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Everything posted by D4re

  1. D4re

    Return to Lineage

    Yes yesterday we were 5 parties 1st time 6 parties 2nd time , we had 2 more parties of lowbies farming abg while we fight, instead of taking them as meatshield like you do fucking imbecile. Also this clip that shows we are 7-8 parties is 1 week old when u had 10-12 , so gtfo scrub , you are the joke of the server. You are so fucking stupid you don't even remember a week back. edit: Also on that same clip u can say we have 64 ppl in cc so at best 7 parties. If you watch your own clip from a week ago https://youtu.be/3JZlJTUyECM?t=596 u can see u have 9-10 parties+ , retard. You are even too fucking bad to even notice that the crest on your own clan is different, so the clip must be old. They should buff FC more , only way you become an even better player! Call retart to some1 from your family,little kid.I can see at least 7 partys entering loa on 2:56.I know very well that those partys WAS on fight.And ofc there may be more that cant be seen in CC.Any way i dont care.Shame for your childish rage. edit:In fact i remember.There were more ppls from Totally Toxic,so ... we can do the mathh easy.I catch you in lie,you start brainless raging becouse you dont have what to say.At lease act like grown up,you wont achieve anything with insults.
  2. D4re

    Return to Lineage

    I thought in LOA pvp you were 5 groups only At least dajtovillage said so
  3. D4re


    I have some doubts i can win 1 vs 1 even a dorf Char is very weak in this type of fights.It is good in mass pvp's if you play it corectly,and maybe in some surprice gangings. That's all.But is it fun to play.
  4. D4re


    ​Don't worry,everything is frapsed xD.But you shoud remember allready,that usually every online party present in CC,till not every online party present in fight. Last night you were more than us.Not sure about exact numbers,but it was minimum 1 party,more likely even above. Oh syka we were more than u:) really , by the way your ally cannot even count right.. Last time they come to gank us and said we were 2 parties against them .. And they died PR.. But second PT was our spoiler and SE off party strong PT dwarf(56lvl) and SE 68 LF members some crafter , cause one little dwarf cannot deal with that SE boobs solo, and 6 bishops to cleanse all stuff after their sex ( in 2,0) this dirty dwarfs ... ​I dont count numbers in CC.I never do.It is useless.But i DO count with spy parties entering loa.As i said,don't worry,everything is frapsed.
  5. D4re


    ​Don't worry,everything is frapsed xD.But you shoud remember allready,that usually every online party present in CC,and yet not every online party present in fight. Last night you were more than us.Not sure about exact numbers,but it was minimum 1 party,more likely even above.
  6. So many tears here. p.s. Modoy,some day you will miss stun
  7. D4re

    OOC CP #2

    ​I dont really dont care what you believe or not.I know truth,and it is that we intended to make our own clan(as i said we even created it and do some lvls on it),and be there with another archer party at least at begining.Dont make me tell things that will create another drama in your ally chat/TS...
  8. D4re

    OOC CP #2

    I remember,it was some time ago,we was loosing farm spots to enemy(and i mean not only my party,but whole ally),and on our asking what can we do to stop that,answer was "Dont give them fight,PR or bsoe,or log of,just dont give them fight,make them lost interest and leave".I remember very well those words from BizQQuit,becouse after them he lost us.Ofc there were lot more decisions from him on witch we angry a lot(like spending 100+ soe + 5kk only for teleports on sieges),but somehow we handle them.But after those words,everything over.Ofc we give him back items we own him.I cant reject he helped us,but in same time we loose too much time of doing nothing,and making 0 progress.So dont use card "i helped,you betrayed". p.s. And even when we got dismissed from Perc,we didnt intend to switch sides.We had plans with another archer party(i guess you know very well which 1) do make our own clan,even we created it,start lvling it,and so on.Ofc in that night when we got dismissed,rezQQit instead of being cool and grown up guy,and just ignore argue,he try to reach our farm spot and pk us.RezQQit,do you really believe we are that stupid and will let you do this?In same this minute you made us enemy,simple as that.And you will not "done" with no1.Not Soil,not us.It is becouse you dont have brain to do it.Tactic like "dont give them fight" or "recrute everything that moves" will not help you in long therm.Especially in incomming update.I am really impatient to show you what can do to you 2-3 organized archer partys with COV.