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Everything posted by Aduha

  1. I know for sure there is one player that using adrenaline and used to be in ban for it already.
  2. ​you make me laugh please continue.
  3. Aduha

    Geodata Z-axis

    PC/NPC in Cruma loading from all floors(Z-axis) . That's incorrect. If there was Tower of Innocent here just image that quantity of PC/NPC that loading to client at same time.
  4. Aduha

    Server update information

    Just make 1.3. not need more area, DV still empty.
  5. Aduha

    clan wars

    ​Yes. Message in the middle of screen. that's what i'm talking about.
  6. Aduha

    clan wars

    ​the system message when you kill enemy or clan member dies it doesnt appear allways or only some times? cus for me all the time i tested it this part was working. about the rest we are aware of it, already asked devs to take a look into it. ​I think only you can see that messages. )
  7. Aduha

    clan wars

    back to same questions Clan war systemClan periods, warpoints bug.System message on screen when enemy or clan member dies.Clan war signDoesn't appear right(as you know) usually you don't see sign.
  8. Aduha

    Can't login in

    server on maintenance
  9. Subj: over enchant thread. Will be first. go guys.
  10. azazazazaza LOL TY for lulz
  11. Aduha

    Server update information

    only step by step. we don't need 1.5 update now, and we don't need it soon. make EV, Alligator, sieges and 1st level epic jews. That's enough. (well i talk exacly about 1.3)
  12. Lol, goin on offprime exping guys in boxes(there were 2 players) with backup, totally worth fraps If you are so badass go gvg vs me? Or you will PR as always when we run on the horizon, never give a fight
  13. its not a but lol, return also works on magic and archer attack. its works with random chance, for a constant % of vampir
  14. ​People are still on their 40's? Shame... If u have such a strong clan + ally why dont you fight for core orfen instead of crying for castle sieges? ​who is he?
  15. Same with RB and its minions =]
  16. why you talk about uptade? top spots in DV is still empty, only 2 pack from server farm there. and you guys talk about 2.0 ... I still wait people reach level to have more fun in DV. ~3-4weeks more and there could be(needed) 1.5 uptade but not 2.0.
  17. Aduha


    лол, клоунфиеста. Идите на евро, играйте с ботами )))
  18. Aduha

    Mouse Macro

    u can use "w+a(d)" and not spam clicks.
  19. killed you today, few times, with one pack. sadstory