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Everything posted by RagnBoneMan

  1. saw myself, so big nostalgia... i wanna back that time and people..............
  2. +++ вот я и написал выше что у него проблемы с головой >>> люмпен
  3. у тебя явно проблемы с головой
  4. WTF happened with you guys ? It will be your problems with connection. If you have bad network, dont play. If someone dont have brain and dying from mobs, need to change it because if his insane ? Idk guys, but it is the main target why i played and trying to be neat. If it is hard, it doesnt mean that you need to go by removing.
  5. NO I dont wanna play star war server It is game mechanic, if you dont like it - >>> quit and go to another server (star war) without this. Maybe let PK people not drop too, because they farmed items by weeks??? yeap, it will be fair!!! .......... no words Tetris is peacfull game, try - you will like it.
  6. Had same problem, loosing to dwarf because he controll char and using skills with my fear
  7. The strangest post I`ve seen.
  8. Anyone do what he wanna at this game and i didnt see any problems if top people defending their strategic goals. I m not on their side, yesterday i died myself 3-4 times from Dev8. But it is something to do. And it was interesting, i killed their pk char and took some magic rings haha
  9. my opinion: if i m newbie, i will not go to farm RB, specialy at low lvl. Where i can take adena/equip? - Yes, solo farming/spoiling
  10. now you can reach high lvl in 2-4 days
  11. Dont know what you are talking about. I saw people fighting with parties, now summer is, some people have hollydays and etc - dont playing, but some people in clans with wars still playing and try to group from time to time - i can fill missing slot in fights + to be helpful in sieges (and i participating in olly)
  12. Hello! Just finished 3rd prof, ready to go pvp. Know how to play, what to do. Need slot in clan with wars, cant keep prime time, chaotic playing. Eng/Rus speaking Write here or PM ingame RagnBoneMan Thx