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About Nerik

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    Advanced Member

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  1. they dont do nothing XD Interest is interest. i hope can imagine how the monkeys works hahahahahhaha P.S: i lost 5kk in a row from my crafter XD
  2. Nerik

    Perkunas are looking for?

    @Kse why u follow perkunas on siege time? dont try to blame me or troll or what u want call it.
  3. Nerik

    Music Thread
  4. Nerik


    what about Sin Eater Quest? are u afraid to add it?
  5. Nerik

    Hola Que Tal?

    muy valientes detras de un monitor.
  6. Nerik

    To Staff

    i think can imagine it.
  7. Nerik

    To Staff

    who question for u in here? are your "friends". so, this post is not for u. dont join in conversation that nobody called for u. ok? you just have chance to lose everythink. so STFU @MoDoy this is your boyfriend right? @SeventhSky how many accounts, diferent names are u using?
  8. Nerik


    yeah. bored ruined people is around with nothing to do... so they disturb the people that want to play.
  9. Nerik

    To Staff

    Mods from this server arend doing the JOB! they just disturb other people to leave the best server that never existed. DONT DELETE MY POSTS BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOW WHAT I TYPE OK? its useless thinks to delete my posts. AND GO HACK YOUR STUPID FAMILY RETARDS.
  10. Nerik

    some thinks...

    excuse me? this is not bannable? @Koll @San0 @Phoenix