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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. to be honest, i didn't pay much attention to your whole blabbering, perhaps I focused too much on the major bullshiet
  2. Did u deserve better? You 1st said NF was always zerg (a clan of 1 normal cp and 2 mixed parties every siege). The moment i saw that I knew what kind of brainwashed sheep you are but I kept reading just for the lulz. Ofc you didn't dissapoint and dropped the next bomb : " Quoting my good friend Pendragon "Hard times, makes hard man" It took 2,5 minutes for this "hard man" to post about zerg in forum after baium died. You got zerg'ed for the 1st time in your life? Good. Remember the feeling, cause I felt it for 5 months straight! And after all (let me also quote your good friend Pendragon):
  3. Nah no glow... (remember the times when @SOiL was talking about Tereza on programs?)
  4. Oly break is over, continue the drama pls
  5. @Kure I was gonna say: lots of sensitive fags in the topic but Yomana was faster
  6. You have Wound but not Cov, filled with brainz there dawg! And this scrub is a leader, forum!
  7. Don't try to study me driver, you'll never graduate.
  8. just imagine: The new shee--err generations of perks forum warriors looking up to a "driver"? The "boogeyman"? I'm cracking smiles just typing the last one. Oh, Great Myrciu how we miss you...
  9. Btw I saw Sm outside Baium today, update me pls what happened. Didn't they port in?
  10. it looks blurry cuz u r drunk!
  11. I think you guys should be more greatful for the enemies that you have All I saw here is bitter comments by weaklings who would love to free-farm in peace.
  12. I was very high at that moment, i even clicked hero bers on ud... I've watched this like 18 times and wonder wtf
  13. i b.ressed him twice actually (no i didn't kill him again )
  14. What to expect from this video: - accidental friendly fire giving opponents a chance - failing/forgetting hero skills top use of hero skills - suicide missions glorious assaults - dying from reflect a lot of nuking - 1st video editing attempt sick editing skillz (LF better quality video editing programs, suggestions will be appreciated) I made sure to keep it short. 24 mins of pure violence, enjoy
  15. Sensei


    I was just kidding, the event sucks. The whole process is a ks festival and the chances for something good ridiculous.
  16. Sensei

    04-02/03 baium

    1.25! Afronus coming to the rescue!
  17. if you eat this dmg in oly, imagine what happens outside with real buffs... Why do you even bother for hero with that gear? Not being rude or anything, just teasing Pince cuz his reactions are cute
  18. Sensei

    04-02/03 baium

    @ProGressive destro name was skillfully written with Paint. You can still use it.
  19. just go to work Myrciu, i'll make u free HV after...