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Drawler last won the day on December 25 2019

Drawler had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

12 Good

About Drawler

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    Advanced Member

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  1. So David finally get caught using adren? damn he avoided that shit for to long.
  2. Add some nice stuff to nostalgia npc like: Cloaks (all of them, from cheaps cloaks to expensive ones) not let this be attached only for events. Some cool hats Exp packages, like it was in oficial(yes exp is fast but this is not going to break the balance to much) plus people still gonna need shits of time to hit 83-85 if anyone is willing to try. VIP 1 5$: Rune exp 30% whole month. VIP 2 10$: RUNE EXP 70% WHOLE MONTH VIP 3 20$: RUNE EXP 100% WHOLE MONTH Add more stuff to the vip status (maybe a box with 10k shots or color tittles and maybe some exp scrolls to)
  3. There is not pvp because no one really cares... The gear and level gap between old cp's/clans and newcomers are to high One good cp can kill a whole random cc And our mighty lord sjeks seems to be afk so there no really nothing to do, thats why this is the best time for randoms to do their shit and close the gap level/gear cap.
  4. Wait.. what? there is a secret side on server having pvp 24/7? tell me more please.
  5. What about change the rates to 10x and make everyone start from 55 with low c armor/jews/weapon.
  6. This pretty much. Lineage 2 is still alive because the oldschool players refused to play other things beside this game. Lineage 2 good days are over, right now l2 is a business for pretty much everyone, dedicate yourself hard enough so when you leave you at least get some money back for all your effort.
  7. Drawler

    WTB List:

    WTB: Blue Wolf Heavy Set +6 or +8 x2 ? Greater Sword +12 or more Bellion Cestus +12 or more Toi 6 x 2 Refined AQ x 2 ? Refined Core x 2 ? Mail price here or pm Drawler in game.
  8. If you are one of those clans that play with the "old clan system" then you're never going to be in the same conditions. Btw, have you ever play l2? high levels killing low level is usual stuff.
  9. Drawler

    HR Recluta.

    Si son espaƱoles, latinos porque abren un post en Ingles? ? Buena suerte.
  10. Drawler

    WTS TOP EXP 44+

    What the price if i want all the drops to?
  11. Drawler


    Nice troll we have here.