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Everything posted by kktnxbye

  1. Понятия не имею. ПС не самый популярный класс, на сервере замечено мной всего 3 - 60+ evilwitch (русскоговорящий), 77 trashlord (грек, в нашем клане) и 77 китаец. У всех вышеперечисленных есть окна бафферы+ за 10 рыбы можно взять вамп бафф, не пойму почему это для вас так критично
  2. хорошо себя чувствуют, особенно после 77. но персонаж не партийный - всю жизнь соло. В пвп 1на1 хорош, в масс замесах тоже неплох (саммон на 77 дамажит так что за удара 4-5 складывает тощие классы). вампирик можно с рыбалки наменять
  3. Ah u meant that, my bad. Still 3lvl difference is not so much for fear\sleep, isnt it?
  4. Nope, it appears on 77, and we fought a lot with them when these ES were 77 and when they were 78 (now). 76lvl stacked necro to 77 pony had pretty low chances to debuff Magnus. Like 5-10% for fear\sleep
  5. Nope. Here u still can kill 74+ mages with 58 PR ez. Or kill 76 lvl mage by 65x melee pt(still getting ~1300from bananas\orcs). Lets remember c4. Top pt 78+ with heroes with scepters(mcrit)+val necl+baium rings+ PoW+ Sirena+reneval+balance. Can kill with kite just infinite qty of 74 pts. And all top pts had such a setup. So I have no idea what are u talking about. L2 has always been like this. Plus - its a simple food chain - 65xlvl pt kill 56-60x, 70lvl eating 65x and so on, u just need to find the enemies same lvl as you (and there is a lot 60-70 now in eur prime)
  6. CHN have free farm in asia prime. doesnt matter for exp scrolls - they are always higher lvl then everybody else. ESes have a boost cause of SV farm + beast shots. Cause of free farm in asia prime they farmed solo AOE in FP like 0.5%\train on 76-77. BTW I see more and more CHN ESes every day > they will have like 3 pt of ESes 77+ pretty soon. Same story as with PRs. $ from chn for rerolls to summoners and destros. What I really like to see - some nerf for debuff resist of Magnuses. It's frustrating see that u in full epic 0\15 fear\sleep that sh1t.
  7. 0.1% difference in your DNA is distinguishing you from the ape. Or is it? " saying "you have to deal with it" because demotivating new useless players who will leave anyway cause anyway will find a reason to cry" fixed that for you, dont thanks me.
  8. Why should I show the arguments to what's obvious itself? Ppl already showed you the archer squads from offi, and I met absolutely the same on each big ru server. I told many times that what do we have now - is SO easy you cant even imagine(in comparison to what was in the past). PK scrolls A grade =600k now, its almost deleted all pk 61+. Till 40 u have PK protection. So basically ppl need to make only 20 lvls with this risk(of being PKed). If you wanna kill mobs with 0 risk - go play more carebear games. Here should be stuns\pk - it's L2.
  9. kktnxbye


    damn this pvp again where i've missed kingleo and died 2 times for it 3rd time this shame already.
  10. Wrong. 1) PK is a big part of l2 too. 2) ppl like you will find something to complain no matter what 3) mostly all these PK are 50-60 lvl, it's a lvl u can make in 1-2 weeks When i was 30-50lvl I was killed by PK like 10 times too (or needed to relog). Later I made 56-58 lvl and started to lvlup my spoiler and every time I met these archers in ivory\hardins\ai - I logged my mage and took some gifts from them (brig helm, c bow, d jewels) Learn how to adjust or dont play l2.
  11. I can say that ppl should not adapt to brain-dead staff of NCsoft balance department. I can say that it's obviously made to make more $ with moving OP from 1 classes to anothers with each update. I can say that seeing "a great sense" in the place where it is obviously just a $ greed or stupidity - is stupidity itself. I can say to @San0 - please stop be afraid to send "like on offi" retards to offi servers. And panic ppl "u can broke the balance" you can send the same direction. You can do it better - why to keep the broken things here then? You didnt make custom changes to PRs and what do we see last 6-8 month on the server? Only PRs in archers pt + several HE\SR left only to contest for heroes.
  12. Man, if some guy took CC leadership - nobody cant blame him for any weak gameplay on his char. It's pretty difficult to control ppl, info and play at the same time. CC leader is a strategist then tactic and only then - a player. Plus dont forget that in addition the guy could box something. About assists - in the best CPs its rarely used cause all DD see the situation and the targets they should nuke. So it is not a measure of the professionalism. On this particular server its a waste of time in 90%. Every time I try to do some assists - in 90% it is no target/our own chars/bards.
  13. Одумайся, женщина, пока не поздно Фигуру запорешь, мозги профармишь, какое ла2 в 15 лет?! Нам бы 22+ (а лучше 25+). Да и повидал вашего брата в л2, больше штатным психологом работать не хочу.
  14. Lose 3 castles for the sake of 3-4 pvp 1time\2weeks? When you have mass pvp in toi every day? No,tnx. No need to be hypocritical, ws side tried to take "free castles" 5 times this siedge as well (2 times ex on dion, 2 times oren, 1 time gludio), but no luck. No mention ws groupped in oren 4 times and then moved back to aden
  15. No I mean after you crested it back, there was a moment when ws were in town, chn were in aden castle, time passed and no crest. The last part? I mean that everybody expected that perkunas will crest aden casue your cp transfer.
  16. We would like to join the main party to have some fun but there were itommy,ex,cavaero,jf lurking in order to take smth. And still ws tried to take oren 2 times. Also we tried to take gludio. We only were a bit surprised that CHN cleared WS in aden but didnt crest (how did it happened btw?). Anyway the result is expected(rip cp>>perkunas) and fine for us.
  17. у меня нет таких проблем. А талик - я так понял он исчезает если надет и на нем мана не отрегенилась, не разбирался еще да и смысла нет - тои талисманы или покупные на УД больше используются
  18. Привет! Кто откуда, кто может поручиться?
  19. да, вытаскиваются, я уже 2 вытащил за месяц. Только я не в курсе как их юзать - на них 0\60 манны указано
  20. JerryZ КП (клан SM) ищет ЕЕ\БП 68+ и ОЛ 72+ или драйверов на наших чаров. Прайм обычно - 16.00 -20.00 по мск. Английский обязателен (как минимум - слушать)
  21. Если моб уже сагрен на тебя - свиток тебе не поможет. Насколько я понял это аналог сайлент дэнса бд или сайлент мува у даггеров.
  22. JerryZ CP lf BP\EE 68+ or driver. OL 72+ or driver. Prime ~ 4-8 p.m gmt+3 SM clan