lose minimal stats. Aka 10 crit and 50 attack speed. Accuracy and evasion don't matter on classic. I went and pved for 20 minutes on the PTS with both dyes. It looks bad on paper, but in reality, its pretty decent. If the new solo hunting zones have AOE skills, you wont be able to go -16 con. In 2.0, they change DEX to make it more meaningful, you probably won't be able to go -dex when that update arrives. But that could take years.
  6. 1 point
    admins, lets plz remove bladedancers and swordsingers and healers, cuz constant parties have this chars playing all time and it brings disbalance to the game... constant party have allways advantage by the fact they are CONSTANT, not cuz class A or B has the skill X or Y... lol. another useless poll in this fórum imo like many others before... theres a class who is only good to kill mobs alone and if you have lots of patience, ppl do something to try to change it and make this chars usefull again and everyone goes mad... seriously... and just for you information mr i want all like on korea, this pets exist on korea, but with full power buffs. at least in here admins had the brightness of beeing carefull with it to not make it too strong. also this will bring some balance to the set ups also, mages farm speed wont increase that much with pony buff while fighters farm speed will increase slightly even if they go single target only. you guys rly need to look around and realized theres more to this game then 1 char and it owns skills and start seeing how it would help other chars. for long time we have melee complaining they are weaker, and farm slower, well this just changed with this update, get a phantom sumoner on it and you will have debuff from cubic you will kill faster, make phantom sumoner use the nightshade debuff and you will kill faster, get a warlock you will deal bigger damage and you will kill faster.. all of this bringing a bit more chance for non mage parties to catch up on the farming speed. if i would have something to complain about the update would be the gladiator sonic move, but i honestly dont think it will have such big impact as ppl think except as escape. ppl is just to blind, stupid or ignorant to see the biger plan and look only for the char as a individual. props for the updates. keep 'em coming.
  7. 1 point
    My god, I just realized. If they add party cubics, they might require a spellbook to learn it. Id have to find the phantom cubic again. OH GOD. NO. PLEASE NO. THIS WAS THEIR PLAN ALL ALONG!!!!!1111