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Everything posted by Asterra

  1. That looks serious. I vote for perma ban.
  2. Asterra

    04-02/03 baium

    oh, i see. Well, that happens.
  3. Asterra

    04-02/03 baium

    "Lack of knowledge" would be: "I dont know what happened after we failed baium." What you said before is called lies and trashtalk. Not lack of knowledge.
  4. Asterra


    What if his account was stolen with keylogger? You cant ban a player for downloading some virus soft.
  5. Thats because nothing critical to china happening today. Just w8 until someone from them fail weapon enchant or will be loosing a castle. Instanto restarto!
  6. There's a custom option for turning off visibility of player shops on some servers. This will solve calculator players problem, and will make Giran great again.
  7. I vote for Giran trade zone. It's good for trading because of its "natural" segmented trade zones - Items at central square, resources near Taurin/Grocery shop area. Besides its good to see cities alive. GH is just a fenced paddock. But, i dont know if its good to make free teleport to/from Giran city, like it is in GH now.
  8. i mean if he gets unbanned for free, or for second time.
  9. Is this obvious lies really gonna work for him? Because if do - im leaving server.
  10. На оффе тоже не работают пики как положено - бьют только одну цель, и аое физ скилы наносят половину урона?
  11. Same problem with all Warlord aoe skills. Besides, WL's simple attack with pole hits only one target, even if theres lots in front. No Focus Target toggle activated. @San0
  12. Нигде не увидел упоминания о скидке, в теме смены класса все еще указана прежняя цена в 20 евро. Ну и даже так, это не много за услугу подобного рода.
  13. Asterra

    Class changes update

    I think the idea behind this groups is: 1st - Only party gameplay class 2nd - Party preferrable, but solo possible class 3rd - solo comfortable class, but not very party demanded 4th - very solo comfortable and party demanded class Anyway, I agree with these class group changes, except one - Summoners should be moved to a 5th class without an option for change to any other class except other summoners. They are too easy for solo exp with their pet SS, self buff and press f1 to kill gameplay.
  14. Asterra

    Summons 2.0

    Кот будет фармить олимп при наличии заливающего альянса =) Кроме того, до олимпа коту надо как то докачаться, и без блесса это уже не будет так изи как дрючить один скил каждые 2 минуты в лукопати. Так что если план был такой - халява закончилась. Добро пожаловать в мир солодроча и\или унылых партеек, если такие найдутся. Однако, всегда есть выход!
  15. At least there will be some locations for single-target parties in 2.0
  16. Oh, here we go again... Ive already said multiple times that balancing issues should be dealt anyway. If summon blessings and cleanse should be removed - its ok, but not without any compensation to those, who choosed to play summoners as a main class, as it was before 2.0 update. Yes, they get pet SS, but this is totally another story - they will loose their former role and party they were playing in for a long time. So if you look closely - Im not protecting summoners as they are now. Im just trying to get what players deserve - a summoners they chosed to play (with some tweaks, cleanse deletion and hard blessing nerfs), or a class change, if first option couldnt be done. Sorry, I cant explain this to you again and again, after you keep making things up for your own sake, and write totally not what im really trying to say here. GL
  17. I wonder if there any more ways to explain some close-minded people who keep posting videos of high-lvl pvp summoners in OE equip and trying to refute what i didnt said, that 2.0 summoners problem not in the nerfs of skills, but in the absolute change of gameplay and party usefullness compared to 1.5 update. If I should explain this like for a child, I would say that in case of other classes nerfs or buffs they just become weaker or stronger, but keep their gameplay and party role. But in current summoners case, they are totally loosing former party role, which was the point of gameplay for lots of summoner players. Was it good or bad - it doesnt matters now. If it has to change - I dont mind. But its absolutely unfair for a people who werent informed about that changes, who lost hundreds of hours and lots of real money targeting for a party support profession, and suddenly got a secondary damage dealer for low-level not-so-good party. That wasnt their choice. And that never happend even on custom Lineage servers - player classes were buffed or nerfed, but never changed from one role to another. Tanks always were tanks, Supports always were a Supports, and so on. If this server summoners from the start had no custom skills - I've had no complaints, because I knew what im going for. If this server summoners from the start had an open information that some skills would be deleted - I've had no complaints, because I knew what im going for. But suddenly releasing a patchnote with something like this, and referring to some casual messages - not even an announcement - about custom summons posted years ago - is a deception for a players who got pig in a poke, instead of what they were expecting. @San0 Hey! Please, check on what im saying. Im really trying to be objective, and not pursuit only my own interest here. Three our parties were planned with alive summoner players, and after next update all this summoners are loosing their party roles, because anything they can do - can be done better by other profession. I mean - its probably good to be capable of doing everything, just not as good as special classes, (for solo exp or pvp) but this wasnt what they all were expecting to get. A somewhat skill nerf for balancing purposes - probably, but not total party support role deletion. Now they are forced to pay money for class change, or stop playing, because they wont be able to get main party level quickly enough. It would be fair enough to review summons party buff stats (in lower side, ofc), or do as you planned, but give a free class change opportunity. Also, i wish to ask you about Summon buffs delevel to lvl1. I feel like it was provoked by pony buff, which are totally replacement for EE buffs. But cat and nightshade buffs are not even closely enough for a physical party, besides they can not provide MP recharge. That's why SE will never be replaced by summoner in physical party. Besides, sumonners buff were originally meant for solo-purposes, so it will be a great idea to make this buffs solo-targeted only. Like a pony MP recharge skill.
  18. Oh i love these forum warriors, always trying to make you wrong in any way possible... The problem is this server summoner custom build, than sudden nerf. I dont say they gonna be TOTALLY useless, they just loosing former, more party-oriented meta. The meta which lot of summoners chosen for their gameplay, people build their CP with "summoner" role in it. And now there's no point of keeping this role, because theres nothing that summoner can do better than others. They will loose their specification, getting the "secondary in everything" role. That's not what players were aiming when chosed summoners as their class on this server, because no word was said about possible summon deletion or nerf. I say it again - its like removing BD/SWS songs and dances, switching them to secondary tank/dd role. No one will want them anymore, if only there will be no primary tanks or dd. Players lost hundreds of hours and spent money for playing their class, not informed about upcoming total gameplay changes for them, and then forced to pay for occupation change, because that's not what they were going for at the beginning. This is basically a deception for players who were not informed about class changes.
  19. PP - primary buffer. Paladin - primary tank. Bards - primary support. Warlord - primary physial aoe and control Summoner - just secondary in everything. No strong side. Then why should party have a secondary DD, if they can easily find normal DD? You say it yourself - Even with "infinite mana" and damage from both summon and summoner 1st prof skill nuking it will be still not enough to be a primary DD class. So in which side it should be primary then? And again - you're talking about 76+ lvl so casually, like theres no gameplay at lower lvls. Besides, not much people consider current PS mass cubics as a good reason for partying with it. Pony or Cat are invited mostly because of their buffs. Nerfing already not-ver-demanded debuff is the last nail in the summoners coffin. That was totally predictable from that kind of person. Some obvious lies, and accusing others of laziness and wrong gamestyle, without even knowing them personally. Not interested in discussion anymore. Bye.
  20. That's what I'm trying to say here. You're absolutely right.
  21. Comon, this is not high-rate pvp server to talk about 76+ lvls so casually.
  22. I don't remember any disclaimer about summon skills deletion on server login or forums when I started to play here. @San0 A lots of players started leveling summoners as a main char for party gameplay, and considered themselves only as a part of a CP, never warned of what may happen and ruin their plans. I see your reasons behind these nerfs, but how high-lvl summoners are supposed to continue playing, if anyting they could do - is a weak version of other class abilities? Basically, its like taking out BD/SWS songs and dances, leaving them for "secondary DD" role and "low level not so good party exp". They will loose almost every high-lvl content. Please, re-consider summoner changes, or give a chance for summoners to reroll. We spent weeks and months leveling them without any info that something like this may happen. There's no way for summoners with current changes to have a place in CP of future 2.0 update, and its a great pain waiting for a new character to catch up with main 60+ level parties.