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About JaNkaR

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  1. maybe because chinese are the ones selling adena and items to the RMT sites ?
  2. JaNkaR

    RMT report

    maybe use auto chat ban on keywords like dollars, euro, eur0, skype or domains ? And it doesn't have to be long, even 5 min is enough. So active players will use another mean(discord,ts,fb etc) to talk about the site they visited but those irritating spammers wont be able to advertise since they will get chat banned every time they try to spam.
  3. JaNkaR

    WTS Dual SLS +5

    WTS SLS*SLS +5 pm/mail "JaNkaR in game, thanks.
  4. - No i never enchant any weapon, +0 FTW. in that files the effect start from 8 instead - Admin or whatever, is a test of 400 repetitions, you cant evaluate a system with that low number or repetitions to get a valid result. p.s : since you can't provide an answer to my question there is no need to continue this, lets just wait for Koll to check instead.
  5. This is what i also have heard but i don't know the source behind this and if it's a solid proof. that's why i referred to Koll as well so he can answer the question.
  6. 1)To make a good experiment need at least 10.000 iterations to have a valid result. with 400 repetitions you cant have a valid conclusion on the chance. But still its an experiment and not the actual chance from the code. 2) as i said is part of L2J Classic 2.0 files its not OFF , it was designed like this and the developer told me he was based on the classic RU off. 3) there is a visual effect. there is something like a firework if you enchant successfully from 8 and after.
  7. That's why im asking Koll if the enchant rate is stable or no. this is part of L2j classic 2.0 files claimed to be based on l2 classic ru off but can't confirm if ru off is like this since i don't have access to that files.
  8. Well i made this topic because i couldn't find any topic (after a quick search) that specifies the correct enchant rates on l2classic.club, so @Koll is that "list" accurate regarding the enchant rates on the server ? Does the enchant chance decreases after each enchantment level or is it stable ? could you give us a clue about the actual enchant rate? Thanks
  9. JaNkaR

    Hero making service!

    maybe because I'm new and i don't have proper gear this 600kk sound insane to me. but probably for some people wont be big deal as you say or it may sound like an investment. In any case gl with that.
  10. JaNkaR

    Hero making service!

    Is there really anyone that : has 600kk to spend in his inventory is willing to pay 600kk to get hero for 1 month Good luck with your service but i doubt you will get a customer. Not you especially as modoy, but anyone that offers this kind of service.
  11. JaNkaR

    LVL 30 BD LF CP

    In lvl 30 you are technically not even BD yet. But Aja69 is right. If you join a clan, war will not let you farm. Try go 70+ alone with rbs, aoe. You will always find party as a bd
  12. JaNkaR


    i think Koll just wanna help you dude, i doubt he wants to make your pc a zombie. And prolly you make a typo if you type fast and your password is long. Happens to me all the time, just rr router(to get new ip) and log again without waiting for time ban to expire.
  13. JaNkaR

    WTB Yul LvL 7-10

    WTB Yul LvL 7-10 msg me on forum or pm/email in game JaNkaR thanks
  14. JaNkaR

    New Hats

    im not a new player but thanks for pointing out that more hats are given in events. Just i see the same hats in Nostalgia for months and considered that maybe would be a good idea to add new ones.