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Everything posted by retard

  1. nooooooooooooooooooooooooo i still have 2 more hours to pretend I'm working, pls continue
  2. wow you've gone from trying to be calm and reasonable to full troll/flamer/Mercyu in just a few days hahahahaha the progress is astonishing
  3. Seems you're in full troll mode no point to argue with a Lawyer, bullshit on another level.
  4. I was impressed at how decent your party was before, almost always pvping, but recently either because of boxes or because your daddy said something to you guys, you have become quite the pussies (Avoiding 9v9 in Loa like the plague(and yes we lost 9v9 in Coliseum but the game is not played there)). If you guys are with Bizz you always try to take the most advantageous position and have at least 1 pt more which I don't get why you would do it when you consider yourselfes being stronger than us. Especially yesterday Bizz had full party with 2 WL and 2 Glads which is usually rare. Also it seems only when you guys have a lower level PT with you its acceptable to make excuses........ So next time you complain I'll give you a few pointers: Learn to count, watch your cameras and grow a pair............ was really looking forward to the 3v3 yesterday and was even thinking we might lose but ......... seems someone cut off Bizzquits ball sack (was gonna say recently but I have a feeling it's pre-existing condition)...........
  5. Some clarification for yesterdays PVP in loa. There were total of 5 encounters between WW and Perks First was at Limal ramp were we tried to ambush Uchi CP and kinda failed (Uchi CP PR/Bsoe). Second encounter was at 3-way when WW had AD CP and BabyRage CP (62-68 lvl) and on entrance there were Bizz,Uchi CP and at least 1 more party mixed of Anathema and TFD. Result: we PR'd (Bizz asked for 9v9 but our boxes were already in town and we had 1 min on buffs so we declined but offered 9v9 in Colosseum which Bizz said he didn't have time for that). Then WW ran around ABG for 30 min when Bizz cp came from heart to ABG with 2 Anathema pt. WW went to town. WW went to LoA with 3 CP and then Bizz decided to call every dead soul on teh server 60+ ppl: 2 CP Perc, 2 PT Anathema, Nosferatu, Lithuania and others We went back to town in the end. 4th encounter and PVP it was 3 CP WW vs 4 CP (2 Perc 2 Anathema) We lost period 5th encounter was 4v4 WW (3 CP WW 1 PT NF combined with others vs 2 Perc 2 Anathema) lost again (we had lower level PTs a lot of boxes but doesn't change the fact that we lost ) THE END
  6. And naturally you start to make assumptions and flame. Big man here, big man........ Oh and although it's not very likely, but have you ever considered I just didn't have an account until now, because maybe I didn't start playing here until recently ? And let me assume/flame a bit as well. The way you switch the argument into a flame war and/or change the point really just shows how immature/small minded you are.
  7. Still, doesn't make my statement false.......
  8. Lets make it 2 AM and considering Bizz lost PVP after that again I don't see how you even consider it a valid reason.......