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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/15 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    an small movie for present the final OBT server!
  2. 2 points
    don't you think that if it is not possible to play in 2 Windows then only will decrease significantly ? Administration you may revise this question and create one able to play in 2 Windows? вы не думаете что если не будет возможности играть в 2 окна то онлйн значительно упадёт ? Администрация может вы пересмотрите этот вопрос и зделаете возможность играть в 2 окна?
  3. 2 points
    ​Мне блять стыдно.
  4. 2 points
    ​Let me tell you as a tank fan: I'll adress TK first, as the notion that he has any advantage in solo farm is just retarded. Elemental heal is so cost effective, that it can completely heal about 100% of your HPs for 100% of your mana. Unless you have +CON (tanks anyone?). Healing cubic is actually very useful, even moreso in classic, but with TK's DPS any other character, including buffers, can kill the monster faster and just sit it out while waiting for TK to catch up. SK can actually be a decent DPS if you don't go crazy on -STR. He's still nowhere near any DPS class with comparable equip. Which brings us to... Don't expect to have a good weapon, let alone armor, in classic. Daggers and summoners don't really need anything. Mages can make do with Devotion and D staff all the way to 50. Archers only need Akat (and a party). But anyone who depends on regular attack and tanking the damage is gonna have a bad, bad time in classic. This is actually kind of a saving grace for SK, because DPS skills are much more effective in classic, but it's still nowhere near... DA. Since DA has a summon that is basically equal to any other summon (except you don't have buffs), and summons are largely unaffected by the classic "financial crysis", he can farm effectively even with minimal gear, while not being totally useless in PvP (like regular summoners) once he gets some decent gear.. He will be popular, for a reason. That being said: get a party. Seriously just anyone to entertain you while grinding. EDIT: I swear i proofread that the first time around
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    ​The server is opening in 3 days (although im betting you guys will delay again considering it still has so many bugs after a year of betas) and still ZERO information on premium, donation, etc. i really wanna see this server launch and be good, but seriously, even with new staff members, this is starting to look more and more like the good old fail l2classic shit we got in august lol.... So please stop saying ''chill and wait'', i know you're new here but most of us been hearing that same shit for more than 6 months. the server is supposed to open in 3 days, THREE DAYS, and you guys can't even give informations about donation and PA.. just come on.
  7. 2 points
    ​ouh... so how do you become the best on the server?
  8. 1 point
    Решил вспомнить молодость и начал потихоньку русифицировать клиент. Пока за 5 минут сделал только интерфейс, но планирую сделать полную русификацию и оставить англ язык с возможностью выбора. Так же могу попробовать вставить англ карту с возможностью переключения. ru.rar
  9. 1 point
    I propose to reduce the fines to the death of up to 4% 10% is a lot of ... a lot of players it will push back in the early
  10. 1 point
    I suggest you to disable Cyrillic, so we will be saved from Russian monkey letters.
  11. 1 point
    I thought the devs said that this server won't be p2w but you do understand that by allowing only those with premium accounts to dual box you leave all the f2p players with huge disadvantage because only an idiot can't see that dual boxing it is power, by having your own support character at any time you have the option to do much more in much less time & you keep all the money during farming for your self so no need to share your drops with others aside from having buffs for your main any time you want them, dual box is huge advantage & only those who spent real money can benefit from it so what is this? is that fair by your standards?
  12. 1 point
    решили тут поиграть с пацанвой так как с л2е-глоалом непонятки! на данный момент наc 1 пак так что есть набор как соло игроков так и готовых паков от 4 человек Так же нужны силные сполер и краaтер онлайн от 4++ часов в день пока что сидим в Раидкале если нужно будет куплю ТС3 кароче силные сюда) по всем вопросам скайп lagvik3 или лс
  13. 1 point
    я не хочу покупать влаживать дньги даже мелочь в игру тебе дали нахаляву поиграть а ты еще требовать что то хочешь? пф ​халява уже много де например на мелкасофте х1 там бесплатно рутт даёт поиграть на зборке и зборка от НЦСОФТА а не явка багнутая еще и админ хач хочит нажиться ​Уходи с этого форума,если ты считаешь что мелкософт - офф сборка,тебе тут делать нечего. Вам и так тут предоставляют одно окно бесплатно,а вы ещё чем-то недовольны,бомжы печальные.
  14. 1 point
    It's report section, and it's also issue so I have no idea why you're so offensive. I was talking with GM in-game and I was told to report all issues and bugs to the forum.
  15. 1 point
    I've read through the rules of this server. And can't understand few things. 1. Is this server international or no? If yes shouldn't main format of this server would be in International language? alphabet ciphfre ? 2. I've found on (Shout , trade) chat everyone talking nonsences of their own. Not to trade and stuff.. So this rule is useless. 3. So from what I saw that means anyone can type in their own language? I mean in (shout) chat and stuff? Because ATM i've found Russians like crazy chatting in their own alphabet. So what I can see that anyone from Europe and USA will see foreign alphabet not understandable chat flood. Shouldn't this kind of stuff be banned to use? I understand if they are chatting in clan/party chat. LoL Russians should learn another language as well to type with the rest of the world. Why the rest players would try to understand what are they trying to type in their own alphabet here? I hope you will check this kind of stuff because from what I can see atm I see 30% world chat in foreign language with foreign alphabet. So lets maybe invite more chinese? Freedom of the chat?
  16. 1 point
    ​Даже на ГК работал альт б, игрок хороший. смешно читать
  17. 1 point
    ​​да он еще и в игре постоянно свой стрим пиарит.
  18. 1 point
    ​Мне блять стыдно. ​почему? ​ты пришел на интернациональный сервер. официальный язык - английский. Не хочешь на английском играть - валишь. Все просто.
  19. 1 point
    Половину форума уже своими постами зафлудил, тебе делать нечего?
  20. 1 point
    the one trouble is he has to get 40.​
  21. 1 point
    Честное слово БЕСИТЕ уже воюют политики за свое лаве а вы как ТУПОЕ стадо на украине кричите ПУтин та та та а в РФ наоборот мол Порошенко бла бла бла Я сам живу на Украине у попросту призераю Майдаунов !!!! по одной простой причине тут нет никакой идеи тупое отмывание бабок.3-е лица заплатили донецкому БЫДЛУ за всю эту конитель вот и все случилось.Мы братские народы с РФ лучше бы чюрок выгоняли а не друг с другом разводите срач,... Хотя зачем я все это пишу .. Умные люди сами все понимают,а школьники и ВЦ пусть дальше смотрят в телевизор и слушают весь этот БРЕД.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    The only place where pk can feel safe (Floran)
  24. 1 point
    I mean alongside live of course. ​I seriously doubt a test server (aka bilionth high rate, high enchant pvp server) will constitute any singnificant hit to low rate Classic server population. Those are simply competely different groups of target players. Besides the test server does not necessarily have to be open to public 24/7.
  25. 1 point
    Kelk healeri, nekaudes galva del pvp ​yes yes, I would rise healer up too!
  26. 1 point
    I wish there was no donations till 1 week into the server, so all these people shut the fuck up already asking for donation information.
  27. 1 point
    Disabling Cyrillic won't make any difference, other than force Russians to use English characters. So instead of someone shouting "Соски" or whatever, they'll just shout "soski" cos that's how it's pronounced. You still won't be able to understand anything, just like you don't understand Ukrainians or Romanians when they talk in Russian with the english alphabet. Us Greeks don't have Greek letters in game, it doesn't mean that we're talking English to each other though. My suggestion is, learn to live with it. Most of the times you can communicate with them on a basic level anyways. Also, as ezsembler stated, it's bad business to only write shop titles in Russian. From my experience, in a server that's half Russian, half other countries, most shops tend to be written in English. Last but not least, the rule Vecsoria quoted is for the forum only.
  28. 1 point
    I played both and from what i can tell you is that HE do much better IF you have a Buffer...if not then the summoner is the better option. The + for the HE is that he can use SS while Summoners cant use SS ...
  29. 1 point
    А зачем отмывать - гордо носи красный цвет!
  30. 1 point
    Kelk healeri, nekaudes galva del pvp
  31. 1 point
    ​The server is opening in 3 days (although im betting you guys will delay again considering it still has so many bugs after a year of betas) and still ZERO information on premium, donation, etc. i really wanna see this server launch and be good, but seriously, even with new staff members, this is starting to look more and more like the good old fail l2classic shit we got in august lol.... So please stop saying ''chill and wait'', i know you're new here but most of us been hearing that same shit for more than 6 months. the server is supposed to open in 3 days, THREE DAYS, and you guys can't even give informations about donation and PA.. just come on. ​you got a point there, raging on forums will make everything works faster and better... you will get the information about donation PA and all the rest when we decide we want to give it, its enough already with 20 posts everyday about this, we know ppl want to play, we know ppl want to know stuff about everything and everyone, but keep spamming the forum wont make stuff come faster. so yes just "chill and wait". You have been w8ing for so long as u mentioned, w8ing 1 or 2 more days will not kill anyone. And i advise you controlling your emotions while your words are directed to the project or any of the members of the admin team. How am i raging? im stating facts, you guys said you'd announce everythign a week before start, its 3 days left and still nothing. control my emotions? my emotions are just fine lol. i dont see any insult or rage in my post about you or any1 else on the staff, or the server, only stating facts and reasons why people are starting to be pissed again - Cause it's starting to look like august all over again. I didn't start this thread so if you have a problem with people spamming, just warn the people making the threads, i agree 100% with you on this. but as far as im concerned, don't tell me what to do when i'm not doing anything bad.
  32. 1 point
    ​Приди сюда 24 числа, посмотри открытие, онлайн, рейты, контент. Понравится - останешься. Не понравится - вернёшься обратно на руофф.
  33. 1 point
    Yo voy a probar, me preocupa solo el tema del delay por la zona geografica, Sobre el otro classic, si bien me gusta bastante y encuentro que los gms son bien activos (aunque hayan tomado malas decisiones) y sin ánimos de ofender o escucharse xenofobicos, los argentinos me tienen medio chato con sus llantos y estupideces que hablan ademas de querer que les hagan el juego a medida exigiendo y pidiendo cosas de mala manera y lamentablemente el otro server esta plagado de ellos. Lo bueno de aquí es que como la mayoria de ellos no habla ingles creo que en este server no les daran mucha vola =P
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    ​so basically DA is the only oe viable for soloing, but not good at all in pvp?d for solo Sk or TK is better than DA. but DA stronger in 1v1 pvp if enemy is not fast running class ( knifemen and bowmen ) they are just running away too fast and you can't get them and they can't kill you. Keep thinking that.
  36. 1 point
    ​GL klasike su Interludo settingu. Kol dbr yra su live reitais testas isbandykite destrus. Speju tada dings ir destru partukas ^^
  37. 1 point
    Much? Not at all. While being able to log a buffer (real, live buffer, who happens to be at work, or otherwise unavailable) in a pinch can help, solo + boxed buffer is certainly NOT the way to "win" Classic.... But seriously, put permanent, undropable hats in donate shop.
  38. 1 point
    Нашёл в файле ItemName_Classic-e кучу ошибок Один id описывается разными названиями и информацией Так же для удобства вернул англ названия монстров и предметов, но с русским описанием id в файлах ItemName все упорядочил для лёгкого редактирования, надеюсь администрация обратит внимание на эту тему ru.rar
  39. 1 point
    Вот готовый русский патч Отписываемся у всех ли работает нормально   Карту сделаю чуть позже patch was deleted cause of protection conflict.
  40. 1 point
    ​There is no logic there. In PVE both players and summoners don't use or can't use shots so the damage scale is equal as both uses shots. Also remember shots adds more damage to skill too. But if you take a look about pvp, then yes. Summoners are weak because of no shots (player will use shots only in pvp, at least in retail). ​Yes maybe its too far to say that summoners are bad bad bad. They suck in pvp. This is part of an iterviev with a player from korean classic 1.0. Guy plays from the start. Q: If it is possible, tell anything about summoners. How do they feel themselves in Lineage 2 Classic? What good and bad features do they have? In your opinion, which kind of summoner is better for PvE and why? A: Summoners are very rare in Classic 1.0 mainly because they suck in PvP. There are no shots for summons so their damage compared to other classes when it comes to PvP is very low. The only good thing about summoners is that they are easy to PvE with (if you can find an empty spot). Besides that - they suck and I would not recommend playing them unless all you will do is PvE.