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purecocain last won the day on December 1 2020

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7 Neutral

About purecocain

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  1. purecocain

    Drop calculator

  2. szukamy aktywnego bd do cp eu prime pm PureCocain clan lvl 5 clan InYourDreams
  3. then farmers will just sit in ass with 1 acc with 10 cams hehe its classic yes ? so lets make it classic
  4. well i dont get why all rbs we can see in map lets make it more oldschool no map with rbs all need make cam lets go back to old times
  5. nice no train makers any more they lose job gg admins <3
  6. WTS BELION +8 350kk WTS GS +8 230kk WTS KARMIAN ARMOR +7 45kk WTS KARMIAN STOCKINGS +7 45kk WTB BELION +10 600kk WTS DOOM HVY ARMOR +6 60kk
  7. CP LF Member with necro for pvp and tyrant for pve
  8. InYourDreams Recruting RECRUTING : - Active players with sense of teamwork. - Who are able to use discord , can understand and speak english. - Stable, loyal and mature persons who can follow the clan rules. Make sure you are not carebear and you like PVP We Recruting supp class + mages and cp's Add me discord PureCocain#3857 for more Info About clan : ower old clans and servers : l2 frienz l2 roxy 5x / 7x = Warfare Clan l2 dex 5x and Wrath 9x = OutOfControl rpg club 1x 5x 15x = OutOfcontrol / QQ / InYourDreams Teon / Naia / official Edited February 12 by purecocain
  9. InYourDreams Recruting RECRUTING : - Active players with sense of teamwork. - Who are able to use discord for clan and teamspeak for siege , can understand and speak english. ower (CP MEMBERS FROM Poland/Canada/RUS/LT/POR ) - Stable, loyal and mature persons who can follow the clan rules. Make sure you are not carebear and you like PVP We Recruting ONLY CP's !!! 9 active ppl no box Add me discord PureCocain#3857 for clan rulez and voice chat in game pm me PureCocain Info About clan : -We have 10 years experience with l2 ower old clans and servers : l2 frienz l2 roxy 5x / 7x = Warfare Clan l2 dex 5x and Wrath 9x = OutOfControl rpg club 1x 5x 15x = OutOfcontrol / QQ / InYourDreams