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Posts posted by Narmontas

  1. Hello people :)  As far I'm as one of the many testers  was supervising the progress of fixing bugs. And since beta there are still lots of stuff which should be altered/fixed a bit.

    Some of them are very minor , some of them aren't. Maybe it should be placed into suggestions section as well , but since it has to do reporting I made a this topic.

    For some people I'd like to answer this :  

    1. Why make this topic with some already known issues?   -  Because some topics are in "discussions" section , another ones are without any provided reference , and others have been just forgotten by the staff (because they have been very busy) . 

    2. All issues are from my own point of view so I'm not claiming anything or repeating some well known bugs...

    3. This topic is made to make an attention for the staff that there are still some glitches. And it's not necessary to put them on Number 1 priority to fix them but I hope that It will be checked and 100 percent will be fixed.

    4. Just at least don't flame me because I'm spending my own time placing videos , screens instead of leveling my own char...



    Some monsters are pretty OP and it has an explanation - Back when it was beta in ruins of agony and despair there was some monsters level 30+ . It was fixed - monsters level  was corrected but the stats have remained the same... So that's what we got at this moment ... : Skeleton Trackers , Skeleton Scout , Ruins Imp , Ruins Imp Elder , Zombie warrior.

    Let's start with reference and description of monsters:

    note : their not only hp is higher but p.atk , m.atk , all stats value overall... 

    Skeleton Tracker - 17 lvl    472 HP - Ruins of Agony.      Here -> 785 Hp...Скелет_Следопыт
     And here's reference in this server : 

    Skeleton Scout -  19 lvl   537 HP - Ruins of Agony.     Here->  780 Hp...Скелет_Разведчик

    And here's reference in this server :

    Ruins Imp - 17 lvl    472 HP - Ruins of Despair.  Here-> 750 Hp...Бес_Руин

    And here's reference in this server :

    Ruins Imp Elder -  21 lvl    608 HP - Ruins of Despair.   Here-> 1130 Hp...Старший_Бес_Руин

    And here's reference in this server :

    Zombie Warrior - 22 lvl   646 HP - Ruins of Despair.  Here-> 1190Воин_Зомби

    And here's reference in this server :


    Note : This is video proof of Innova classic v1. server Ruins of despair farming :  You can see that database  reflects all in game information.


    Wrong Monster Names : 

    1. Tyrant Kingpin   (Here Tyrant Elder)

    2. Tainted Zombie (Here Contortion of Lunacy) 




    Npc Dialogs : 

    1. Kamael_wtf.png

    All starting npc telling bullsh1t about kamael and soul harbor. This is classic only 5 Races. All links to kamael must be deleted. This NPC dialogue should be altered : all character zones all Starting NPC's

    2. Dialog_1.png

    Kartia is a female dark elf - "Him" should be  -> Her.


    3. Bones that Tell Future Quest Description should say : "not hunt skeletons" But : "Hunt Hunter Skeletons and Skeleton Hunter archers" - Since only these 2 skeletons drops q items (And since q item drop rate is very low IT IS A MUST!).


    SS consumption :  Even though I updated a client some of the weapons are still got incorrect SS usage number : Some lower lvl no gr items consuming 2 ss while description says otherwise.

    Will be updated...  I hope at least someone from the staff will notice this post...

  2. Buy Elven Tunic 90k. I saw ppl selling it for 100k but it was a while ago and don't know if they already sold em. But constantly they are dropped in Forgotten temple SO if you have it dropped and don't need it send it to me via mail. I\ll cover sending expenses ;)  

    IGN : DunmerOfSteel

  3. It says spoil rate x2 right? Then why the hell when monsters chance is 45-50% to give material remains the same?  We were spoiling fire archers for braided hemps... In forgotten temple. And they gave hems like 40-50% chance... so if the chance is retail like what does this x2 spoil gives? Tell me...

  4. Don't make fun out of yourselves... The most people already learned how does the skill works. I got 2 shamans in clan and no one complains. If you can't understand mechanics of  this chronicle ask some higher level players? and only then post on forum? BTW you kept  making topics of same issue which is not even a bug and still can't understand why almost no one gives a sh1t ;)

  5. bots everywhere?

    wtf you mean boxts? all farm zones taken by active people i saw only once bots he was banned on my eyes everyone is afraid to use bot because map is too small for that after updates maybe will be some , or only ant dwarven village to spoil mats , but i think its good its rise material on server and will be price lesser so less cry more exp QQ

    ​Yeah... here is no bots... Bots is fictional thing... LOLZ try  farm around dion... yesterday found at night 90% population that are bots. Always running with stupid setting , healing support archer shooting w/o shots no mp sits... and like dumbass running around ...

  6. Well tried dagger in BETA. Was true piece of sh*t ... 52 lvl backstab dealth 1.6k dmg to dark blue monster (tamlin orc archer) ... Don't know about them here... But since admin said that thy will do later in future some balancing stuff for classes I keep my faith in dagger classes and took Dark elven one... If they still will suck at least I can go +wit dyes and make a hexer poisoner and range unit to harrass destro ant tank classes muahahah ^^

  7. The administration have more important things to do than change quest description, wouldn't you agree?

    ​Ofc I do ;)  But even a smallest fixes shows people that something is changing staff is working and stuff... :)
    Mainly it takes up to 10 minutes to change such a small fixes. I've heard that san0 for example can fix some minor  stuff like Monster/NPC name , quest description and stuff while lack in ability where needs complex programming and stuff. Maybe I will ask him.
    There's always some people that can  spare their 10 minutes of time to fix some minor issues. The things they don't do because they lack information or just sometimes forgets. Btw thx for clarification I already made a small list of bugs/errors that have been reported on live 3-4 weeks ago that takes maximum 20 minutes of time and still havent been fixed ;)
    To be honest  I'll begin to like you ... :D

  8. The idea of helping is to assist, to contribute if you will. If you expect to yern some rewards from it i don't think you have help on your mind but tester with benefits. So do you want to play on test server for fun or do you look for profit on anything?

    I already helped to fix things, i have Lv50+ character on RUclassic... Even chated with San0 on Skype, i don't care about profit, i just wanted to test Lv50+ things and do reports if you care.

    Your choise.

    ​The more people like you my friend and this server might hit the records ;)
    Respect ;)

  9. Well according to majority of people they think this is modified c1... still if quest description is broken it could be  fixed in order to dismiss inconveniences ;) Its easy to close your eyes and claim that everything is fine. while lots of stuff are still incomplete ;p