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Everything posted by NaulVM

  1. NaulVM

    WTS/WTT 3rd books.

    Added to trade: Warrior Servitor Lord of Vampires
  2. NaulVM

    WTS/WTT 3rd books.

    I'll do when server on, reserve this Balance.
  3. NaulVM

    WTS/WTT 3rd books.

    We trade/sell all these books: (sale price) Arrow Rain (9.4kk) Maximum Sonic Focus (9.4kk) Exciting Adventure (9.4kk) Mass Cure Poison (9.4kk) Fire Vortex Buster (9.4kk) Mirage (9.4kk) Turn to Stone (9.4kk) Salvation (15kk) Pa'agrio Fist (15kk) Wind Vortex Slug (15kk) Final Servitor (15kk) Great Fury (15kk) Demolition Impact (15kk) Sonic Barrier (20kk) Renewal (30kk) Mass Lighting Strike (30kk) Insane Crusher (30kk) Focus Chance (30kk) Focus Death (50kk) Shield of Faith (80kk) We need: Chant of Spirit Critical Wound Champion Song We offer our books in trade or/and adena for its. Mail PopestarVM in game, answer this post or PM in Discord to PopestarVM#4121, Grimdokor#2175, SteveXLVI#3717 or Jhao#5300
  4. Please kids, dont spam my post talking about random/nonamed clans/allies like China, Perks, Defcon1... Thats a serious topic, don't ruin it. Be happy and smile, peace and love for u all. Never stop fighting for ur dreams
  5. Greetings! I'm NaulVM, leader of HdM. I just wanna tell u all; THANKS. Thanks for giving us all the raid boss and free runes everyday Oh! Dont wanna forget the thirdclass visits at lvl50-60 zones... We rly appreciate it and love u so much for helping us growing in L2Classic Club. Cya ingame lads, keep it up!