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Everything posted by D4re

  1. I will ask you again.Where was you at that time?In their party?In their TS room?No...you was in some deep cave.I guess from there you get all information.No feel free to go back there. p.s. Meaningless random flame is easy and cheap.I can do it too.Random words dont help.
  2. And the Town Boy appears again.When you arqueing what is true and what lie,can you remember me where you was at that time?In liars party?In their TS room?Now go to GK...
  3. I dont mind beating a dead horse.If entering our TS room and asking over and over again,every day with question "WHEN WE WILL LEAVE PERKUNAS" is not begging,i dont know what is.You are bunch of liars.
  4. D4re

    SoulMate PvP

    Ahahahahah,somehow i missed this topic!Janbo for president and next Perkunas leader!Noone deserve it more than him...
  5. Btw,dont hate the guy that is playing my ingame char now.For a while i gave char to another old clanmember,dye to "personal reasons",but instead of rezQQpig,i dont leave just for like that.I still reamain and help my irl friends(aka cp) and help them with driving.Tiil time i will be abble to play full time.As i said,this is the main difference between us and random cp's glued together with help of server recrutement section.
  6. Ofc...We all(including you) know did i,or didnt.
  7. You can thanks to Dobo,that he stop me so long time to tell the truth to everyone.I wanted to type this from a sooooo long time,but he all times stopped me...
  8. I just cant wait you "party" enter LOA and meet us...xD
  9. I just understand,that late september our party will do party meeteng in Danube delta on some river island near Moldova.I mean...really near...maybe few kilometers from border.I am offering group party hough for him.
  10. I can never call Lokiardy a "dude".Ever...
  11. And here is proof you wasnt there,or you simply lie.You didnt pk us.You try to do it,but you wasnt fast enough.But what to expect from some1 like Retardiardy...
  12. It's funny how they still believe we was kicked
  13. They stil are.I am wondering,where is the liewyer?He would be the best person to defend the waiter. Those sheeps didnt get 2 very important things.First is-we are not bunch of randoms gathered together from forum recrute section.Normal things that affect that kind of parties dont affect to us.Like scaming,lefting without warning etc.We dont need to look for new char for party if some1 decide to take a break.We need to do a phone call to next old clan member.I am wondering,how exactly a simple waiter can make us quit.We can do it for another reasons,but not becouse of him. And second- all that months...they hated the wrong person from our cp.Poor Dobo
  14. I wanted to say something clever.Ofc stupid tablet had something else on mind xD. Anyway...seems the waiter got finally fired from mcDonalds.Sad...
  15. Can you explain me please,how a singer will have lower speed than warlord,even in robe set? Can you say 2 sentences without a lie in them?How are we supposed to believe other things you are claiming?
  16. Our allmighty leader stab himself with big "wobbler" fishhook,and cant play dye injury
  17. D4re

    Dajtovillage PvP #8

    Nothing good can came out from this "thing".Just shitty lying propaganda and tons of sh*t.Just it is in his morale.And i am not talking only about game.His pretendings to be something he is not.The king of "lawyers" ...sorry ...liars. p.p. Turtle,you have greetings from Pavkata
  18. D4re

    Dajtovillage PvP #8

    Ofc you must take advantage in that kind of situation.It is normal.But taking video,cutting it in that way,just to seems like it is normal pvp,showing it here in forum,is pure retardness.And ofc another of his cp retards appears here and start bragging it.The truth is very simple.We had very heavy and long fight just seconds before.Allmost everyone with 0 mana,more than half with 0 bufs.Even we had few ppl sitting afk for regen till smoking. But what to expect from a little guy like him,exept this sh*t?
  19. I really dont understand why you are still feeding this little foreveralone liferejected troll "lawyer",with endless clients and bank accounts. Really... This thing dont deserve such attention.
  20. Exactly!Seems he forget the fact that i can get full information of him including pictures.So i know very well how big "lawyer"(i am sorry...liar) is he.
  21. Like this one? p.p. And remember,1 year in law school doesn't make you layer.
  22. We have whole new lvl of retardness here.In fact we switched sides 32 times.Just for example,WW with DL.WW with DL after I manage to dump 3 times in a row in same day.OOC w/o soil.OOC w/o soil but with me getting drunk 2 times in same day.OOC w/o soil but with me not getting drunk whole 3 days in a row.And so on and so on.I was still wandering before few days,can this lifeless sad and rejected from peoples turtle become more funny and braindead.Eh...he just andswered.Yes ...he can!