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Everything posted by kktnxbye

  1. kktnxbye


    ​man its weird that you put out such facts, isnt that long ago? i can tell now a german guy that i remember in 1942 how nazi killed my grampa, the point is that this things are erelevant ​Actually a week ago 2 percs (Mikky or somth similar name and BD) PKed rb 40lvl party near oren castle. Just for "fun". The same fun they doing PKing non-tagged ppl in AB. That's just btw, nothing else. BTW to Soil&co. If your side higer lvl than Percs side, than you definetelly should stay till 2.0. If you will have 78lvls skills faster - you will have so much joy in pvp and fighting for epics you never had before. ​there is no untaggs and neutral clans, from low lvl people chose side. i dont think pk rb party is for fun, maybe they farm with their twinks i cant say. ​Yes, you make it so . No, particulary in that party were only noobs.
  2. kktnxbye


    ​man its weird that you put out such facts, isnt that long ago? i can tell now a german guy that i remember in 1942 how nazi killed my grampa, the point is that this things are erelevant ​Actually a week ago 2 percs (Mikky or somth similar name and BD) PKed rb 40lvl party near oren castle. Just for "fun". The same fun they doing PKing non-tagged ppl in AB. That's just btw, nothing else. BTW to Soil&co. If your side higer lvl than Percs side, than you definetelly should stay till 2.0. If you will have 78lvls skills faster - you will have so much joy in pvp and fighting for epics you never had before.
  3. Уже сказали, если есть возможность окна 2го - можно мага, если нет - то лучше лука, предпочтителен PR и HE. Саппорт нужен всем куда чаще (как всегда и везде)
  4. kktnxbye


    It's easy to find in logs who and how enchant this weapons. If it's not done - thats obviously for someone's interests.
  5. ​с выбором по лукам где не угадал?дпм вроде у хавка и сыра одинаков,когда сыр под рапид фаером(какойто чел на ютубе тестил,всё выкладывал).скилл хавка не беру,т.к. при нём не побегаешь. у фр всегда всё было плохо с дпм.криты самые сильные да,но их частота оставляет желать лучшего,как и скорость стрельбы.его надо по полной паковать,что нереально,чтоб он выдавал чтото хорошее. ​оба не правы) лук без бафа тоже особо не покачаешь, как и мага. для этого есть банки/свитки/баф из кх/гх в нынешних хрониках DEX особо не помогает сыру. остальных можно татуировать для лучшего ганга/кача ​То есть по факту - очень даже покачаешь (купив банку хаста в гх или вообще на селфах). 2 месяца наблюдаю как луки соло бьют мобов под ивори и потом шаманов (48лвл, 54лвл). И где я не прав?
  6. Ваши умозаключения разобьются о реалии этого сервера:) И про выбор среди луков тут вы не угадали, и про даггер. Луки качаются на рб и, в перерывах, на х2 опыта мобах (шаманы), иногда на мобах с уязвимостью (в основном когда книги бьют). АОЕ маг в 1 окно тоже конечно вариант, но не всегда будет пати(а что вы будете тогда делать?). Обычно румы ищут бардов\танков и се\ее. Соло лук может хоть на селфах шаманов нонстоп ковырять, маг-то не может, да и дпс без эмпа уныл. Все рб мимо опять же.
  7. So till its not balanced ppl will make macroses /target name for every enemy PR?:D Remined me c4 times with valakas-mages. But in that case - it was justified. BTW developers made op necros and fixed that later with invoc song&divine protection buff. Here we have even worse situation with all this oe weapons. Should be balanced. No need to afraid to make it different from official servers.
  8. в одно окно играть это лука надо делать. до 55лвл изи на рб и соло. только вдонить надо на д и ц шмот (или наспойлить). на некра книги замучается бить. мага качать в 1 окно - то еще извращение, все эти рандом аое пати в 9 лиц - очень долгий кач. Правильно тебе сказали, кп это не значит, что тебе как штык надо быть каждый день в определенное время.
  9. This trick works since l2 created. First it was without a delay - that was really annoying - everybody had 2nd window loaded and if smth bad happend - instantly disconnect themself.
  10. Guys why do you talk about the test server? Why to you trying to "invent the byke" all the time? There in nothing what can change the balance or smthg with the tournament. Nothing to be afraid of. It takes only 2 things (everywhere) from our admins: 1)Be there to punish ppl who making a mess 2) Check the eqip of the contesters. Coliseum is fine for this without doubds.
  11. 1. Usually such an events are free to participate. Cause the only valuable prize could be provided only by admins. Often it's some qty of enchant scrolls and accessories(surely the most valuable is the prestige). You cannot buy anything valuable even for 10kk\party. And also - more ppl = more fun! 2. +1 to 2 groups. 50-68, 68-75 I think. No limits for the teams. 3. Forbid to use OE stuff more than +6 and epics. 4. If the tournament with the group selections - fight till 2\3 points on the score for the one team. 5. Admins participation is needed to punish ppl who mess with the tournament (HWID ban chat\all accounts for some time)
  12. Why not to add DVC and Partisans CH? 1 hour more of fun on CH siedges every 2 weeks. I even know some clans who has a policy on all the servers not to buy CH to have more fun with CH siedges. It partly solves the issue. CH is a property. You cannot just take it away. In most of the cases it's tradable but for epics and oe equp.The reason it's not belong to some active clan - it's no agreement on the price. As I remember you have to pay a monthly fee for the CH, if CL has no adena - it will go to auc automatically. So somebody at least drop money there. The only solution is to have these accs banned for attempts to sell a CH for real money. Really strong clan have epics. For epics you can buy a CH. It was this way all the time till c4.
  13. So you were stupid enough to not understood with the first -4% and decided to tell us about it? It's so simple - if you are strong enough - fight , if you are not ready yet- a lot of another spots awaits you.
  14. 1) You can buy some cheap second-hand small laptop for 2nd window. 2) You can play some class which is on demand. Like archer\bd\tank. They can always find a party on rb and can lvling solo on self buffs at least till 60. 3) The purpose aslo to make ppl to find live ppl to play in party.
  15. 1.Смотри в камеру. 2. Камеру поправь чтобы не отрезало пол головы. Или убери свою физию вообще. 3. Всем наплевать где ты там играл, кем и какую ты там прическу тиру сделал - ты обзор сервака делаешь или что? 4. Не умеешь говорить - пиши речь (мямлишь!), много пауз, перепрыгиваешь с одного на другое, никакой конкретики по серверу(без обид но ты похоже в игре не шаришь ни черта) и ничего полезного - мусорное видео.
  16. Good personality and ++emi\bop are good advantiges which could help to solve the issue.
  17. ​we can ban them faster then they lvl up ​Nevertheless we see them every day. Objective reality tells otherwise. HWID ban isn't hepls I suppose =(
  18. Relax guys, these are lvling characters with bots till 20lvl then spam everyone with PM in GH. Nothing can be done with them. I've seen more than 30 spammers like this for the last month.
  19. Here is n Bro thats the point nobody wants to fight because there is no competition for the spots like it was 1 year ago. Thats why its boring. And sometimes to rest from pve is a must. But people do it just by playing other game or watching a mOvie what means ingame has very less entertainment to offer. Good game is when u play 1 game and not even care avout others. ​There is enough competition on the spots (Lizards, Shamans in FoM, spoil spots). Just in this chronicle we dont have cheap instrument to PK ppl. Not all classes have stun. And also there is so many ppl that is no garantee that after you killed your spot invaders you will be not killed by random nearest person (had such a cases). Also there some problem with your lvling roadmap - in reality it will be more hours cause class change quests on some proffs really are ~5 hours but some of them are ~7 hours. And your %/buff are only available with high lvl buffer+oe c weapon. Also there are not always good lvling spots available - some time losses on searching the spot.
  20. kktnxbye


    Till 40 its not a problem, U just need a bow for rb(donate\spoiler), but after 40 - there is a lot of ppl with pp box or warc box. Even in old days PP&SE were only box classes.EE\Bish if U want a healer. With 2.0 skills ee, warc and bards will have even more usability in comparison with pp\se.
  21. Up! Looking for Staff's Heads as well.Preferably Demon's. * Items are bought. Please close the topic.
  22. Items are bought. Please close the topic.
  23. Music is not for everyone =\ BTW is there a movies with fights on epiqs?
  24. ​Извините, но Вы сделали неверные выводы. Тут большинство взаимодействует с 25лвл (который берется за часиков 7-8). Нажмите кнопочку Party matching и посмотрите сами - постоянно ищут танков и магов на аое кач и собирают пати на рб. Для меня лично, когда спойлю, количество народа превышает всякие нормы. Про сотню евро - фантастический бред. Не хочу Вас расстраивать, но за 3 недели (часов по 6) я выкачал 3х персов 46-48лвл и навыбивал\наспойлил на 80кк. Этого достаточно чтобы в б одеться (правда без "фонаря"). Не вложил ни копейки. Учитесь подстраиваться и искать варианты, в жизни пригодится. Всех благ!