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Everything posted by D4re

  1. Ah,i forgot you are the only europeans playing in Asian prime time.Wondering why Don't answer me,i know.
  2. Dont worry.Next siege they will manage somehow to get 250+ CC and will take all castles back.I have no doubt on that.As i have no doubt,they will do endless spam in forum for that.
  3. You are wrong clown.We was 1400 not 140.
  4. I think epic jewels can be bugged.Stiba is worshiping them so hard,and mentioning them in every single post,but seems they are decreasing his power...somehow... Stiba,i told you so many times,will do it again.Stop pretending being something in forum,couse in game you are paper clown.Instead of spaming everywhere,go practice in game.Those 1-2 first lvl jewels that you have,will not give you hands and brain behind keyboard.Period.
  5. D4re

    Summer of 69

    It is not Rammstein
  6. Y... Somehow i managed to mix anatema with anarchy
  7. Feel free to come fight me in Loa town hero.
  8. Oh boy,i guess you did epic rimjob,mr Dion owner
  9. With x2++ zerg on CC,it is shame if we have even 1 castle....sup? p.s. Now go hug GK,town boy.
  10. I vote for 0 castles fot ET rats.
  11. ok liar... Now: I am wondering,when dead souls will gtfo from here?
  12. Never mentioned even a word about Jungle.In fact never mentioned your name too,but seems you know very well what i mean. @Pray for Uchi party resurection.
  13. A liar calling another person a liar.Interesting... I am wondering,when dead souls will gtfo from here?
  14. For liars cp : future will show...
  15. D4re

    common Perkunas prime

    It's funny how in every server i've been,dead souls are most active in forums...allways...
  16. You know very well who win first place prize,liar.Anyway....i will say this again.BB dead soul.Hopes for garthering party again in 2.0 are free.Enjoy them...
  17. oh,second bigest liar have nothing clever to say. BB dead soul...
  18. Bunch of liars that left no mark in this server.This is my comment.I told you long time ago,that uniting in party with bigest liar aka "the Liewyer" will end in flames.And here we go. Dead souls don't bother us anymore.
  19. D4re

    Shall we begin?

    And what this wall of text must show to us?How you love to travel?Me too...How you have friends from enemy?Me too..And...? p.s. TheLord you f*cker...I am waiting you here to go ride together...
  20. It is close enough to be true.