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Posts posted by Reaper

  1. 5 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    idk about that, there was never a spot that i tried that i didnt get the icon pop up on ruoff, anyway thats semantics i think. Disabling it in harbor should be a no brainer and good enough. Maybe also aden <_<

    So you probably didnt even try to fish anywhere else except giran harbor or aden i bet.

  2. 2 hours ago, HellHound said:

    good idea, please do that... they can fish elsewhere basically I would disable fishing from all cities... there are rivers and lakes in game out of cities... that would make game smoother

    Not every Lake/River is suitable for fishing, you can see marked spots on map. Water=/= Fishing avaible.

  3. 4 hours ago, Pendragon said:

    Which server are you playing? Its gonna take atleast 2 more weeks to get 1st vop on server, its gonna take 2 more months to get vop/cov on major clan buffers and its gonna take never for a random/second tier buffer to get their 3rd class skill.

    The paradox of 2.0, all these nice 3rd class skills, which you cannot even use. I hit 77 maybe 4 or 5 days after 2.0 realease, and yet i'm not expecting to get arcane power or buster for atleast half a year.

    Ok, and? Where exactly i said its easy or anyone can do it? Only thing i said is comparing PoWi with PoF is really stupid, which is true based on gameplay on off servers. You are free to disagree with me, not like i care if some normie disagrees with me.

    Random player speaking without checking stuff, maybe people try to read twice replies on this forum, i see it happens quite many times people reply to someone about totally different thing, ce2.png.

  4. I just find it funny how 2-3 weeks ago majority of people were saying summoners are going to be garbage after they remove custom summons, now people say they are too OP.

    But really, this problem wouldnt be here if people had access to instant speed potions from olympiad, but that will come in 2 months min.

    Only tip i have for people now:


    • Like 2

  5. 2 minutes ago, Myrtan said:

    Maybe because this is disadvantage for character without summon?

    Who would guess someone who achieved higher level and better class (a.k.a. 3rd one) would have advantage over lower level guys with second class.

  6. 1 minute ago, Myrtan said:

    Exacty this mount shouldn't be able to use when flagged...

    Both situations described by you are shown in this movie (first fraps he is kiting PR with mount while summon is hitting archer, 3:10 gladi cannot kill him so he decides to use mount to run away).

    Why exactly they shouldnt be able to use?

  7. More PKs he has, more karma he gets. More karma he gets, brighter red his nickname becomes. Since you are saying his nickname was almost black, that means he had very low karma and thus it was his first/second PK max. Drop penalty from PK is started when person has 4 or more PKs.

  8. 35 minutes ago, LookAtThis said:

    @YomanaI just dont understand why u make a drama to pick up from the floor Like every mats or adena .. When you killing "Ur Epic bosses" u arent alone .. there need like 2-3 parties. Its 27 chars. You can pick up every char with 14 each.. It takes 5 mins from your gameplay?:) i dont think so .. max 45 sec.  In this Mode 1 ppl get all runes and say good bye.. and another 8 get 0.. U can speak easy when u have constant party and can share it. :)  1 more time PLEASE focus Random People too :)  

    Only CC leader party party (or party with highest dmg in CC if they dont have enough ppl) can pick up, so its not 27 ppl. Also parties might not be full, sometimes that party can get pked and camped by enemies and you can very easily lose drops. Imagine epic jewel on floor in 200 runes and you cannot click on it to pick up, then 2 high lvl enemy pts come and pk everything and camp for 5 mins to be able to pick up and you lose epic, well, that can piss you off.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Dem0 said:

    Hello, I'm wondering if there is any good reason to play this class here. I saw maybe one pw in whole server, but mby things change after 3rd class. So does Wind Raider getting any better?

    pre 78, PW is inferior to both AW and TH, after 78 PW is inferior to AW but superior to TH because of land rate boost from focus death, however in 2.5 with introduction of super runes which increase land rate of blows, we are back again to AW>TH=PW, so overall, if you arent that one player aiming to get hero on not so famous class, its not really worth to go for it.

  10. 1 hour ago, BlackJack said:

    i am 77 necro and got onehit by a dagger full buffs / no songs 1v1. My total hp is 9800 with pain transfer. Daggers are fine. They are just not stupid op like on older chronicles and require brain to play/use.

    Since it was 1 shot as you said, it doesnt matter if you had TP on or not, since TP is counted after you get dmg = the shot you would die w/o TP wont be divided to summon and you get full dmg of blow, so the dagger needed only 5k BS (which if you think is 2500 normal BS, which isnt certainly that much to be honest)

    23 minutes ago, kktnxbye said:

    1 month ago i was also had 1-hit rape by 70lvl dagger to 74sps full buff\no songs 5k+

    And not even a christmas card on christmas ¬¬

    @Reaper "every class 78+ will have 7k+ HP pools"

    I have some doubts that sps\sph will have 7k+ hp on 78

    Now daggers finally have their tp to target skill - should be happy af I guess

    7k+ with fruit on, 6k+ w/o if you feel like it (referring to 22:30 and he is only 76 and not 78)
    Once again as i said up, 5k backstab just means that normal backstab is 2500 and you dont know what buffs he had, while you didnt have songs.


  11. 13 minutes ago, kktnxbye said:

    man, look at anytime last movie, think what he will do on 78lvl, good luck.

    I watched it and to be fair, if you think his last movie was anything special or that 78 lvl skills will boost him so much, you are wrong, he wont go over 3k normal backstab, while every class 78+ will have 7k+ HP pools and insane defenses with all new skills ;). Damage on daggers here is reduced, i dont know by how much, but its definitely less than on official.

  12. 38 minutes ago, Stiba007 said:

    You are very poor create Kure.

    About RBs in Castle, i wrote about it with GMs before very long time back, if i saw some guys from enemies using castle on it. GM told me that is ok. So dont try be more ridiculous than u are right now and go puting more rats to our clans, more spy our ally TS, we dont care about sh.t like u.

    On 12/24/2016 at 12:02 PM, Koll said:

    We will make not allow to run with boss in castle, because there are no competition is such move, other players can't get in castle. 

    I am not an expert, but this doesnt seem that admin is "OK" with it. This kind of thing is called "exploiting" and what is worse is that it was known problem, yet someone is still doing it. I wouldnt be surprised if this gets hard punishment.

  13. 41 minutes ago, Rip said:

    Have u changed it? Im sure i saw somewhere on forum 168+48h

    38 minutes ago, San0 said:

    koll was tripping on acids and i was too high on caffeine...

    no w8...

    you were tripping on acids and caffeine.. we never said that... :ph34r:


    @Rip I believe you meant this (link goes to locked topic in which replies are only from ademin), but i was speaking about how it is on official ;) 



  14. 20 minutes ago, FinalFen said:

    I would risk saying that server is loosing more people who are for months in the 6x levels spending crap load of time farming and still not being able to do anything due to crap PvP mechanics and level differences than we do because of people "who don't have anything to do after reaching late game"

    I never understood it how some people kept crying how crappy sieges/mass pvps were due to low online, but whenever there's a chance for less hardcore players to catch up and start participating in those, there's a whole new QQ fest :f

    But I agree on 1 thing, current situation with the EXP inflation is indeed bad, but not because people are getting to higher levels easier <-- it's bad because exactly same ppl who have high levels/gear/advantage are the ones who get the bonuses while non-factorish ppl/less hardcore players are simply falling further behind due to no access to clan hall/castle benefits. This only moves further away the point at which people from outside of TOP allies, cant actually start participating in mass PvP's.

    As you said in last paragraph, and many people indeed cannot see it, but whenever someone asks for some event kind "xp weekend" to let newbies/casuals to catch up to higher lvl guys, its not those casuals who actually profit from the event, but the hardcore players who will play 15h that day just to get max of the event and they are getting even further from those casuals.

    And if you think once casual cp makes 76 lvls and it thinks it can be competitive, it wont stand 60s vs 80 lvl cp which will happen quite fast.

  15. 1 minute ago, takecare said:

    I'm I playing with this nick ingame ? oh guess u just another forum warrior

    Someone who is bragging in his first post how he played on official for 10 years wouldnt use someone elses nick even on forum (especially as famous as fisher using "takecare"), but rather his own nick. But i guess you are special.

  16. 57 minutes ago, kktnxbye said:

    Ppl who loosing the interest? Cause of lvl? Please, with interesting game ppl would never leave. Look at c4 x3-x6 long-life servers. Ppl there make 78\78 in 1 month but ppl playing there 2-3+ years. Because it's ppl who make a competition between the alliances for epics\castles\heroes and just for good mass pvp. Look at ppl here, it's the same, the main reason ppl stopped playing here is lack of competition. If any side is following the total domination strategy that's what push ppl to leave, not x3 rates.

    Competition is very important, however there is no competition if there is nothing to farm. People xped to 75 on 1.5 to get better skill lvls, they will farm for 80 lvl because they want that next lvl skill, however dont forget that 80 lvl is something which should be aimed for in several next few updates, but if you make it in this one, what for will you xp after that? And dont tell me its epics/heroes/castles, because thats some irregular events (epics are every 2 days/5 days for baium, heroes are only friday/saturday for 4h each and CS is every 2 weeks). You dont want to let people make 76-80 easily, unless you have something prepared for them after that level (update).

    • Thanks 1

  17. 1 hour ago, Pendragon said:

    This is super bad. Ganking side has insane advantage, you dont see shit, if you're ganking you're already in advantage dont need another one. Not only that its super uncomfortable.

    Because zooming out camera in the middle of BS to see wars porting there is so good. Yes, people would need to be more active/more aware of surroundings and if you feel like better spot with worse surroundings isnt for you, you can choose worse spot when enemy wont be able to jump on you over the hill. But i guess this wont be accepted on this server full of carebears, you can see how big advantage even small hill is on official in first clip, but here everybody played on pvp zoomed out to 3k range so he could see 5k range radius of enemies, so who am i trying to persuade.