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Posts posted by Nagyn

  1. Hello,

    I think that Daily quest mob should give the right amount of mob if killed at the same time, especially on train.
    As WL is a pain do the daily quest since i cannot use my char in the proper way. Even if i try to shoot one skill and then finish mob 1b1 i always skip some QI.

    Daily are usefull both for daily coin and bracialet duty, but especially from 51+ it cannot takes 2h+ a day for some class, considering also that all the daily spot are full of people and you need to contest every mob.

    Adding the right amount of QI per mob would decrease the time that daily quest takes.


    • Sad 1

  2. Bump for this topic, what's @Rip is saying is not that wrong.
    Bards, and especially sws in 1.5 is boring as hell; Unless you play in CP there are really few random bards out there.

    Bards dont really need big dmg but at least make them enjoyable as class, even @Werew suggestion about charm/confusion would be a big step.


    Edit: at least got confirmation about sword of symphony that is in 1.5 


  3. I like that trend title.

    I was wondering if there is any chance to reduce the casting time of "indestructible sound" is like useless on oly since it take tons of time to cast it with haste+zerk.
    Atm u can cast it, go to bathroom and check later if it landed.

    I can complains with many other thing about gladi, but that's a 78 skill make it usable at least.

    Nagyn and the Duelist club approve that statement.


  4. WTS

    A Weapon:

    • Dasparion's Staff


    • EWB (Tons)
    • EAB (Tons)
    • EAA (Tons)
    • EWA (Tons)
    • IEAA (Tons)

    A Random Part:

    • DC ROBE 
    • DC BP
    • DC Gauntlet
    • Tallum Leather 
    • Tallum Robe

    Cloth Piece